Generators should not block BBQ auras.

Why is this even a thing? Now that lockers block auras it doesn’t really make sense that gens can block auras as well.
My understanding from what I've seen is that they don't block the aura completely, they just make it more difficult to see.
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Hmm to me it looks as though the aura gets blocked completely, but even if it’s not the survivor aura should be clearly visible imo.
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sooner or later they will nerf bbq because has over 70% usage at red ranks and gives too many bona to the killer, so I don't care about that. also it doesn't block auras, it's just harder to see.
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No they, do again since Oni. There was a period of time before his release when survivor's aura was a bit orange so you could see a bright pixel out on top of a gen, but not anymore
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Nah they definitely won’t, don’t be so dramatic. They already said that BBQ is one of the most balanced perks and that it actively promotes a more healthy killer playstyle.
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Nah it's fine, BBQ is a very strong perk and the more the counter plays to it, the better, at least we are not risking a Ruin-nerf.
Try Thrilling Tremors maybe.
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I mean it already has a huge counter with lockers, I just feel like the generator counter feels excessive. Plus if auras are constantly getting blocked that will just make killers camp more since they will think all the survivors are nearby.
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Because it's a strong perk that needs more of a counter than sprinting to a locker every 30 seconds
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You wanna link that? Because literally all of there recent updates was nerfing killers because of just how much "x" is used, and not because "why" was it being used.
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Eh disagree. I think if you are really worried about your aura getting revealed you can run to a locker or bring distortion. BBQ doesn’t need the generator counter as well imo.
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Here ya go hunny.
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to hide your aura behind a generator you have to be very careful on your positioning, and no more than one survivor is able to do it in a single generator - maybe you won't see all of them, but you should be able to spot at least one survivor.
Still, it's not like you have no counters as well: as I said, if this is a huge issue for you try running Thrilling Tremors, either you'll see the generator aura active, or you'll block the gen for a while if they hide behind it without touching it.
Plus correctly hiding behind a generator is somehow advanced, it's good that there are things in the game that reward more experienced players.
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That argument was used when lockers blocked auras for the first time. Good killers wont camp.
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Killers don't need to camp because they know there is at least one overly Altruistic idiot crouched 12 meters away behind that rock/tree/wall that they can find 5 seconds after hooking someone. You don't need aura reading for that knowledge.
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Typically if I dont see auras, my first thought isnt that theyre right around the corner, but rather that theyre in lockers. I still might take a look around, but I'm not wasting too much time.
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Since generator auras and survivor auras match in color, the killer won't be able to tell the difference between a generator with a survivor and a generator that's hiding a survivor, assuming that survivor positions perfectly.
In my opinion, auras that overlap should have a different color. 😁🤗
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You can still see survivors’ auras behind a generator.
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Exactly. Anybody with a brain tries to hide behind a gen or in a locker when someone is about to be hooked.
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I've seen some people on the forums recently complaining about BBQ, even one person comparing it to the strength of decisive strike and borrowed time. It isn't that strong.
It's useful, and has plenty of counterplay. The generator aura only is in front of the survivor if they position right and as mentioned above, only one person can do it on a gen at any given time. Lockers are also a thing that block it but either one of these ways you're getting people to stop working on what they're doing. The auras are also just ambiguous enough if a person or two is missing, that it gives the killer a reason to believe somebody might be hiding around close by. I just don't understand why people complain about BBQ as much as I see.
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Strange, because I could have sworn I saw the survivors behind generators when I was watching my brother play two days ago (I don't have BBQ on any of my killers).
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I think I see survivors' auras if they are in front of or working on a generator. I think the survivor has to let go of the generator and crouch behind it to hide their aura, and even then if they don't position themselves just right, you'll see a sliver of a brighter aura which will disappear after BBQ's time is up. I've found many survivors that way.
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It doesnt block it it's just the same color. It's good counterplay. I'm really good at positioning myself so that I dont give a clue that I'm there, and also really good at seeing survivors trying to do it but failing
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Thank-you, you have restored a little faith in many
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What aura reading perk was you using? It also depends on the angle to the generator and how well the survivor position themselves!
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BBQ, I wouldn't have brought it up if it were any of the others 😋
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You're confusing me! D:
In the quote above, you said:
"(I don't have BBQ on any of my killers)"
That's why I was asking, maybe this is only a BBQ specific thing, and other aura reading perks are not affected. 😁
It would make sense you don't use BBQ and are likely using other aura reading perks.
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I don't use BBQ - like I said, I was watching my brother, who does have and use the perk, playing at the time I observed it.
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Hmm, it's likely because the survivor wasn't positioned well enough to have the generator cover themself! 😁🤗
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Possibly, but I feel like I would have noticed by now if that were the case. I watch him play a fair bit, and my experience has always been that generators do not obscure the auras completely, they just make them much harder to see because they're the same colour. Nothing I've personally seen has indicated otherwise, but if you want to link me to a video or something that demonstrates that that's not the case, feel free 🙂
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You need some really good angling and positioning to hide your Aura behind those.
Even if just a finger sticks out, the thick outline of the Auras betrays them.
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It gives it a little more counterplay. My advice, if it bothers you that much, consider using thrilling tremors. That way you'll know if a gen is being worked on when you hook someone.