Killer proposal: LOST Monster (SMOKEY)


I do know how many more Killer's are planned but i thought that a worthwhile suggestion would be Smokey from LOST. If you are familiar with the show the smoke monster even has it's own sound as it moves about. I don't remember if it had theme music.

I can hear it now working on a generator and hearing the noise approach and smokey darting between palm tree's on a beach shoreline as it approaches the player. I figure it would have human form and smoke form. It would be like switching as you do with Wraith as you move about with each form it's perks. I would say for the Smokey kill player animation would be the classic as the show. Grab em by the ankle in smoke form and whip them against the ground a few times.

It would be funny to see a few of the "lost survivors" added to as for characters. Not sure which ones players would want to suggest. Even a beach themed map with broken fuselage, scattered debris, luggage and a hanging corpse in the tree's. Been wanted to suggest this for a while, I'm sure it would attract a lot of attention.

I think it would be a fun and exciting update.
