Another Legion Post


So, I recently had a bug with Feral Frenzy. Now, I already reported the issue, HOWEVER, it got me thinking... what if... you could earn it. Seriously, earn this:

Let me introduce you to my Legion rework idea! :D (it's probably been suggested a few times)

Basically, Feral Frenzy and it's effects remain unchanged, except for the Deep Wound effect and chain hits. The idea here is to reward The Legion for obtaining a high amount of chain hits. Most players are asking for Legion's power to be lethal in some way, and of course, it can't be unless it's balanced correctly. Here is what I suggest.

  • Hitting the first Survivor in Frenzy applies a 30s Deep Wound timer, refills your power gauge and activates Killer Instinct.
  • Hitting the second Survivor in Frenzy applies a 20s Deep Wound timer, and refills your power gauge.
  • Hitting the third Survivor in Frenzy applies a 10s Deep Wound timer, and refills your power gauge.
  • Hitting the fourth Survivor in Frenzy immediately places that Survivor into the Dying State, regardless of being Healthy or Injured and ends your power.

Next, to prevent tunneling with Frank's Mixtape and Stab Wounds Study, I propose the following reworks:

  • Frank's Mixtape: Moderately increases Feral Frenzy movement speed for every chain-hit.
  • Stab Wounds Study: The aura of Survivors Mending within 28 meters are revealed to you.

Of course, it's not easy to hit all Survivors in a single Frenzy charge, let alone catch up to them. But in those cases where you're on a smaller map, or have the right set of duration addons, this would be incredibly helpful.

Thanks for reading! <3