Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.




  • Kreatya
    Kreatya Member Posts: 35

    The approach of ignoring all the facts presented and holding onto a point that cannot be proved sounds very “scientific”. And based on your words, I concluded that your opinion is that “camping and tunneling” is fun for the majority of the community.Then provide me some evidences to convince me with your opinions.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Thing is, you're calling what you say facts based on absolutely no evidence. Then, you make the assumption that I think something that I never said (ala - putting words in my mouth). There in lies where the argument ends, and you lose. Calling your opinion "fact" and manufacturing things I never said. OOF.

    You're the one making the base claim. Therefore it is up to you to provide the evidence. It's not up to other people to prove you wrong. So run along now. You have work to do.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    There is also a difference between not liking to get ######### on because of broken game mechanics and taking the game too seriously...

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    "Broken game mechanics". Players like you will be the death of this game, lol.

  • Cassandra_Alexandra
    Cassandra_Alexandra Member Posts: 254

    I play predominantly solo survivor (green/purple ranks) and I rarely see keys brought into matches. I hardly ever bring keys into matches myself, which is why I have so many. I was curious so I did a key count and the grand total for all survivors combined is 153. Usually I'd bring keys into matches when I was trying to prestige a character and wanted to use up all of his/her items first and also for the rift challenges.

    I would agree that keys appear too frequently in the bloodweb. I think they should just make them appear far less often and only when you get to 50.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    If it’s able to turn around the game in favor of one side despite the other actually playing better, how can you not consider it broken? Especially because you literally don’t need any skill to perform a mori or escape with a key.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Overpowered? Yes. Broken? No.

    If this were an actual competitive game, the broken argument would be valid. As it happens, it's as casual as it gets.

  • Kreatya
    Kreatya Member Posts: 35

    Ok ok, let me lose the battle but win the war. Let us be rational and step away from the majority question.

    My opinion about the key is that devs can make the key “take few seconds of channeling to open the hatch”. That way it preserves the fun of having a sneaky escape route once you complete some objectives and the fun of looting out of a key from the chests. And for mori, make it that, you can mori people on dying state only if all 4 survivors have been hooked. That way it preserves the fun of watching the mori animation and having it as a powerful item.

    I have never argued to delete mori and key from the game. They are fun but needs some balancing to make it more fair and less toxic. That is also why a balancing team exist. Your saying of no nerf or stuffs are ever needed in a casual game because it’s your problem of not enjoying them is denying the devs effort of the past three years of balancing the game. Survivors were way powerful at the release of the game. During that time, average online player was around 7k on pc. Three years later, survivors have been nerfed a lot and killers have been stronger. Now the average player is 20k. Balancing is never a wrong thing to ask for if it is called into the right way.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Any chance you were playing The Pig on PS4? 😂

    We had 4 gens done, and 1 player was sacrificed. I found the hatch and after healing a Survivor, I motioned for them to follow. I showed them they hatch, and they ran off. Low and behold they went to the other Survivor, and next thing I know they're both escaping thru the hatch and I followed as fast a I could. Totally forgot that one of them started the round with a key.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Two things:

    1) Keys don't need to go, but they do need to be reworked.

    2) Don't fix keys without also fixing moris. They both need to be fix at the same time to be fair.

  • Kreatya
    Kreatya Member Posts: 35

    Nah I play on PC. But yeah your experience is very similar to many of the key games. Since one very unpleasant key game I had as a killer, I usually dodge the lobby if I see a key.

    As a survivor, I don’t like bringing keys into the game. I like using plunder’s to loot a key. That way it is luck based and fun.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    In every conversation including either keys or moris, people manage to add the opposing item to the conversation. What does it matter anyway? Both have work to it (even if it is little) and what does it matter if that is what you experienced one game.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I've killed so many survivors that had a key and also the times I brought a key only saved me 1/10 times because you still have to find the hatch. The only time they are really good is with SWF teams which is the single reason this game can't be balanced. Also I find it hilarious when they actually work. I went an entire game not getting hit once and when the exits powered the killer left the only other survivor, bee lined towards me to the last gen I finished and instadowned and mori'd me, lol. So I got one hit and mori'd when I played really well, finished most of the gens, looped and avoided getting hit even once during the match, and mori'd as soon as I finished the last gen. But keys punish killers? Lol, it's a game! kill the player with the key first next time because odds are they brought the add ons so they don't lose it.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    First off, survivors have to get downed and hooked TWICE before Ebony or Ivory work at all, meaning that DC Loopers waste more of our time until harsher punishment for DC'ing is enforced. On top of that, maps are still heavily influenced towards looping almost infinitely, and it's not even hard to do. Keys should NEVER spawn in chests, either. Killers can't just randomly gain the ability to kill a survivor without a perk mid-trial, so survivors shouldn't, in a 4v1 situation, be able to randomly find an out for all four of them at once. Even with an Ebony Mori, killers still have to hunt the survivors down, one by one, hooking them once, downing them twice, and only then, FINALLY, can they use the Mori.

    The Hatch, however, spawns once a certain number of gens are done, or a survivor dies and the number of gens is more than the number of survivors, unopened, meaning that if enough gens get done, the hatch will spawn. This means SWF teams with even one Key are absolutely broken, even if the Killer has a Mori. What's worse, is that the survivors not in SWF will commonly use each other to test if a Mori can be used and how many times. If the first hooked is Moried, then they hide, looking in every chest for a key, then escaping once enough gens are down. The hatch spawn requirements, keys and who/how many can use an individual key, and their ability to spawn I'm chests needs to be addressed, as does the murder shack, and palette spawns.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    I hate when people compare keys to moris.

    Mori's are on an entire level of their own. Keys are only "OP" if it's a SWF group on comms. Even an ivory let's you tunnel someone off at 5 gens, instantly ending the game.

    Half the time when I run a key I can't even communicate to my team that I have one and they die anyways.

    They are also one of the few things that make solo Q survivor tolerable at the moment. If they ever fix the busted matchmaking I will feel bad about using them but why do I have to die every game I get some rank 15's as my teammates to face off against a rank 1 killer?

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    That's most likely the perk rancor and not a mori.

    You have to be hooked to get moried except for the yellow mori, there you have to be the last remaining survivor.

    And as you said you didn't got hit once.

    Rancor let's the killer insta down the obsession and kill them instantly when all gens are done.

    So basically not really the mori people talking about.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Rework keys, AND moris

    both just allow for easy and cheap feeling wins/losses

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238
    edited January 2020

    So I have to use one of my two remaining slots (the others are locked into Ruin and BBQ) to counter an item that takes no perks to use and can let multiple survivors escape early. Do you not you see the problem with this?

    Btw toolboxes are 100% not gonna be touched. And even if they were, survivors don't even need them.

  • Reaper_xx
    Reaper_xx Member Posts: 173

    If you want keys to be removed then Moris should be removed to make it fair

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    That is the reason i never take any item or use any item from chests.

    Playing survivor is allready easy af, you can easily get to rank 1 without any perks or with a no mither build.

    Try something like that with let's say trapper and the game is over before you even started.

    Never liked keys and will never like themif they stay like this.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Then you're going to have 1 hour games where the last survivor doesn't want to die. I personally think the hatch should stay in the game in my opinion, since they prevent that from happening. 😁

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Then remove outside comms from the game because it isn't fair. Honestly, just about every unbalanced thing in the game comes down to the amount of information coordinated teams have while using voice comms.

    I understand not every swf team are sweaty try yards, whatever the hell that means, but just being able to say 'hey I'm being chased by shack' is insane. As a solo que when obsession is being chased i know I'm good.

    Moris are needed since low ranked survivors just can't handle a group of decent survivors that somewhat know what to do in certain situations. Although I do think there should be a death hook clause or at the very least a timer that doesn't eun down if slugged. Like 60 seconds of protection or something.

    Keys, i think are ok. I don't think an entire team should be allowed to jump through a hatch using a key found in a chest. Just my opinion.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    You could easily prevent that scenario. Just add a timer or make crows appear if the surv doesn't do anything...there are a lot of possibilites.

    It's not going to happen anyway.