Question about two Perks

Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

So, I've been awhile for a few Months and recently returned (can't seem to entirely quit on my love for DBD) and picked up the Cursed Legacy dlc. I def want to try out Oni eventually, atm focusing on other goals in DBD, but wanted to dump a couple hundred thousand Bloodpoints into him, since I'd be maxed out on Bloodpoints otherwise.

While leveling him I had Ghost Face's Furtive Chase Perk show up, a Perk I've previously not cared for too much....but then seeing Oni's own Perk, Nemesis, I have to these two Perks combo off like I think they do? Where I could potentially create a constant cycle of having people rotate becoming the Obsession, trigger Nemesis to have them be afflicted by Oblivious AND seeing their Aura? Seems like a pretty strong and sinister setup if it works like I think it does, especially if I get/add Make Your Choice for faster downs.

Just haven't seen videos or discussions about it (from a quick look around the forums, reddit and videos I watch) and was curious if it was overlooked or was tested and turned out to be very meh? Half the fun of DBD for me is the theorycrafting of Perks and Perk loadouts tbh.



  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yes, those two perks should synergise the way you're imagining, unless there's some bug or hidden feature that stops them from doing so. You can always test it out ingame and let us know if it works for sure!

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited January 2020

    Yes Nemesis works very well with obsession perks, but Nemesis itself changes obsession every time you get stunned you dont need FC and personally FC isnt even the best use of Nemesis, some of the good perks to use with Nemesis are;

    • Play With Your Food (every time you break a chase with your obsession you get a token, up to 3, and each token gives you 5% movement speed. You lose a token every time you attack)
    • Dark Devotion (when you hit your obsession you 'transfer' your terror radius onto your obsession for 30 sec making the killer have 0 TR and the obsession having a TR)
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    I was seeing it as a more reliable way to guarantee the Obsession change more often to trigger Nemesis, as pallets can be dropped early or sometimes people won't drop a pallet!

    Yes, I saw much about Play With Your Food to synergize with Nemesis, especially Leatherface!

    @Fibijean I def intend to, was just curious what people may have tested out since Oni's release! Tho I have much to practice & learn with Oni, esp being console player & having to get used to his BAM BAM Power (I was always bad with Billy's Chainsaw maneuvering) . Jus seems like a fun combo for fast back & forth Oblivious shenanigans

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    I tried it. Hopefully you can get it to do something for you as I can't find a way to make furtive Chase beneficial at all. Using these two together just didn't give me much as opposed to nemesis and pwyf would. I don't feel the oblivious status on it's own from nemesis is that great.