Why new ruin can never be as useful as old ruin

To put it simply new ruins mechanics favor killers that can apply lots of pressure very easily with little effort (Billy, Freddy, Spirit, and Nurse). Here's why smart people know this change is bad, it punishes the weakest killers in the game like Legion, Clown, and Bubba the hardest. For some reason whether people don't understand or are just misinforming people intentionally but "Just apply pressure" doesn't go well with a killer who's redeeming feature is a fart in a jar or the unique power to stab people, now combine that with a 12km^2 map and god loops next to jungle gyms and maybe you start to see the problem. Apparently it does take a genius to understand that bit as we can see by the occasional "Stop complaining trash killer" posts by people who forget to realize the devs are human too and make mistakes as well (Why do you think Old Legion was a thing for so long).
Bottom line is does making stronger killers stronger and weaker killers weaker really all that good for the game? You wanna nerf weaker killers bandaid to trash map design at least do it after the reason why 80% of red rank games had it is fixed (or at the same time preferably).
Ruin isn't really good on Clown. Corrupt Intervention is better.
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Why especially on clown? I could understand on trapper, as he is a region specific killer that can set up his area with this perk. What special benefit does Clown have?
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Some people will not understand the problem because they simply can not understand it. Ranks are filled with potatoes anyway, they play a match vs boosted people and explain how powerful that thing is. Any person with no bias will tell you that totems do not make it to the endgame.
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For 2 minutes yeah