Scrap Pips and Remove Ranks

Arxaion Member Posts: 104
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Alright, before you berate me and explain the current state of the matchmaking system, I'm aware - I'm not suggesting we remove ranks entirely. I am, however, suggesting we remove pips and never look back after implementing this proposed solution. I'm also aware that this solution is similar to the back-end working of the current pip system.

~~~ Solution ~~~

• Cut the number of ranks present in the game in half, leaving ranks 10 through 1 available.

• Remove the pip system, but keep emblems and their points.

• Implement an point system similar to games like League of Legends.

• Only match survivors with a killer that is no more than a single rank difference.

Rather than players being awarded pips based on how many total points were achieved, give credit to players for the roles they played during the match. This is a huge problem right now. Survivors and killers are expected to fulfill every role to some degree of success, but this is far from what should be the case. Players should be able to fulfill one or two roles well and feel safe that they had a good match.

For a brief summary of the idea, recognize a survivor's best-served role in a match and base their point gains on that role first and foremost - then how they performed elsewhere. For a survivor to rank-up, they must accumulate a number of points in their current rank first (in this case, similar to pips). Refer to the following lists:

[[[ Emblem Point Gains ]]]

Iridescent: +2 Points

Gold: +1 Points

Silver: +0 Points

Bronze: -1 Points

Nothing: -3 Points

[[[ Role Multipliers ]]]

Primary Role: x2 Points

Secondary Roles: x1 Points

[[[ Rank Advancement Requirements]]]

Gray (10, 9): 10 Points

Yellow (8, 7): 15 Points

Green (6, 5): 20 Points

Purple (4, 3): 25 Points

Red (2, 1): 30 Points

~~~ Example ~~~

Survivor Jimmy spent the whole match working on generators while his team ran around evading the killer. Jimmy did go unhook a survivor once or twice and helped heal someone, but that is about it for other actions. Jimmy did also die on his first hook, which happened to be right after the last generator was powered. Jimmy receives an iridescent Lightbringer emblem, a gold Benevolent emblem, a bronze Unbroken emblem, and a bronze Evader emblem.

Jimmy, with his best (and presumed primary) emblem being Lightbringer, gets double the amount of points from that emblem. Because he received an iridescent Lightbringer, he receives 4 points. The gold Benevolent emblem, as it is a secondary emblem, grants him 1 additional point. Both of the bronze emblems deduct points for a total of 2 points lost. The final result for Jimmy is 3 points gained toward his next rank. In the current system, for most players, this would not result in gaining a pip.

Let's say survivor Finny was chased quite a bit by the killer, but was unable to do anything else of significance. Finny receives an iridescent Evader, a silver Unbroken, a bronze Lightbringer, and no emblem for Benevolent. The primary role of Evader being iridescent grants 4 points. Silver grants 0 points. Bronze deducts 1 point, and no emblem for Benevolent deducts 3 points. Finny did not gain any points from this match - but performing his primary role well saved him from a net negative score. This, currently, would result in not gaining a pip (in some cases, losing a pip).

[[[ Common Emblem Combinations ]]]

• 4 Iridescent: 10 Points

• 4 Gold: 5 Points

• 4 Silver: 0 Points

• 4 Bronze: -5 Points

• 4 Nothing: -15 Points

• 2 Iridescent + 2 Gold: 8 Points

• 2 Gold + 2 Silver: 3 Points

• 2 Silver + 2 Bronze: -2 Points

• 2 Bronze + 2 Nothing: -9 Points

• 1 Iridescent + 1 Gold + 1 Silver + 1 Bronze: 4 Points

• 1 Gold + 1 Silver + 1 Bronze + 1 Nothing: -2 Points

~~~ How Does This Help ~~~

At first, you may think this is just a more complicated pip system. However, this point system allows for players to specialize their character for a single role and, by excelling at that role, guarantee they will not be punished entirely. Players shouldn't expect to be totally free of other duties, but the pressure to dominate every aspect of the game no longer looms.

This system also allows players more flexibility in their current rank, where a couple of not-so-good matches won't send them straight down into the prior rank. Point gains will eventually plateau where a player is in a comfortable spot, as well. For a player to get from rank 10 to rank 1, they will need 170 points. To reach the rank 1 point cap, that will be an additional 30 points for a grand total of 200 points.

As you can see in the example emblem combinations above, an average player in their rank will see little variation - but Iridescent emblems and empty emblems are the deciding factors, as they should be. The current system only allows a few pips per rank, while this proposed system provides much more of a safety net for retaining a rank.

!!!Please BHVR, do not just obscure ranks in the matchmaking lobbies - actually fix the issue.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    did also die on his first hook, which happened to be right after the last generator was powered. Jimmy receives an iridescent Lightbringer emblem, a gold Benevolent emblem, a bronze Unbroken emblem,

    Nitpicky i know, but wouldn't that still grant our little Jimmy Silver Unbroken still?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    anything is better than what is currently in place

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446
    edited January 2020

    Honestly; the emblems feature is just an excuse to drag out certain aspects of gameplay or give incentive to play a certain way (Killers punished for staying too close to hooked survivors; when while it does block unhooking points for survivors it gives them free gen time; for example). A better system imho would be to just have your ranks rise up like you 'level' does, and every couple of weeks or so just reset the rankings.

    It's more in line with most games "play to gain progress; reset and play again" mentality; removes the need to try to 'depip' so you don't play against higher ranks (because let's face it there just aren't enough players to have a mm system that pairs based off of rank that well); and all it really does to impact the feel game is hurt the e-peen strokers' egos because being a high rank just means you played a lot now (which, let's be real, that's essentially what they do now just with extra steps that you played a lot while doing activities the devs give you brown-nosing points for).

    EDIT - After thinking on it; the opinion stays the same but the speed of the game as a whole would need to be addressed because a no emblem system just encourages finshing games quickly.So, slowing down how fast generators can be finished would definitely need to be addressed with it.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    Wasn't going for accuracy with events, just giving a quick example here.