Surge rework/buff idea


So I've been using this perk with surveillance a bunch on Legion recently. And I understand if buffed the wrong way it could be pretty broken in this context, but I've found some real glaring issues that make it less worthwhile running on plenty of killers. So I'll go into what I perceive to be its major weaknesses/issues:

-Big maps. Sanctum of Wrath is an obvious and recent example of a map where the majority of the time you'll find it activate and only be in range to regress one generator, maybe 2 if you're lucky on the position in which you get a down.

Conversely, on smaller, more compact maps like the Game, it can be pretty overbearing at times.

So I suggest we do away with the range aspect and fix it to a set number of gens closest to the killers. By which I mean, for example, all 3 of the closest gens to the killer are being worked at, all get the minor regression that this perk gives the killer that earned their down. Of course, the number of gens may need to be played around with, but one of the main uses of this perk has become information that helps a killer hold down a 3 gen so it only makes sense to keep it in line with that rather than punishing them for landing a map the size of Africa at RNGesus' behest.

-The cooldown. This is an earned effect; it doesn't make sense to punish killers for playing well. Yes, 40 seconds doesn't feel like a long time but the fact is that a killer that is applying good pressure, especially on the aforementioned big maps, can still be heavily pressured through the survivor objective (gen rushed, so to speak.)

I would personally do away with the cooldown in its entirety, instead opting to give the different tiers of the perk 4/6/8 % regression penalties respectively.

-Activation. This effect can only be earned via a basic attack. Why? Infectious Fright was changed to activate every time a survivor was put into the dying state, regardless of the means, despite it being a much more threatening perk.

I suggest giving Surge the same treatment as IF, so that it has more flexibility and could potentially pave the way to some new fun builds for more killers.