What do you think is bhvr ratings as a company? Great, good,ok or bad?

snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Title says all. IM just wondering


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I think they are ok-good.

    They make some mistakes every now and then, but I do think that they care about the game.

    They also have staff that are fairly active on the forums, which is a plus for airing issues and concerns.

  • Gravewalker200
    Gravewalker200 Member Posts: 451
    edited January 2020

    Good or borderline ok. If I add how much I enjoy the game then it is great.

    Edit: Guy below me said a number rating so I give 8.25/10

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    BHVR is a good company. They have made this amazing game. They deal with our complaints daily, and they all seem like genuinely nice people (Those damn Canadians). The problems arise with them not listening to their community enough, and the balance team could be better. They also have a problem with lack of communication at times. 6/10.

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    They are a company that cares about their product and their customers. They make some pretty odd balance choices now and then, but from what I gather the team is as split in these choices as the community. More importantly, I'm still playing so they're definitely doing something right. I'd rate them high

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188
    edited January 2020

    I was just wondering

  • Siren
    Siren Member Posts: 71

    Do you mean their ratings from their player base or their actually business ratings?

    Because Behavior is actually an award winning company. You can see it all on their website, so business rating wise they're pretty good.

    What the player base will tell you is probably entirely different, but any opinion given by the player base should be taken with a grain of salt really lol

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188


  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188
    edited January 2020

    Both. Ikr that's why i don't take the players opinions.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Ok or (low)Good.

    Recent events have hurt them but they usually are pretty communicative with their player base and they are doing a lot to update their game.

    There are tons of bugs and issues, but overall they have been pretty decent. I just hope they don't continue with the mindset they have shown lately.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Honestly they seem like positive people but the balancing decisions... oh man. As people, the devs are wonderful, good people, but when it comes to balancing, let's just say patch 1.9.2. made a lot of people lose faith in the dev's ability to properly balance the game. Considering everything, I would give the devs a solid 6/10. If the devs can start balancing the game with actual balance (addressing fundamental issues such as game mechanics) instead of continuously nerfing killers (yes survivors get nerfed too but very rarely) then I would easily bump them up to an 8/10. They just need to have better communication with the community and listen to popular opinion, because let's face it: The game should be influenced by the experienced and skilled (purple & red ranks, both survivors and killers), not new players. Let's face it, nerfing the experienced players to boost the new players (yes that's what's happening, the devs are literally boosting their own player base) to appease them is not a good move. Being boosted by SWF buddies is one thing, but being boosted by your own devs is just... wow. 6/10. Fix gen speeds, revert all the nerfs to killers and survivors (with the exception of instaheals), be consistent with fixing bugs, and they'll become an 8/10.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    It depends who you ask.

    Employees might like working there but that doesn't mean BHVR is managing their games well.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    I won't condemn anyone who is part of the art design team, as I feel like they're quite talented. Everyone else, on the other hand.. well, let's just say that if I performed my job as poorly as they did, I'd be fired.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237


    Idea is great, but they just make too many mistakes

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836

    Due note, I’m not at all talking about game balance when I say this; since that’s mostly subjective, and what they want for the game.

    But I’d say they’re very much mediocre to incompetent.

    Just when compared to other companies I patronize; slow updates, poor servers, broken patches, consistently reoccurring game breaking bugs like audio, and so on.

    Art team seems great though.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    I think, they once were really good. I enjoyed my time with DBD, exploring the game and the close exchange with the devs. I still have found memories of not_Queen and MCote answering my questions live and directly during their frequent devstreams.

    We really could ping ideas around and you really felt the excitement and engagement of the devs.

    Now it has become much more corporate. Questions get selected and filtered/censored, the mods admittedly pay most attention to the loudest crowd and the monetization is becoming more dominant and for my taste disgustingly annoying.

    Base game plus all dlc over 120.- plus cosmetics plus season pass. Yet old and known issues are getting ignored rigorously. God window at ironworks of misery, no 2 trap Trapper base, address the grind and make the game more accessable for new players etc.

    There are a lot QL-changes that would make the game so much more amazing, but are not lucrative for the company.

    I feel, the devs are now out of touch. Dedicated Servers and broken matchmaking on top of high map rng made the game unplayable/unenjoyable for me right now.

    The recent Ruin changes just confirm that the priorities has shifted and now other values are more important to the company than the game and "veteran gamers".

    To answer OPs question.

    In the beginning I would have given 8-9/10 and now I am at a 1-2/10.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Solid 4. Lack of direction for their game. Matt Walker on maps. Quick to make superficial changes but avoids making meaningful fixes to core game issues.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Terrible at their worst, below average at best. They need to step it up in every area that isn't art design.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188
  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    The way I feel right now, I'll rate them 1/10. This is the most expensive game I own. This game requires more of a grind than most any other game I own. And I have to wait 10+ minutes to play a 6 minute match.

  • niemniemnieeem
    niemniemnieeem Member Posts: 77

    i dunno, man, what do you think? been 4 months of error in several regions and for random people on all platforms. the error that does not allow us to play because ~40-60% of queues we can't get a match.

    bhvr never publicly addressed the issue. never apologized. never compensated with at least bloodpoints. most people with this error are not English-speaking so bhvr doesn't care.

    and overall they get away with many things and don't even apologise(recent server problem where people couldn't play for 7 hours on Sunday and only recognition of problem happened 3 hours after it occurred and bhvr never even said sorry. literally. not even "sorry for inconvenience". they just said crap like "thanks for your patience" or something).

    they get away with this bs because there is no good alternative to dbd and they literally abuse it.

    so you tell me. is it good, bad, ok or god damn trash?

  • Freshwick
    Freshwick Member Posts: 71

    Pretty bad considering they still treat this game as a beta..

    Bhvr has zero quality control with game breaking bugs introduced with almost every update.

    Although it's impressive they can land big license's imo the publisher Starbreeze is to thank. Payday 2 had so much success with the licensed dlc's the groundwork was already laid.

    And for whatever reason they're making the same mistakes as Overkill by creating a mobile version and funneling resources into a another game (deathgarden) instead of a proper sequel.


  • Kreatya
    Kreatya Member Posts: 35

    So first of all, BHVR is not equal the DBD team. So I assume the question is to rate the DBD team instead of the entire company.

    As a former Overwatch semi-pro player, I would rate the DBD team 8/10.

    Look at what they have created and improved! The game had around average 7k player online 3 years ago and now it’s average 20k! They did a good job! Many things have been improved! New features and contents have been constantly introduced into the game! Compared to garbage Overwatch? Freaking Amazing! They also listen to the community and give feedbacks, although yes they still need to work on this aspect. Since the Stranger Things chapter, many new players have be attracted into this game and it is very reasonable for the team to try to remove things that felt annoying for new players. However, I think they need to consider that the true player base is those most experienced old players. The new players would eventually become them as well. If you make a change that feels good for new bloods but drives old customers away, that is not good and the game will die.

    So over all they did an amazing job so far but still have much room for improvement!

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    Mostly good. Can't knock them for wanting to make money. Who doesn't? lol But they could fix the issues the game has, at least the serious ones that have a drastic affect on gameplay. Overall, though, I think it's probably REALLY complicated to make a game like this and they work hard and put in effort and creativity and to share it with all of us takes guts. I admire that and I think they're okay people. Because people are what a company is made of and sometimes we forget that.

    The game itself would do well with a make-over in the graphics department with maps that are more "alive" and natural. It's not bad now but I think it would be amazing with some Battlefront 2 graphics and with the intent to create scary environments. I've definitely mentioned that before. I'm sure it's not easy to do, though. I think that'll come eventually in the future with funding and time. Just like everything else. Patience is key, I guess.

    But if they fixed the issues the game has, especially the connection and matchmaking ones, I think people wouldn't complain as much. As much being the keyword because we all know people will never actually stop complaining. xD

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    Being a fairly new player that started playing this game this past October, I can’t really give my take on how I view them since the beginning, but I’ll give my take on how I view them recently.

    I think art and music are top notch (The customizations are always so good and I love the main DBD theme, especially the survivor version) but I do find myself questioning some choices they make in terms of game balance. There’s a ton of improvements this game needs and often times the changes they do end up making make no sense at all.

    I do like that some members are pretty active on the forums and interacting with players often though. That’s always a good sign.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    edited January 2020

    I can only speculate.

    I think, they once had a really great vision of the horror game, they wanted to create.

    Then it got off, more than they expected and suddenly had to deal with a lot of ######### and things were getting expensive. Especially now with dedicated servers that requires more maintenance.

    With a bigger company and success of the game, they needed to set priorities, and getting themselves and their staff payed as well require enough funding to keep the game running became a big, if not the biggest one.

    Now working on the game itself becomes more of a pet project than the main focus, and that's frustrating, I imagine. Now every decision have to be run by a "is it lucrative?" thought, and not just, "is it fun and cool?".

    Personally SWFs, specific voice also killed a lot of the original vision of the game. If you watch early gameplay footage of the devs, you see, they play pretty immersed. They are not flashlight in your face, tbagging, 360, moonwalkers.

    But reworking every information perk and "hidden perk" would cost a lot of time and money with no revenue.

    They try their best, by gradually reworking killers and maps, but there seems to be a very tight timeline.

    SWFs and survivors are their biggest crowd by default, and they bring in the money, so decisions had be made.

    I don't blame them entirely. It's just a natural process, but the way the game is evolving, is simply no longer a game I can support with my money.

    I loved the dynamic between killer and survivors, the fight for survival and hunt for the prey.

    I know, it is pretty egoistic of me, to want the devs to forgo some revenue and focus on the game health (maps, timers, interactive secondary objectives) and make some QL-changes.

    A big turn off is surely the toxic swamp we, the community, can degrade when we get caught up in screaming matches about survivor or killer side, despite we all love the game the devs have made. That's why some of us fought so fierce and get so frustrated.

    Yeah, that's about it, I tried to keep it "short" but got lost in my thoughts. My apologies.

    So far
