What do you all think about campers and on this idea?



  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    You make a really good point but what do you mean again?

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    With implementing of your idea of stopping timer you take away strategies of killers. Its not about low skills of killers but enviroment of game. With god loops, bad map design and insane gen times more and more killers prefer to camp and ensure at least 1-2 kills then risk X chases with unsure results. If developers balance maps, endless loops, totems and gen times then less killers will camp and tunnel. Best solution is not punish killers by stopping timers and force them to leave hook but maps rework. As killer main I was rarely camping but with current state of maps, gens speed, toxicity of survivors and nerfs of killers (and Ruin) Im starting to prefer ensure at least 1-2 kills by camp/tunnel then let all escape while teabegging me in gate. For me the fault is on developers side that are ignoring main problems of game and better nerf perks that was countering these problems (ruin countering fast gen speeds). They are reworking perks around bad basis game layer (maps design, gens, totems). First they have to rework all maps and then they should try balance problematic perks and it will result in better killers gameplay without tunnel/camp strategies.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651
    edited January 2020

    I wouldn't change it, just do gens when it happens. It sucks when you are the one on the hook, just be sure to struggle as long as you can. Don't reward the killer by giving up, that is probably what he is hoping for.

    The problem i see with stopping the hook timer if the killer is within "x" meters is that once the gens are done then I see nothing wrong with a killer camping and securing his hook. Why should he be forced to leave in that situation?

    Post edited by kcwolf1975 on
  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Wouldn’t it be in the Killers best interest to get rid of the Survivor who loops well as fast as possible? I mean, if they loop well, several gens should have popped. If they committed to the chase, caught them, and camped them, wouldn’t it be their right to camp, to make sure the pita is gone? Especially with all the second chance perks Killers have to worry about, why would they not camp?

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    Well most killers can stop loops very easily. I play killer and usually dominate the survivors. I am back at green though. Mainly because rank reset

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I disagree, especially since the majority of maps make it easy to loop a killer (we can agree to disagree). Doesn’t change my point, if a killer has a good looper on the hook, wouldn’t it be in their best interest to make sure they die?

  • Freshwick
    Freshwick Member Posts: 71

    That's BC high ranked survivors find it fun to be toxic.

    Low rank/ low skilled players avoid the killer at all cost BC they don't use proper builds/ have little game knowledge and play hide and seek before their first hook.

    When a low rank player preforms a unhook they leave the injured player vulnerable and that's why camping is strong at low ranks.

    High ranked survivors and swf are bold, have plenty of experience and do not fear the reaper in anyway.

    They down themselves on purpose to activate Ds, use hook tech, unhook in pairs with bt, crawl to pallets, head on stuns, blind and use deliverance which breaks the hook and body block with petrified oak.

    On top of that they create constant notifications in attempt to bait out the killer by being as annoying as possible.

    You might say use make your choice but once high ranked users know you have it equipped survivors unhook in pairs in an attempt to confuse the killer or they just instant save to avoid the exposed status.

    The killer gets the same benefit out of make your choice as camping the majority of the time :\

    All I seem to play is swf currently.. with 4 survivors already in lobby when I join the room.

    I never used to lobby dodge BC of queue times for survivors (I play both) but I could careless with the current state of the game.

    If anything killers should start dodging lobbies as a way of protest. If survivors continue to complain about queue times maybe bhvr will actually buff the killers so they are fun to play again by reducing hook timers/ pallets or what not.

    Anyways, camping and tunneling is a viable strat.. When the game starts the survivors have all the momentum until one of them dies. Once that happens the tide begins to shift into the killers favour.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Just take away their NOED and the problem will sort itself.