Devs please...

Why do the devs insist on making the killer experience awful. I am a rank 10 billy main on PS4 and not only are the dedicated servers awful I am also going up against constant red rank swf. I had a person disconnect in the first minute and that was the only kill I got because these people know every loop and bring me to all of the god loops on the map. The matchmaking and map design is abysmal and this needs to be addressed. Its bad enough to go against this with ruin let alone without it. I can no longer have any fun as I am constantly getting this back to back and it is very frustrating because I can't do anything about it. How am I supposed to grow and get better at killer when I am getting people leagues better than me at the game.

The other thing is I am a red rank survivor and what is even more frustrating is that I get potato teammates that go down in 10 seconds but I go up against gods as killer.


  • Member Posts: 1,398

    If you main Billy then I presume you know how to chainsaw curve at loops?

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    It's a little bit more difficult on a controller - you need more practice to curve compared to PC, so it's unlikely that a rank 10 killer would be able to do it.

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96
    edited January 2020

    @Accullla I am just leaning how to do it but many loops are very hard to curve. I can curve at jungle gyms but the generator often gets in the way if it spawns and the survivors hide behind it. The pallet gyms are easier to curve and often catches people off guard though. My main issue is that they throw rank 10 killer right into the mix with red ranks when it is super easy up to that point. I had no issue getting easy 4ks until now. I wish there was at least a middle ground between rank 20 and rank 1 that doesn't seem to exist

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    Omg this is what I’m dealing with. I’ve ranked my killer to 12 and it’s all rank 4-6 survivors today. Now, I expect that playing them will indeed make us better faster, it’s still annoying as hell and brutally unfair.

    I had a Claudette 360 me 100 times and escape. Feels bad.

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    I assume it is because there is more money to be made from survivors, since it is essentially a 4:1 ratio.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    It's nice to hear that you're doing some curves - it's so rare on console that it always catches survivors off-guard, giving you some really easy downs!

    Regarding being thrown right into the deep end, yeah.. both the matchmaking and ranking system are a mess at the moment. My only advice would be to use this as a learning opportunity. Try to figure out some patterns in skilled survivor movements; think about what they do to make them seem like they're gods and how do you counter it? Don't feel bad if you get outplayed, eventually you'll start slaughtering those teams too.. until then to avoid getting frustrated just focus on improving, rather than winning :)

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    @Accullla The curves are really fun to do on console, like you said it catches them off guard. If I get a good one on somebody they usually dc lol