Unpopular Opinion: Hag is currently the best killer in the game when played at the highest tier.

Now you're thinking that she gets overshadowed my most other Killers. But lets look:
- Exceptional chase times
- Mindgames and scare factor due to fear of setting off a trap; enhanced with addons
- Great map pressure due to teleportation
- Small terror radius and lots of synergy.
She is a wonderfully balanced and powerful killer, and IN MY OPINION is the best in the game.
Edit: Not as unpopular as I thought. Huh.
I dont think anyone would disagree with you that shes a great killer when played right, although its more along the lines of personal flavor on whats "best". This would be like if I made a forum post titled "Unpopular opinion: Chocolate tastes good".
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I love Hag, her playstyle is just so intuitive for me! I love chasing a survivor and going "are you going towards- Yup. Aaaaand, Lctrl, aaaand, you're down."
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What I'm saying is that she surpasses all other Killers in terms of power and balance.
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I love hag. She’s my main. Lots of map pressure, can teleport, and I’ve gotten good at placing my traps to get survivors much easier. After trying most killers, she’s been my favorite.
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She gets destroyed by flashlight teams if surviviors know what they are doing, you have to place your traps really smart, you get no notification when trap is destroyed.
But hag is still very fun and fairly strong killer, but also very rare, despite having (soon to be nerfed) the most used killer perk in the game.
And dont forget she completly sucks on big maps.
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She can be incredible. The only things that really hurt her are server ticks, map size, and coordination.
Server ticks are the biggest thing. There are times when you can teleport and be right on top of a survivor and other times where you can be preemptively mashing the teleport button and they're still 10 meters away from the trap by the time you get the notification and teleport.
She can also suffer from the optimal SWF loadouts more than other top tier killers. OoO and Sprint Burst on multiple survivors can make her life miserable.
But overall, yeah, she's number 2 right now behind Spirit IMO
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Hag can be really good. One of my favorites since she got a little TLC. But not in the discussion of one of the best IMO. And soon she will have zero perks that slow the game down right from the start to allow her to get rolling so I feel she is going to be used even less soon.
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Spirit is better imo but hag is a close second.
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Corrupt intervention.
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Probably the next best thing but is still garbage to me. Too many times I spawn in the center of a large map giving me 3 random gens covered and no benefit to being able to apply pressure or set up in a specific area. Also same issue in small indoor maps.
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Hag gets destroyed by flashlights, so no.
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Hags one of the most overrated killers on the roster imo, not even close to the best. She's quite easily countered by competent survivors.
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Underrated* She can be incredibly good
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Overrated* Very few people actually put her low.
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Didn't you hear? OoO is really good against her, so she's the worst.
☝️ legit what someone told me...
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Literally nobody plays Hag, thats why I put underrated.
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We are talking about power level, not how often they are played.
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How often do you run into flashlights?
Almost never?
That's what I thought.
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Well in that case I'd say shes in the right place, she is really good. A high tier killer.
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Actually somewhat consistently 🤷♂️
Like... 1 every 6-7 games...maybe.
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Shes limited by maps too heavily otherwise shed be a contender for top
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Its true. Shes my favorite. And with perks like increased terror radius and (i forget what its called) a zero terror radius after being still for 2 seconds.add hunter perk, and youll never lose. I always get 4 survivors. Letting one escape feels like a loss to me
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Well, technically your trap counter goes up by 1. But no sound or visual pop up, no.
Also, who's really staring at their trap counter all game...
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I do all the time with hag. Never has affected my gameplay.
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You couldnt counter me with hag. Most cant.
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Most surviviors rarely play against hag...
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You know absolutely nothing about me and I most likely could.
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People can say whatever, but if nobody plays her, it proves otherwise. And she is not even behind auric cell paywall
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No flashlight team has kept me below 3 sacrificed survivors with hag, ever. She is the most devious and best hunter in the game.
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Hag doesn't have a bad map. You slap on the range add-on and the traps can be teleported to like 65m away or something ridiculous.
I always use fast traps + higher range traps on her. Rusty shackles is outright broken so I don't use that because most people will just DC.
Super overpowered and easy to play killer. I can't believe the devs are nerfing doctor when killers like hag exist.
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Nope. Not you or any team you get together could keep me below 3 sacrificed.
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You clearly dont understand her that well...but I have no energy to argue with you right now..I tire of it
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One of the strongest killers easy, but also one of the..if not the most annoying killer to face as survivor.
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What's your rank and hours played?
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Id rather not mention my hours played. But ive prestiged hag3 times. Last prestige was weeks ago
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That's what I thought.
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What did you think? I play about 3 matches a day and ive had the game for several months. Been using hag since august, so.
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I play her a lot at rank 1. Corrupt intervention makes any map a good hag map. Or ruin if you feel like defending a totem. 2m is plenty of time to get all 10 traps down, and by then the survivors can basically be screwed unless they have urban or flashlights.
You can get away with only 2 perks on hag, monitor and sloppy. Anything else is really just gravy.
I personally use corrupt + haunted as the other two because a minute of one shot traps while everyone is funneled into the trapped area of the map is game-ending in a lot of cases.
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If they dont know how to fight hag I suppose
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Crouch walk everywhere, completely crippling the teams generator progress? What other option is there?
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U use xbox1?
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She can't be everywhere..and every trap destroyed is more time she needs to set up..plus low movement speed extends the process further..I love hag but certain maps just get her too hard
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I will put it this way, there is no other killer in the game I can be chain slugging literally across the map with. Slug someone, next trap goes off, boom im 60m away on the next chase.
It is absurd for solo Q survivors to have to deal with, and I am glad more people don't play her.
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She literally doesn't have a bad map. Every single loop and window in the game can be shut down in less than a second with fast traps.
I honestly find her biggest weakness to be people setting off traps when I am carrying someone, which is why agitation is god tier on her for that reason, along with the extended basement threats and corner-hook threats it brings.
It also why slugging and sloppy are so good on her, because it takes 1 second to lay a trap and 20 seconds to heal the damage it causes.
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Play mothers dwelling or a farm map vs a spread out team and tell me that...like I said..I'm not in the mood to argue
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And why do you think I run corrupt intervention? Because it makes the map half the size until you have all 10 traps laid at your probably 3 gen.
I can tell you are probably not a very good trapper or hag player.
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Hag is in the top 5 killers for sure, I don't think anyone would disagree. Despite that I also think she is very well designed.
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Way to assume something you know nothing about..real convincing argument..I'm done talking to you..not worth the effort
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She gets destroy by teams with flashlights?
I had 4 man team with all flashlights and I still won. The Flashlights are barely a problem for Hag.