Proposal for balancing the Hex Ruin

pandorayr Member Posts: 613
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

A Hex that affects the Survivors skills at repairing Generators.

All Survivors are affected by Ruin, which causes the following:

  • All Survivors receive a penalty of 40/45/50 % to their Repair.
  • Good Skill Checks result in a 0% Progression on the Generator.
  • Great Skill Checks grant 7% Bonus Progression on the Generator.
  • Failing the Skill Check results in an additional -1% Regression penalty.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.


  • Now repairing and obtain a good skill check not penalize the players but if the speed repair penalty is hold on 40/45/50%, this would make hex ruin some less annoying.
  • Temporarily solve rush-gen until a secondary objective is added for survivors
