Haddonfield nerfed too ?

At 4:08 all windows blocked.So another nerf with balanced landing ?
Just RNG
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Balanced landig nerf wasn't rng tho
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It needed to happen. It created too many infinite's.
Plus, it was way better than every other Exhaustion perk.
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Now it is trash.Thats the problem.Maybe it just need 10 seconds cooldown for reduced fall stagger.But if that perk was for killer i am sure community will left the game
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BL is still really good, just doesn't create infinites now
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Voted you up, because it is true.
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i wish...
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I still use it. Most people who hate that it was changed are people who abused it.
It isn't S tier, but it is still very good.
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Same as old DS. The people who were upset were the ones using it to troll, instead of actually preventing unhooked tunneling.
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I still have a problem with new DS, but it is leagues better than old DS.