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How to make Nurse fun for both sides, playable & tolerable!

So I know Nurse is considered Top Tier and really OP to those who know how to play her. But then there are some of us that just can't play her, either as she's difficult or due to her actual screech causing real life pain! Since she has a split community side, and neither side can usually agree on her, I've been thinking about how to make her fun to play against and to play as, as right now many can agree she's neither.

Much like the Freddy rework, I want her to change a lot, but not change her characteristic!

So I read her biography, I've checked what people find fun about her, what people hate about her, and what makes her unbalanced. With these checks I believe I've made a fun playable version of Nurse that I would really appreciate feedback on, especially from Developers as I'm a big fan of their game and want to see this game stay alive.

So this change ignores her perks, keeping them the same. Everything else is different.

Nurse has 116.5% speed, she floats which is why she is faster. Her lunge is short. Her terror radius is between normal & large, so moderately big. She has two abilities, one is passive & aggressive while the other is defensive.

Her defensive ability is called Fading. When about to be stunned by a pallet, firecracker etc. or be blinded by a flashlight, she can trigger the Fading to become a black smokey figure that ignores the stun and any stun during. While in this mode she can also still pass through objects. (If in a object when Fade ends gets kicked out of it and stunned as if by pallet so avoid staying in things!) This process is a simple button press. After 6 seconds of being Faded, she will return to normal mode. She cannot attack in Fade Mode, she moves at a slower pace in Fade Mode. It has a 40 second cool-down. She will do a quiet screech to acknowledge the Fade worked. Being stunned whilst in the process of Fading will lead to her not Fading but suffering the cool-down, while also being unable to move and looking directly down. She will screech loudly when stunned in this style. Normal stuns have normal stun duration and do not prevent movement or cause her to look down, and she will screech normally. This means that you must use Fade correctly to gain reward, and timing is everything meaning she is skill based! Pallets will not break by Fading, nor will the perks Spirit Fury & Enduring work while fading making these perks pointless for Nurse for this part.

Her passive & aggressive ability is called the Choking. Her normal terror radius is moderately big, but half of this radius will be the Choke Zone which is deadly to survivors who stay too long inside of it. When the match starts, survivors have a smokey circle around their icons indicating they are facing Nurse. When in the Choke Zone it will fill up within 10 seconds. If fully filled it will injure a healthy survivor. If already injured then this will lead to the survivor being downed. When injured, it takes 5 seconds to recharge before the second Choking happens which will down you. To avoid this escape the Choke Zone and wait 20 seconds for the Circle to empty. Nurse cannot see these effects happen, and only is indicated when survivor becomes injured or downed. This means Nurse is a strong Anti-Body Blocker Killer while also making her deadly in close distance chases. A stealthy nurse can also cause trouble, meaning watching your icon is important. As this is a passive ability there is no cool-down for when it starts, it starts once you actively go too close, or she gets too close. This also gives Nurse more interesting perk combos to try out.

Her Add-Ons remain at their current rarity & story based description, and are as follows:

Wooden Horse: If stunned during a failed Fade, reduces stun time from 8 seconds to 5 seconds. White Nit Comb: Increases Fade duration from 6 seconds to 8 seconds. Does not stack. Plaid Flannel: If stunned during a failed Fade, will allow you to move camera during stun instead of being stuck looking down! Metal Spoon: No matter the type of stun, always makes your screech quiet. Pocket Watch: Increases Fade duration from 6 seconds to 10 seconds but increases cool-down by 5 seconds. Does not stack. Dull Bracelet: Reduce Choke Zone Terror Radius to Small (devs know sizes) but increases Bloodpoints in Deviousness for each choke attack score. Dark Cincture: If stunned during failed fade, allows movement at slow pace, but camera remains fixed to floor during the stun duration. Catatonic Boys Treasure: Reduces Fading time by 1 second, allowing for faster reaction speed. Bad Man Keepsake: While in Fade see the aura of all injured survivors, even in lockers. Spasmodic Breath: When stunned in any way lets out a loud screech that can be heard all across the map. Heavy Panting: Increases the speed of Choke Damage, now takes 6 seconds to injure/down instead of 10. Fragile Wheeze: Choke Damage takes 15 seconds instead of 10 seconds but when someone is choking, reduces swing cool-down of missed attacks. Ataxic Respiration: When a survivor stuns you they become exhausted for 60 seconds. Anxious Gasp: When Fading all Survivors screams showing you their aura, excluding those hiding in lockers or with Calm Spirit. Kavanagh's Last Breath: When a survivor stuns you they become exhausted for 30 seconds, stacks. Also their aura is shown to you until next injured or if already injured, downed. Jenner's Last Breath: While in Fade, all skill checks become small great skill checks only until Fade ends. Campbell's Last Breath: Increases Fade duration to 15 seconds. While Faded block all generators but doesn't cause regression or kick. If a gen is being worked on they will be kicked of off it. Increases cool-down to 60 seconds. Bad Man's Last Breath: Become invisible upon fading & increases Terror Radius by 10%. Torn Bookmark: Transforms the entire Terror Radius into Choke Zone. Matchbox: When stunned in any way, the stunner gets injured. If already injured, gets downed.

Those are all her add-ons, and here's some good combos:

Ataxic Respiration & Kavanaghs Last Breath -- Bad Mans Last Breath & Torn Bookmark -- Ataxic Respiration & Matchbox -- Fragile Wheeze & Torn Bookmark -- Heavy Panting & Torn Bookmark -- Dark Cincture & Plaid Flannel.

If you can see more, by all means leave comments on it.

With these changes to Nurse, we can't just ignore one other thing, which is obviously her map, Crotus Prenn Asylum. So here's the changes I envisioned for her map!

The lore description remains the same, and so does the Map-Tile-Layout I'd assume.

The design on map: Most of the centre map is taken up by the large two-story cylindrical building of Crotus Prenn Asylums core, where the patients were held in solitary cells and where the centre was for treatment. On the left of the core building was the Nurses Building, a one-floored area where Nurses kept files etc. and where Sally was found rocking after the incident. On the right side of the core building are remnants of the Original Hospital that has become a Jungle-Gym for troublesome teens. Large barbed walls cover the courtyard, along with a lonely tool shack (killer hut) and a few outside smoking shelter zones for the nurses. The walls are covered in graffiti from teens who dared set foot within, including Nea's signature sign somewhere. As for the fire, well, it started in the now destroyed attic which can be seen from the courtyard as burning timber beams with black smoke still rising and the damage can be seen on the second floor where the attic stairs once stood.

But that is everything. The Nurse rework in all her glory. What do you think? I doubt it's perfect, as things always need tweaking, but do you think it gives her more fun and a horror factor?

I made these changes with a real heart-felt process and really want to see something good for the Nurse come out of this as right now she is either too powerful or too weak, and quite frankly, no creation should end up un-played due to circumstances like that. It's another reason I came here with this idea, so like Freddy, she can come up and be accepted and played by everyone, rather than only being played for crutch reasoning or memes.

And to a developer if you're reading this, keep up the good work. I know this community has it's bad seeds, but with progress and working together, I doubt there's anything you guys & girls can't do. And too the community reading this, lets just enjoy the game we have in all its uniqueness. It may have bad days, but it is unique and ever changing, and I love being a part of it! And so should you.

See you in the fog!


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