Ruin's demise

Ruin's nerf is basically the devs telling survivors they can't git gud so they must baby them at all costs. And no one cares about the gate keeper emblem lol really the ranking is so (bad word) up that they don't matter much.


  • Colton147
    Colton147 Member Posts: 523
    edited January 2020

    The new Ruin is way better than the older ruin.

    As a Clown main, I may start using the new Ruin (I rarely use Ruin, as I know how to apply extreme pressure on Clown without Ruin) for some added pressure.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Oh please, you can still take NOED and crutch a few extra kills at the end without any skill. And you say it's survivors who are being comforted like babies?

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited January 2020

    It's easy for a team, not so much for solo. If you "do bones", as in all of them solo you miss out on so many points and likely a pip as everyone else gets the gens and unhooks and chases.

    Also everyone knows most survivors ignore totems, so many killers have one perk that can easily turn a 1k into a 3k. Yet here you are acting like it's everyone else that's coddled.

    Just take NOED and have the EZ win. No skill required.

  • Hex_Raider
    Hex_Raider Member Posts: 37

    Ruin was annoying as a solo new player because I had no idea what the other teammates were doing. This is why I rarely play solo. Communication is key.

    Ruin was just annoying to play with. It was the equivalent of 2 or more survivors bringing flashlights in trial and meme'ing you all game with macros.

    Just absurdly annoying.

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    New ruin is better than old ruin because what’s the point using it if you are up against a team that can hit great skill checks? Skill checks are also rng so it isn’t consistent about the number of skill checks you can have. So in other words, they buff ruin.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Whose fault is it that survivors don't do bones and then lose to a perk and cry "coddled"? The devs just need to hand survivors a perk called "Entitlement" that saves them for their mistakes and erases responsibility for longer periods per tier. At least two groups will be honest about what they expect out of the game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Its funny because if NOED went which is arguable skewing the games stats killers would be far better off in the longrun yet their so desperate to keep the crutch they can’t see that far ahead.

    DS is a necessary evil at the moment due to rampant tunneling hurting the experience for kost players.

    Doing totems would be fine if the game rewarded enough points for it however you wont pip if you run around doing all 5. If you’re the guy who cleanses all 5 while others do the gens then dont expect to pip.

    if also argue needing to cleanse 5 totems which is basically like an extra generator in terms of time just to avoid a super speed killer with unlimited instadowns is perhaps a little unbalanced but somehow I get the impression I’m wasting my breath here.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    If more than one person dies due to noed, then that is on the survivors.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    That's the power of noed, it gets you paranoid. It's hard to tell how much impact the perk had in your match even if you aren't using it. I still use it ocassionally to keep survivors paranoid, but most of the time I don't reach the endgame with it, I still like to think it did some work and kept someone busy doing bones.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Good luck with that bud might as well just not run a 4th perk at all because new ruin is literally a wasted slot. It's like running Devour and getting 2 stacks then it breaks, doesn't do anything for you.

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    Why would one person do all 5 totems? There's 4 survivors. If each person took one that's what 14 seconds? 28 seconds If someone does 2. If they see them and dont take them out its on them if they get hit with noed later.

    As for the whole tunneling and camping debate. It's a pointless debate. Even if a killer doesn't tunnel or camp he gets called one anyway most of the time. I find it amusing that survivors think that killers should follow a code/honor system.

    Like, "respect the kobe". "Don't come back to the hook when I'm rescuing you hook camper", even though the killer can see your scratch marks headed for the hook...

    Oh and my personal favorite, the survivor hook bombing in front of the killer. Then stopping and waiting for the killer to hit them so that they can get the unhook, give them borrowed time and then deadhard so that the killer is forced to hit the survivor with BT. But instead of that wonderful fantasy the killer just waits. The rescuer looks so flustered when the killer doesnt play along with their silly strategy. It makes me smile.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    New ruin is still a hex. All downsides of hex still remains. It can still be destroyed in first 30 sec of match.

    However, its effect is nothing comparable to the old ruin. It does not help you in any time of the match.

    If you say ruin is better, then you should also say lullaby is better than old ruin too.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Yes there are 4 survivors but play solo and you’ll realize how few do totems.

    I’ve actually had games before where I do 4 totems, assume the other 3 survivors managed to do 1 totem between them and then at the end of the game I’M the one that gets hit with NOED. It sucks.

    Also hard to do totems when the games wonderful matchmaking puts you with low ranks, so you loop the killer long enough for them to get the gens done but they dont do totems so you go down to NOED and they rush out of the gates - every game ive had today.

    As for tunneling/camping its just flat out not fun and not good for the health of the game. It puts a lot of people off playing.

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    Yeah, and? Survivors are selfish. They dont have to save you, its an option. Just like if you go back to save them and die; its on you. Just because you saved them doesn't mean they have to return the favor either.

    The health of the game? Really? It couldn't be because killers are annoyed that ruin was nerfed and are taking it out on survivors since the devs only mentioned survivor fun... Nah, they wouldn't do that. Never. Gens would have to fly before... oh, wait.

  • RipleHHH89
    RipleHHH89 Member Posts: 86

    Has ruin been nerfed because of something they plan to add in the future? Like an extra condition for opening the gates or something. Even though it seems like a crappy change right now maybe there's a bigger plan and nerfing ruin had to happen first. Just a thought.

  • Calabrum
    Calabrum Member Posts: 102

    Problem is the devs failed to address the reason ruin was used. They also have made no mention of any benefits with the ruin change for killer, only survivor. And even if they do have something planned or ideas in the works.

    When will it happen and/or be implemented? Months? Yrs? It took them 2 yrs to re-work Freddy. Do you honestly think killers are that patient or that they will tolerate being gen rushed every game every time they play killer at red ranks? No, I don't think so.

    "Killers are meant to apply pressure". Ok, juggle gens, 4 survivors, totems, gates, hatch, pallets, and hooks. Now juggle!

    Meanwhile, survivors. Hold M1, and only hold M1 for 5 gens. Escape, then done. Which is more stressful? Which is harder to play? It's obvious, but no killers just have to get good. Lol.

  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    The information that comms provide about TOTEMS is criminal, and quite frankly cheating. If you were meant to know how many totems where left there would be a counter just like the generator one.

    When you play solo you are playing the game as it was meant to be played. Take pride in it.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Lol take pride in it...

    So you can sit there slugged while someone gets sweaty, gets the ez kills with NOED then stands there nodding and hitting on hook and post game tells you how “ez” you were and how great they are?

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Kinda agree that noed sucks and is a crutch of its own level of a perk but you have to admit that survivors still have alot of crutch perks aswell. Borrow, even if you dont want to tunnel the unhooked guy can bodyblock your ass and you are forced to tunnel, or D strike and you jump into a locker, you cant do ######### about that. Same goes too prove thyself, holding M1 doesnt require any skills. If you know what I mean.^^

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I think BT and DS are necessary evils due to the rampant tunneling in the game. I see so many bad killers that I understand why both perks exist.

    That said I would nerf the hell out of Dead Hard, Adrenaline and Sprint Burst.

    The more I play the more I hate Dead Hard. Its just a free pallet everytime if the survivor uses it for distance rather than dodging. It stings M1 killers who dont get a say in it.

    ”Oh look Im caught im never gonna make it to the pallet....oh wait I have dead hard yay now I can extend the chases for a few more pallets all with 1 button press”

    and you get that 4 times per game because all good survivors run dead hard.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Agree my only issue with borrow is, most of the bad survivors just run braindead to the hook and farm their friends and then complain about "camping". So I would say add a new condition to BT. I personally dont know what, but just dont make it possible to rush in braindead and unhook and then the unhooked guy tanks or bodyblocks and then ez escape in endgame. "ez gg camping baby killer"

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    Funny all survivors say ruin is crutch if you can't pressure all gens at red ranks then git gud baby killer even then two to maybe three gens can go by the first chase but ds and bt are " necessary evils "

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    No. Ruin changed because most killers can't win without ruin/pop. (Ruin reliable killers) Survivors know killer's build before the game even started. Ruin,pop,thana,dying light over 80%.

    The fall will be hard for the ruin reliable killers. Git gud now or.... switch to survivor.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    You say all survivors but then you’re only using my post lol

    Also I never said Ruin was a crutch. Ruin was complex. Low tier killers and specific maps? Yeah the game was extremely hard without Ruin.

    People who take Ruin and NOED on top tier killers? Yeah theres no doubt those people needed crutches to win.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    It was most survivors I'm glad you aren't like that I know survivors that are like that we need to focus on game health instead of telling everyone git gud

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    Has anyone ever thought that maybe, just maybe, people tunnel because of the fact that it's the most efficient way to kill and apply pressure

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    At low ranks yes, at high ranks waiting around a hook to tunnel normally leads to you being genrushed.

    Also I think you meant to say “easiest way requiring the least skill or effort involved”

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    Never said or even tried to say it took skill, that part of the equation was settled when you downed the survivor after 8 billion second chances. At high ranks, even if you chase another survivor, chances are you're playing a high mobility killer, and chances are you have a straight approach to the sap that was just unhooked, meaning you slap him down and put him back on. Otherwise all 4 will literally waltz out the exit gates because they definitely have "skill".

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Why do “killer mains” I guess you could say always come across as so bitter? Why do they always assume the devs are out to get them?

    We all play both roles. The game isn’t perfect but when you play enough of the survivor side you can see why some things are the way they are.

    Its like theres a number of people who only play killer that ask for things that would just not make the game fun for the other side at all, only so that the killer can get the easy 4k.

  • sneakymeghead
    sneakymeghead Member Posts: 32

    Early facecamp for 1 easy kill, then NOED to get 2 (or 3) additional kills ... this is how killers behave right now ... and they dare crying about 'baby survivors' ... haha

  • EZ5k
    EZ5k Member Posts: 233

    I can explain why I'm salty about it despite playing both sides. I put much more time and energy into learning killer, and just when I think the devs finally understand how frustrating it is to have to deal with having to rewin the same game 4 times, they pull this dumbshit, then try to assure us that our input matters, when it clearly doesnt. Most of us are just tired of being lied to by people so incompetent that they can't even come up with a half convincing excuse for this gutting. It went from "muh new survivors" to "80% of players use it" to "we needed to get rid of it to examine gen times" despite not touching ANY other generator related perks or items. I keep giving this game extra chances thinking the developers will wise up, but it's pretty clear they give two shits about a core part of the playerbase.

    As it stands, most 4ks across the ranks are because bad survivors get boosted by the ranking system instead of by their ability to actually survive matches. I can quite literally write you an entire essay on what good balance changes would be and why the entire balance team needs to be fired, but because I play killer, that feedback gets thrown in the trash in order to continue to baby survivors who get carried by poor design. As it is, I've already got 3 different survivor metas lined up post ruin nerf, meanwhile on Killers, Im REQUIRED by poor design to build late game, that means nobody gets to have fun, because I have to sweat my ass off any time I go against actual rank 1s

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
  • Outland
    Outland Member Posts: 535

    Those are the ingame conditions, NOED is part of the game, alas COMMS are not. They are a third party program.