Playing Killer Gives Me Anxiety

Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

How do Killer mains do it? I swear I'm on edge 90% of the match, there is way too much pressure. I'm pretty bad so I guess thats a portion of the reason why. How do you guys keep map pressure?


  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    If you are playing killers with low mobility use map offerings.

    If you don't want to sweat too much try playing as Ghostface with sloppy/nurse's and use map offeerings for The Game, Lery's and Hawkins. Juggle and don't commit to chases too much. After you notice you are actually applying pressure with him I think you'll get the idea of how to pressure the gens with other killers.

    Hope this helps.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    The big thing with killer is not every killer is good (despite certain stats released by some people) also use perks for things you seem to struggle with you'll get the hang of it I also learned playing survivor can help you play killer

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    I didn't read all the comments but I'm sure some will give you crap. I agree completely. Anymore I play a killer match then I have to play a survivor match or two to relax before going back to killer. It helps.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    It's opposite for me. Playing survivor gives me anxiety while playing killer just makes me sort of tense and maybe even a little angry if everyone escapes. But that's why I like switching between the two because they're completely different experiences and it keeps me calm and relaxed. 😁

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    oh, the pressure wont go down.

    its really rare that you actually have some time to waste.

    i personally stopped playing killer excessivley a long time ago. im currently playing a couple of matches in the evening and thats it, nothing big.

    i still dont understand how many content creators can stream killer for like 6 hours straight, to me that would be undoable xD

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    Tbh, I've started feeling this way ever since I started testing no ruin runs for the upcoming update. Best thing you can do is play the more viable killers since they have the tools to pressure and down effectively.

  • liquidlight
    liquidlight Member Posts: 344

    I think if ruin is "gone" a good replacement, and I might get crap for it but it works for me, is Discordance. It allows me to stop people from working on gens together and helps avoid gen rushes. I don't have too much of a problem unless I get put up against some very skilled survivors. Also thanat… I forgot how to spell it. Thanatophobia. That's a good one, too, if you don't mind hitting and releasing rather than following through on every chase.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I used to feel like that sometimes.

    Then i reminded myself of the fact that videogames are supposed to be entertainment.

    So i started playing in ways i enjoy, and here i still am.

  • _VTK_
    _VTK_ Member Posts: 383

    That's probably why many demand 2vs8 mode. One of the reasons is, you wouldn't be alone anymore.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    I've actually been using discordance a lot with no ruin, helps A LOT. Without ruin, I think that Discordance and PGTW are gonna be the core perks for trying to pressure and slow the game down because having 2 people on a gen and not knowing is basically a free gen for them.

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    I get the same exact way. I usually play a couple Survivor games in between Killer matches to take it a bit easy. But yeah, I’m also working towards just having fun as Killer even if I lose, rather than being sweaty all match trying to get these kills xD

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    I feel that killers are required to prove higher and higher skill cap with every patch meanwhile survivors has more and more comfortable and no stress games. Map pressure literally doesnt exist. If survivors are capable of finishing gen in 1 min, there is no way how pressure all gens and be on 5 places at once.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    That's me too

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    That's because you never know if you're going to get a sweaty survivor team.

    Some people have suggested taking the game less seriously and that's actually good advice.

    Just don't let yourself become complacent with poor balance.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Playing nerfed Nurse is the most rage inducing experience I’ve ever had

  • UntilValhalla13
    UntilValhalla13 Member Posts: 182

    I've just started playing the game myself, and killer also gives me anxiety. XD trying to figure out the lunge range and missing. Some times it seems to hit further than others? Hitting a survivor and occasionally just losing them completely, causing further spazzing out. My main issue always seemed to be locating survivors. I haven't been able to try survivor yet because the queues were ridiculous.


  • NuovaS_17
    NuovaS_17 Member Posts: 13

    I feel anxious because I know how strong survivors can potentially be lol

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    I suggest that you just relax and play the game. Sometimes I 4k, sometimes I 0k. Most often I spend time trying to recreate Scooby-Doo moments and don't take it so seriously. Ends up being quite a bit of fun.

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351

    Just feel how tense you get (shoulders, neck, back) when you're chasing a survivor. Just relax those muscles like you're shrugging at something that doesn't matter. You will start having fun. Trust me.

  • Tro
    Tro Member Posts: 223
    edited January 2020

    "Johnble‎Jan‎ ‎11‎, ‎2020

    Most often I spend time trying to recreate Scooby-Doo moments and don't take it so seriously."

    This is one of the best comments ive read "Scooby-Doo moments" lol. As for the OP, as a killer you have to bring the right perks and addons for certain killers at red ranks because sadly unless you are either hillbilly, spirit, or really good, going against swf is just toxic but most of the time you can get 2-4k if its not a swf w comms. I suggest if you are trying to learn a new killer, either custom matches to learn him, make a second account so you can start at r20, or don't care about rank and get stomped till you learn.

    Post edited by Tro on
  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Yeah same.It awful when a horror game gives you more stress and anxiety when you are playing the killer. lol

  • Nhekii
    Nhekii Member Posts: 124

    seek help, it's not normal to feel such strong emotions as anxiety while playing a video game made for your entertainment.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Your ability to maintain pressure on the map is based on:

    1. The killer you pick.
    2. The ability of the survivors to optimally do generators.
    3. Your willingness to make optimal if unfun plays (slugging, camping, tunneling).
    4. The map.
    5. The skill of the survivors on said map.

    Two of those factors are in your control, two are in the survivors control, and one is typically in the survivor's favor (maps).

  • JarvisVOID
    JarvisVOID Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2021

    Today I read on another forum that a guy, playing mafia and hitmen, experienced not only anxiety, but also panic attacks. Another guy replied that such games destroy the human psyche and should be avoided. I didn't know anything about it. Even when I experienced anxiety and fear when playing mafia, I didn't pay attention to it. The only time I was really scared was when I started panicking at the thought of killing. If I hadn't been there then I would definitely go crazy

    Post edited by JarvisVOID on
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2021

    I mean people stress because they are focused on winning and losing.

    Honestly once you realize the game is a giant load of unfair BS and nothing in it matters because of it; you kinda just start enjoying the game more for the things like chases and using your power and such, so you don't really care about anything else.

    Like when you think about it, what is so stressful? Trying to manage everything as the gens fly by? If all the gens go so what, survivors held M1 and then left with no interaction that's boring as hell, so if they "Won" so be it. A lot of survivors will play extra risky in post game, do other stuff, and in general not just hold m1 and leave anyways because they want to have fun too.

    Just focus on enjoying the things you can do in every game. Winning will come on it's own just from enjoying the game and trying to improve at the things you enjoy in it.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    This reminds me of the old joke:

    Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this.

    Doctor: Don't do that.

    You have answered your own question. If you don't enjoy Killer, don't play it. My experience is different from a lot of people that answered you. I never felt the kind of pressure or stress that you are experiencing. I suspect the difference is expectations. I go into new games and new roles expecting to be bad at them. I fully embrace that I'm going to lose. If you go into it with such a mindset, you aren't going to be triggered by setbacks.

    As to how you keep up good map pressure, I wish I had a simple answer for you. It would take an essay, and I'm not adverse to writing it. It is just too early right now for me to get into that kind of detail. However, I will boil it down to the brass tacks. You pay a LOT of dues, i.e. hundreds of matches and hours in the game to develop the proper instincts of where to go and when. I can tell you, intellectually, how I decide but you still will not internalize it. At best, me giving you the instructions (and I will) will save you a few hours over how many I spent.

    How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice. There is no magic bullet or shortcut. I knew the basics, i.e. the right steps right from the start. I had spent time watching videos and reading articles by people who are superstars. Their knowledge helped me, I'm sure, but knowing what to do and actually applying it aren't the same thing. It takes time to internalize and instinctually do what you intellectually know you should. Does that make sense? So in short, lower your expectations, and practice.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You know, this Res post is actually still pretty relevant. There's good info here for just about everyone. I have only one thing to add: DONT EVER PLAY TRAPPER UNLESS YOU'RE MEMEING.

    Seriously, Trapper is just about the most frustrating killer in the game right now simply because of the new grass in half the maps. Any other killer you can take kind of seriously and have fun with, but as Trapper you absolutely will get back-to-back trials where you essentially don't have a power. No, worse: you waste your own time trying to use your power.

    If you want a chill and stress-free time, maybe play Nurse. At least then you can just tell yourself that one day you will be a god amongst mortals.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    It fades with time, but does show it's face every so often.

    Also i find going against a sweaty SWF makes it worse for a few matches.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2021

    Weird that this was resurrected out of the blue...

    But I do enjoy Killer..

    I have anxiety when playing, but it doesn’t mean I don’t like playing Killer.

    However, I do agree I have gotten a lot more practice since then and I found out that I’m a Hag main 100%. I really love playing defensively with her and I’ve toned down my expectations/wants when playing. @Echorion said it best and I wish I would’ve seen their response before.

    Edit: change “his” to “their”

    I don’t like to assume genders or put pronouns out there without permission to address someone as such.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Trapper used to be fun in Yellow ranks. Once you hit the Greens he gets a bit tough to do things with. But overall I do agree, this post can help a lot of people who want to pick up Killer and I appreciate everyone who posted useful and helpful information in here. 💜

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    same with solo queue survivor. i see a claudette, i immediately assume that she has self care+urban evasion. i also need to worry what killer im going up against cuz if its a red rank nurse, my teammates are goners

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Accept that it's ok to lose or even just throw a game for fun. I used to be competitive and stress over every match, but doing dailies and rift challenges using killers and perks I'm not good with taught me that winning doesn't really matter. With a new killer, I might win by M1ing, but if I'm going to learn a new power, I have to lose some. Not giving a ######### is fun.

    You get a lot of points in this game for losing, sometimes more than winning. Just say F it, and start a match you can't possibly win. Drop all the perks you rely on and try a new loadout, you'll probably lose but you might find a perk you love.

    Also calming down will make you better.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited March 2021

    Y'all doing it wrong.

    • Embrace your weakness, room for improvement is never something to get anxious over or feel bad about
    • Go watch professional play and reliable streamers, Otzdarva, OhTofu, Ascension, are some I can think of off the bat that are phenomenal on multiple killers
    • Dissect the meta. Don't just learn it, understand it and abuse it (And then Monitor if you're feeling punny)
    • The advice you get here is going to be incomplete, WATCH VIDEOS, you wanna know how that Pyramid head scores those double hits on hook? You want to land clutch Deathslinger shots on the short loops with pallets survivors abuse? Want to see how to stack up exposes properly on ghostface? There are literally videos for all of this. IMPORTANT: You can't just understand the game and play well with any killer, you need to practice that killer. Religiously at first, and then branch out to other killers
    • Grow
    • Watch your anxiety transform into palpable, child-like joy as you realize you're consistently making survivors ######### their pants and lose their minds

    I started this game three months ago and I am a rank 1 killer and survivor now. I sincerely believe I spent more time studying then actually playing. You can be out of your mind competitive and still not tilt or get frustrated. Every single match is different, there is so much data to parse and learn from. Go get 'em.

    Edit: Fixed typos and improved clarity.