Will they ever retouch Nurse?

It seems like they are just ignoring her completely after her rework. Many players complained about it, her pick rate dropped, and stats from BHVR showed that she was not performing like she used to. Something has to be done with her.
I would rather have had a hard nerf than a rework for Nurse.
i think a possibly buff will not happen for a long time.
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I hope so
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I think she’s fine if they lower the emblem requirement for killers by 1 point (matching survivor) and also increase game length personally.
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Not for a long time. You can tell with the whole Ruin fiasco that they don't care what players think.
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Maybe now with ruin gone they'll bring her back..minus the broken addons which is all I want for her..without ruin they can make killers a lot more powerful and fun to play
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My friend..nobody cares about emblem score...
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No. Their motivation on Nurse rework was to nerf her. As she has been nerfed they will move onto the next.