Re-post of where dbd is heading

My last post has been closed as I have mistaken to word it appropriately and I just wanted to post it again with a better argument.

It’s just a shame that lots of killer main people get abused with words like that as if they have all the power to change this game to favor themselves. And I also feel its honestly a disappointment how the BHVR are heading in a direction to make their games to favor such ignorant toxic low skilled players like that. I don’t really mind of any action to be taken for that player as there will be flawless amount of people like that unless they change the culture of dbd updates to finding the RIGHT problem and balance the game for two different roles. The post there was to show how the developers share the same thought with ignorant players who cannot think more wisely when approaching to very critical changes for certain role in the game.


  • flsl216
    flsl216 Member Posts: 21

    I agree as myself is one of those people. But I don't see anything wrong with people appreciating the game and value their self-improvement through competition of skills within fairly balanced system as that can be taken as big respect to the ones who struggled hard to make this game and maintain it.

  • Camxing
    Camxing Member Posts: 20

    This game has always been like that. Every game with multiplayer had been like this so your statement is true but you could of just simply left if you didn't like it.

    It's funny how people love to sit here and say there soft ass got bullied online on dbd but you can actually simply just leave and continue on with your business or you can fight back. Ofc people take this game seriously and some survivor mains can't seem to figure out that it really doesn't matter if you win or lose rank doesn't matter that much. If you love the game then play it if you don't like it don't play it.

    That survivor most likely deserved to get caught though that survivor was more then likely useless like the rest of the useless baby survivors. The amount of useless baby survivors Is the equivalence to the amount of useless cod players that play snd and tdm. So about 85-90% useless survivors. You would understand if you played survivors. I don't expect killer mains to know. But yeah y'all good bye 👋

  • Camxing
    Camxing Member Posts: 20

    Yeah I can understand that. Bhvr doesn't look at reports like at all so people aren't getting banned for racism and this, that and so on but I think a good little trash talk at the end of a game is fine. It's funny anyways and it's boring to always see "gg" in every game you play but yeah thats just my opinion.

    But don't be doing trash talking every game, you'll be seen as stupid and no one will like you so just don't trash talk every game instead just move on some people aren't worth trash talking

  • flsl216
    flsl216 Member Posts: 21

    Yeah sure who cares about winning or losing in a game. We all might as well just not play our roles and just farm together and everyone gets thousands of bloodpoints and pip. And yeah going in a argument with people with no logic seems like a better time to waste than bringing these problems out in the community for people who actually have brains to have a think about it. If anything goes ######### with the game might as well go along with it and everyone should shut up and let the game that had big potential to go the wrong way and die and move on to next game and be stuck in the same loop. Actually sounds very nihilistic to me. Whats the point of playing dbd without competition between 2 roles? Whats the point of living if you not gonna exist to think and act in a respond to anything? Who is John Galt?

  • vpounder69
    vpounder69 Member Posts: 54

    Yep that’s Dbd survivor

  • Kreatya
    Kreatya Member Posts: 35

    That’s basically how every single online competitive game look like. Just admit that is how human look like.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    I don't see how one toxic player represents the "Killer issue" and Survivors as a whole now.

    One player being entitled about nothing is not really a good representation of how others act and "where the game is heading" in my opinion. I've met countless people that are intelligent and kind, even if they win or lose, and these were Survivors and Killers as well!

    Some Killers/Survivors want to learn and improve, and are thankful for the loss to improve with a win next time, some also don't like losing and act like... that. In a game, you inherently want to win, right? I can't say I've never been mad about a loss, but I never exploded about it or outright attacked another player for who they are and what they use.

    At times I was salty about a few losses in a row, but nobody likes losing right? People like to win, and that's the main goal of any game. But I think of it like this, losing is an inevitability, we'll all lose at something eventually. But, it's good to learn from that loss, and instead improve for the next game!

    Because in my opinion, its more satisfying to win against a cocky player than it is to lose and get angry about it!

    a small story as an example

    Back when I only had maybe 500 hours or less, I don't remember... I was P3-50ing Billy and learning how to use him effectively at Red Ranks. One day, I came across a Survivor that had a SWFs, they beat me and proceeded to flame me and told me to uninstall, etc.

    Eventually though, I met this player again with their SWFs. Instead of giving up and accepting defeat, I actually destroyed his team. In the post-chat, silence. Nobody was there to spout any negative comments, and if they were... they didn't say anything, not even the last Survivor that died.

    whats the moral of the story?

    Don't give up, improve and try again. If you just give up and let the toxicity get the best of you... than you'll most likely become the same as them.

    I've seen it before many times, and people even admitted to why they're toxic, BECAUSE OF THAT. Not everyone ends up that way, but some people are toxic because of other players being toxic.

    Be the better player, and don't let them get the best of you!

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    I don't know what's funnier, someone pretending that one salty player represents all survivor mains, or the people in this thread who are so out of touch with reality that they think survivors are being catered to by the devs, despite the fact that the majority of balance changes since this game came out have been in favor of killers. You think I haven't gotten just as much hate mail from killers as I have from survivors? Face it: there are plenty of salty little crybabies who take this game too seriously on both sides. But you guys are too busy playing victim in your little echochamber to see that. Could you be any more biased; you guys are the reason the forums are so hard to take seriously these days. The sad part is there are plenty of reasonable, logical voices on both sides too, but they're drowned out by the precious little babies like some of you who flood this place with your hyper emotional drivel.

  • samination
    samination Member Posts: 312
    edited January 2020

    Report them, keep your chat closed if it bothers you do, and move on. They are getting the exact reaction they wanted.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    It's not where DBD is going, it's how the community has been.

  • Chaubin
    Chaubin Member Posts: 16

    Just turn off chat. Once this new ptb goes live you can leave it off permanently. Or play on console where it never existed to begin with.

    Tldr: ignore them

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Surviving should be a difficult task and not a expectation

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Welcome to the internet, where people say mean stuff knowing there is no rl consequence. It has nothing to do with DbD.

  • Camxing
    Camxing Member Posts: 20

    Clearly ur forgetting the point. This was "where dbd is heading" but it's been like this since it started kid this isn't a roast dbd session time it's a time to agree on the fact that his statement is true kid. Save ur happy as some time and use what u know on those killer main forums instead of getting all mad at both sides u idiot. Not only are u being a hypocrite by writing the same stuff as killers and survivors but you are just simply misleading kid ur nothing special idiot.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    I'd argue it's a direct consequence of balance, survivors can get away with far too much in matches and there's no risk to messing with the killer in most cases

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    The community of this game is extremely toxic. You are better off just never reading post game chat.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    It's because of balance because in a game where the Killer should be an entity of power that should be feared. The killers are no longer feared, most don't even have mechanic's that can even catch survivors by surprise. They are all easy to loop when you know how to, and even if you're not good at survivor you are going to pip and double pip easily because the point system is still broken.

    While on the Killer side even if you are good at looping, prioritize your objective of trying to stop the other side, and hook/sac the survivors - you de rank if you play well.

    This kind of unbalance in a game pushes one side to be more entitled because it's not clear to them, when from the beginning they are expected to be weaker than the other side. So when they do lose because of their lack of skill - up to this point having their points and ranks handed to them. They then take it out on the one person who punished them - which is the killer.

    Anyways long story short I worked in a balancing department for a mobile game, and this was one of the biggest lessons we had - that balancing the game so it's fair for both sides to rank up to equal their skill as they should - makes the game more fun for both sides and less likely for them to flame the other person. It's a lesson i'm still waiting to see bhvr understand for this game.

  • flsl216
    flsl216 Member Posts: 21

    I'm definitely not saying all the toxicity is from the balance between two roles. I want to argue that developers are really bias and ignorant as much as such type of toxic people shown there. And the shared non-sense idea between them and the developers are whats making the most of the players suffer that they should care more about their choice of changes.

  • vpounder69
    vpounder69 Member Posts: 54

    You say this every post. Please find something better to say than letting people know your gay. Nobody cares...

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523
  • Synfralidro
    Synfralidro Member Posts: 43

    Two words : Victory Cube. Majority of the playerbase didn't give a crap about the imbalances of the game until survivor mains kept whining to the devs "it's too easy for the killers to pip but too hard for us to pip." The game was way more chill when your victory went based on the BP system. You didn't feel punished for indulging in someone's infinite chase.