Give us the ability to hide ranks (hear me out)!


I'm not talking we hide our rank from other people. What I'm talking about is a toggle that allows us to hide either our personal ranks or ranks in general from our own viewing.

I realize that in the leaks there was something about ranks being hidden in the post game lobby and of course that's also not what I'm talking about, nor would I ever want that. What I'm talking about is something that is entirely decided by the player rather than the developers deciding it for us.

For anyone that gets gratification from seeing their ranks go up or curious about what rank other players are, will be unaffected. I don't think we should be able to hide our ranks from other players mainly because of how... let's say inconsistent it's been with the ranking system. That's information that should be publicly known for a lot of reasons that's beside the point I'm trying to make.

For me personally, I couldn't care less about rank, and to be honest I hate seeing it go down or even up, because oftentimes I find that I'm completely confused about why I got the result in either circumstance, with the explanations still not being enough.

It would be nice to just simply have the BP results show us how much we earned, which is what I actually want to see at the end of each match.

I realize for killer the title (Ex. Entity Displeased, Brutal Killer, etc.) still tells you what pip you earned, and to be honest I don't really know a way around that other than that screen simply doesn't happen and you go right to the results.

It's great for player choice, doesn't split the community with a separate mode entirely, and for anyone still wanting to see other ranks as well as your own, that won't change a thing.

I play to have satisfying, fun matches where I can do a bunch of stuff regardless if I win or lose, and seeing those ranks often discourages my own fun. I know for some people ranks may matter and they love seeing it on themselves and others, so this changes nothing for them, but I think this'd be good for people in my boat where they don't care about their rank. As an aside, I think this would also help combat stream sniping with malicious intent.

Curious to know what people think about this, as well.