After a year of being a survivor I learned a couple things...

I was toxic when it came to having a bad beginning in my games. I felt frustrated playing against certain killers. I thought ruin and NOED were completely unfair. That being said, I feel I have grown as a survivor.

After playing solo and having my fair share of teammates DC on me I rarely DC anymore. I'm not perfect, but if I am downed in the first minute I have stopped DC'ing.

Watching some of my favorite DBD streamers has helped immensely to "Git Gud". I learned the counters to NOED and ruin. Small game or detective's hunch.

The last thing I would add to this list is playing killer. Now I do not have enough games under my belt to be considered a killer main, but I can see why killers use ruin.

I was thinking DBD developers should consider a new ranking system. One for your casuals and one for the tryhards like myself.

In some strategy games, divisions are night and day. Whereas, sports like... checkers you can only be so much better than your opponent. I have experienced in DBD, whether the devs want to admit this or not, rank difference matters. Separation of casuals and ranked players matters. Even if there isn't a rank separation pitting players against similar skill is a more enjoyable experience than acting as if it doesn't matter. StarCraft is a great game to know this to be true. My friend and I played against a Master rank StarCraft player and even though we were two people we barely survived our 2v1 experience. Now, in StarCraft, 1v1 is how games are normally competed. Mobas is another great example of why rank division and casual play exists. Ranks are super toxic and casual is slightly better.

For the red ranks, maybe making totems an requirement should be implemented. NOED is a natural result for not finding all the totems and 1 mori is available too. It is a risk the survivors are willing to take for a chance some of them make it out.

For the casual players, same old 4 gen objective. NOED is a hex perk. Keys allow one person to leave. Basically, vanilla DbD.

I have been watching red ranks through Tru3Talent and have seen some incredible gameplay of the upper ranks and have a better understanding why killers are not satisfied with the current system. After doing a year of game development I can also say, it doesn't take forever to make some of the changes people have been asking for. Listen to your community devs. Happy 2020.

Kudos for End Game Collapse, Instant heals (they should be different rarity now, though), and map rework on Lery's. You are at least doing something. Everyone should remember that.


  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    The only problem with there being a casual and ranked playlist would be that it splits the already player count in half. the game already has horrible matchmaking and this would make it worse.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    There is one thing I've always learned and it's to play both sides consistently.

    Whenever facing a killer, always think 'what would I do as a killer in this situation'. Same when chasing a survivor. Has helped me alot.