Why I will now be using NOED

So to start this off survivors have been given an easy time for ages now and this is thanks to the Devs making it much easier for them and much harder for killers.
Btw to those saying I'm a killer main i actually play currently more survivor so trust me I know how annoying noed is.
But if I cannot slow gens down thanks to Ruin being nerfed into the dirt I'm going to focus near the end game for points instead. I'm sure I'm not the only killer that is going to be trying a noed/blood warden approach now that ruin is useless.
I do apologize to those survivors who can hit skill checks and do learn the game to get better but this is the reality of the game now. If killers have an almost impossible time in red ranks we are going to have to start using more irritating perks
Ok boomer
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Noed is actually not an annoying perk (my opinion), it gives killers, who don't do well enough during the match, the opportunity to come back in the end game. Even though it's powerful, it also has many counters
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I mean, I'm pretty sure a lot of killers have been using NOED/Blood warden before they announced Ruin changes. And I'll be honest, new ruin is actually kind of nice. Plus, most games it would get destroyed right away while it was the old ruin. Honestly, I wouldn't even run NOED seeing as the survivors can cleanse all your totems so when end game does come, you don't have it
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When running the PTB ruin still only lasted MAX of 3 mins. It's not a late game perk and it's borderline useless unless you can move the map quick. So unless you're a spirit or nurse not possible to actually benefit from it better off using corrupt intervention.
I'm a rank 3 survivor and I rarely see noed and I haven't seen blood warden in weeks.
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Personally I find it annoying(not hard to counter) but after ruin it's the perk most survivors cry about
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I rarely see high ranks killers using NOED and I don't even remember the last time someone used Blood Warden.
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Most NOED players usually run Ruin on top of NOED anyways...
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I don't think it's the perk itself that survivors cry about, but the way some people use it. You tend to see it on killers who don't commit to any chases once they have someone on the hook, sacrificing a lot of pressure in order to get someone out of the game early, knowing that it's pretty easy to snowball with noed during the endgame with only 3 survivors left. That often results in games with 4 survivors dead after 4 or 5 hooks total. Despite that being a legitimate strategy for getting a 4k, it's a fairly bad one for everything else, because it makes it really hard for anyone in the game to earn any pips or a decent amount of bloodpoints (including the killer).
As the perk which facilitates this, some of the negative connotations towards that specific type of killer get transferred onto the perk itself.
TL;DR NOED is not a bad or unfair perk, but gets bad reputation, because of the way some people use it.
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then do it. sorry but i dont see the need to post that you’ll be using a specific perk bc of the ruin nerf, nobody cares...
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Then why waste your time commenting?Clearly other people care and are sharing their point of view, so your statement is egregious.
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Ugh these posts are so predictable now. You do you buddy and enjoy the game.
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And another double standards at its best. Why does people like you dont get how unreasonable you are?
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Okay? I already cleanse totems
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Double standards? When survivors are being given such an advantage killers need to start playing dirtier to even try to level the playing field
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Good. That's my point tho. It means survivors have something else to do. If noed activates I get an advantage of not I know they have spent the time doing something else meaning I've gained more time in the trial to actually pip. Even if noed doesn't activate it's still wasted time which as a killer is what we strive for
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You do you brother, but I myself don't use ruin. I win plenty as a killer without it and I still see it as a crutch perk. If I get my butt kicked I'll just open the exit gates and let them out.
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Me and my survivor buddies when we cleansed all your totems and you wasted a perk slot...
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I'm not exactly thrilled about the Ruin changes, but I'm not going to run certain perks just to make survivors miserable. I hate NOED as both Killer and Survivor.
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Why I will now be using Small game
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Don't get too used to it, we all know what's coming next.
NOED is an acronym for NoFunForSurvivors
We can't be having that now can we!
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Love this, lol. Made me laugh wayyy too much :P
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NOED is too unreliable for me to really want to use it unless I am leveling up a Killer and have no better alternatives. Sure, I can maybe snowball a comeback, but that kinda requires Survivors to get greedy once they know about NOED and requires me to get lucky that no one finds the totem.
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Next patch: noed has been found to be really unfun for the survivors.
Thus we fixed it to make it all balanced.
Noed no longer gives the exposed effect
Noed will give a speed boost of 0.000000000000000000000000001%
Noed now reveals auras of the killer to survivors as to avoid killers trying to avoid the impending bullying that will occur.
"after all if the gates are open you already lost. GG EZ baby killer noob
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like you said, im sharing my pov on it. just doesnt make sense to me to comment that you’re going to use noed, which is a completely fair perk to use.
not saying you cant make a post about it, just kinda pointless to do so
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idk why people keep acting like noed is some edgy fk you to survivors. I laugh my ass off everytime it goes down and they remain a 3 perk killer. Aside from the rift challenge the only way I run noed is if I literally have nothing else worth putting cause of teachable roulette and a slew of useless perks that should be combined together. Rather than moaning about ruin and saying "oh I'll just go run [xxx] and play dirty." you could actually try to get the numerous perks that do need buffs so killer builds can be more varied/useful. The same can be said about many survivor perks too. Many aren't worth picking up even if they're top tier.
As for wasted time I wouldn't say so. It don't take long to do the totems and people that aren't new already suspect noed if there isn't ruin or devour hope. By all means make it easier though.
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Small game is a general perk and Detective's Hunch will proc with ease with the new Ruin. Just a heads-up for you, OP.
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Use any perk you want to succeed. Survivors don't limit themselves to perks we don't like oh, so why would you? Play the game how you want to because they are going to play the game how they want to. Do what you have to do to get you a kills because they're not going to fall in your lap
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Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.
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To be fair, those that can hit skill checks, generally know where to look, and destroy totems before endgame.
But I understand where you're coming from. They want hexes to be late game, then let them be! Noed gang!
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According to devs 4 man swf has just under 50% escape rate. So you think it should be balanced for 25% survival rate? "Survivors have had it so easy for ages"
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You're clearly a green rank at best survivor if you think that. Those stats don't give any info on what rank. Anyone with half a brain can make it to green as killer as before then survivors are potato. Purple and red ranks is a different story entirely
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We've had this debate before, but since you don't seem to understand I'll just make a point based on the flawed data as well.
According to this graph, the majority of SWF groups are 2-mans with solo players making up more than half of the playerbase. 3 and 4 man groups making up the very small minority of groups in the game.
This data shows that splitting up the playerbase by only allowing a maximum of 2 players in a SWF group would have little effect on the game overall since so few players are even playing in 3 and 4 man groups.