DC penalties are a terrible idea as of right now

Was in a game. Pressed M2 to repair a gen with a toolbox I just looted. Game freezes, sends me to the endgame screen telling me I DCd.
Next game. Freezes halfway in the loading screen. Match cancells, I have to restart the game.
The problem is, this happens at least twice a day to me. How on Earth can you implement DC penalties in a game this unstable? How much lobby timeout would I have to wait everyday without actually DCing?
If as much as 10% of the punishes from a system go to people who did nothing wrong, the system is bad.
I'm in favor of DC penalties in functional games.
Fix the game. Then punish people for DCing. Otherwise you're just punishing people for losing the game crash lottery.
Dedicated servers just came to PS4, and sometimes the survivors are getting screwed over hard by it, I'm amazed they don't just disconnect. Failed skill checks, rubber banding. I dunno if the survivors saw themselves rubber banding or if to them it looked like I hit them from a mile away, but whatever, if the devs can't get this stuff in working order, then this is no time for DC penalties.
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Yeah after writing it I just took 3 dedicated hits as survivor in the same game. Guess it's time to play something else for today because I'm tilted.
Dedicated servers were not a good idea but they're still fixable, let's just hope they can do it.
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me: cant heal teammates or do gens
fr tho its kinda annoying if they go through with it
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love it
But yeah it's just BS. People DCing is bad for the game but people getting punished for the game's shortcomings is way worse.
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As a PS4 player I can attest to what you are saying. The dedicated servers have made things worse. Longer queue times are the worst part for me. I have noticed I am hitting far far less perfect skill checks since the dedicated servers came into play. It kinda sucks that they switched us to dedicated servers that cause slight time delays in a game where timing is rather important for many aspects.
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Dedicated servers will be a major mistake if they can't fix them, that's for sure.
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The amount of legitimate DCs severely out numbers the amount of accidental ones.
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The amount of legitimate crimes severely outnumbers the amount of wrongly convicted people. Does that mean the system is good if people are still getting punished for literally nothing?
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Being banned for a few minutes from a game is literally not even somewhat close of a punishment as a real life crime.
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It doesn't matter. Punishes should be for offenders, not for people screwed by bad game programming.
As I said before. If as much as 10% of your punishes go for people who did nothing wrong the system is bad and shouldn't exist. I would lower it to 5% tbh because I've never seen a game that takes itself seriously with that many people being punished without doing anything.
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Dude, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Why implement a system like this when the game itself can make you get grounded for six hours without disconnecting ONCE?
It's a horror story and the sad thing is that it can happen to anyone. No matter how good your PC is and no matter how much of a good sport you are, if you get BHVRd it's all meaningless for the DC penalty system.
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And the system was supposed to scale down when you played matches normally lol
If they really want to implement this they need a more forgiving system. No DC ban from any decent game flags as many false positives as the one they tested.
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You get force DC'd only twice a day? I envy you.
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Yeah lucky me
When I'm playing with friends we take turns getting force DCd tho, so when the penalties hit live we can take involuntary 5min breaks every two games. Looking forward to that.
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All games with DC penalties are like this. It doesn't care whether you intentionally disconnected or your game crash. All it knows is you're no longer in the game and to punish you. From what I can tell there's no way to code the game so it knows the difference cause literally every game I've played with DC penalties is this way.
Best thing I can tell you is to just play on Xbox cause it's never crashed on me. Only time I've disconnected is when my WiFi drops out.
Also I don't feel like they should have DC penalties at all. They've gone all this time without them so why implement them now?
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Yes, I know that the game can't tell the difference. What i'm saying though is that I've never seen a game that crashes as much as DBD have DC penalties.