Survivor nerf suggestions

So everyone says this game is survivor sided. so killer mains what are your suggestions to nerf survivor's and buff killers so that the game is balanced. Sry for bad english


  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    They don't need nerfs what we need is more viable killers like let's make legion and clown good as for gens let's not make maps as big it makes slower killers on big maps almost impossible to pressure every gen

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    Honetly, aside from the map suggestion above, a lot of the second chance perks need to be gutted as badly as Ruin was. They simply give the survivors too much time back after making enough mistakes to get caught

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Your English is fine. And for nerfs hoo boy

    Increase the radius of which pallets can spawn : e. G : after looping shack you won't be able to just chain to another safe pallet then to another one etc

    Add a penalty to being injured, maybe a 9% action speed debuff to everything but running speed. And then give a 3% action speed increase bonus to no mither

    Desicive strike either needs its timer decreasing or a deactivating thing the killer can do. Like hooking someone else

    Borrowed time needs to work on a token based system so that surivors have a tool to counter camping but not to just remove the concept of an unsafe hook from the game. They lose a token when deep wounds (finally a dw change that'll be good for legion) if it applies and gain one if they get a safe unhook. Or just bring back the original endurance and make it so you get rid of it by yourself

    Dead hard just needs a longer exhaustion cooldown

    Adrenaline should : only heal a health state if your not on the hook. And if your healed from the dying state you don't get the speed boost

    Healing speeds can either stay the same or get buffed. But in return the healing speed increase med kits give you needs nerfing to compensate.

    We'll make it is a game changer. I'd NERF its healing speed increase to 50% but make it apply to any survivor once you unhook one for a minute

    Sprint burst : I hate how you can hold it making the exhaustion "nerfs" make this perk even better. I'd just add "you have to be sprinting for 9/6/3 seconds and then this perk activates"

  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523

    All survivor perks are fine and are balanced for the most part.