Opinions on freddy

Like the title says,what are your opinions on freddy's viability in red ranks without ruin?I myself have been doing pretty good with no addons,corrupt thrilling pop and enduring/any other perk(preferably slowdown/chase perk like bamboozle).
Leave your opinions down below,if you think he should get nerfed,what kind of position he is atm,and is he viable.
And if you want leave your favorite builds for him(That will be good after 3.5.0,so no ruin or ruin but some other perk combo together with ruin)
You don't need Ruin on Freddy at all. You also don't need chase perks at all.
All you really need on Freddy to control the game is Pop and ropes/swing chains. If you know how to use snares you can beat survivors at any loop in the game.
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Enduring/bamboozle is a good perk to use regardless. Besides,people always use ruin on freddy,atleast the freddy's i go against.
You don't need addons either,pop is good enough unless you want to win against every team with no effort by just having that passive slowdown,tho when you go against really good teams that are all actual rank 1s,you are probably gonna lose. I don't think ropes nor chains will help you there
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If you run Thana with Outdoor Rope, that means when you kick a gen with Pop it's potentially 30s of repair time you just knocked off due to the extra time it takes to redo that 25%.
I see a lot of Freddy's with Ruin still but you really don't need it. Better to rip that band-aid off now and just start using other slow down tactics.
As for Enduring/Bambo, again you shouldn't need chase perks on Freddy. You can win almost any loop in the game by spamming snares. The only loops you cannot win is shack pallet (if it's dropped you have to break it) and a few other god pallets (eg. basement pallets on Game). If you are using chase perks on Freddy you are wasting a slot that could be used to slow the game or track survivors honestly.
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i see what you mean with the chase perks,i'll start to use snares more. Rn i don't use them as much i should prob and it makes loops last longer
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Yea just spam the crap out of them. Most loops can be beat with just 1 or 2, but stronger ones like god window on Suffocation Pit need like 4. The trick is to put them on the edge of the loop, not directly on the pallet/window. What I do is stand at the pallet with the survivor on the other side of the loop, shimmy a bit back and forth as I place the snare as close to the survivor as I can. Then I push them around the long side, force them into the snare, and land the hit before they reach the pallet. It works pretty much every time and the survivor can't do much about it.
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Still viable, but like with other killers, you won't be able to play nice with him if you want to win.
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Freddy is overrated and boring. Spam snares and hope for the best.
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On Freddy I use BBQ, Whispers, Enduring, Sloppy. From my experience he doesn't really need any addons in red ranks. You could argue that he doesn't really need enduring, but I find it useful in getting the first hit on survivors that are still awake.
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Boring for me. Its just my opinion but I feel playing on easy mode when using freddy. I play on PS4, level 15 freddy without good perks or addons. Played like 20 matches with him on R1 and I think survivors struggle in versing him. Idk
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I think Freddy with Spirit Fury and Enduring paired with Nemesis and PWYF would be golden.
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Vs bad survivors, sure. I can go afk for 10min, come back and find them stuck in pallets.
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You are legit so negative in every thread. It's like you just verse all the competitive dbd league teams or smth lmao,chill out and enjoy the game a bit atleast
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Not true.
Here are all my comments: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/profile/comments/28_stabs
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This has been my preferred build ever since surge was released.
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Hes top tier now.
Take MYC, guy gets saved, you tp there, gg wp