3 Perk Ideas To Apply Pressure For Killers


So if Hex:Ruin is doomed to be beat to death with a nerf bat, I think it is only fair to contribute possible solutions. Let's face it, some killers are broken and might never be competitive with their base kit. However perks at least apply a bandage that can make killers viable or encourage different builds. The following three perks are ideas I have thought about a while and tried reworking multiple times to make them balanced for killers and survivors.

Deranged Pursuit: Your bloodlust becomes insatiable once the match starts.

Once the match starts your base movement speed increases by 30%/40%/50%. Once the killer has made their first successful attack they relish in the thrill of a new hunt, the killer takes 100% longer to recover from their first successful attack. In addition after the first successful attack is made the killers perk becomes inactive and can no longer be used the rest match reverting back to their base movement speed.

Notes and Balance: With Hex:Ruin getting nerfed killers that relied heavily to get their first down or to properly set up were severely crippled. This perk would allow killers like trapper, hag, or demogorgon to properly apply map control for later on in the match where they excel. In terms of balance this only becomes an issue on killer that have insta-down capabilities. My solution to this is that while this perk is active, any attack that would normally put a survivor in the dying state instead only knocks them down one health state. Which means anything like chainsaw, exposed status effects, or insta hatchets would have no affect until after the first hit.

Hex:50/50: The entity is a mysterious being sometimes favoring the killers or the survivor.

Once four generators have been completed this perk lights any dull totems within the map. The entity randomly spawns one additional generator within the match. The extra generator that spawns starts off at 50%/25%/0% completion.Once this totem activates survivors must complete one additional generator in order for the gates to power up. If this totem is destroyed the generator stays on the map, but survivors only have to complete one additional generator to escape. If one generator is already completed when the totem is cleansed survivors, must still complete one additional generator to escape.

Note and Balance: This perk encourages a stronger mid to late game style of play. This works in a few different ways. Once the 4th generator is powered another generator randomly spawns on the map. This would be a horrible choice for killers that rely on the three lock, but rely more heavily on prolonging the game. In addition it encourages survivors to do more totems as the match goes on as well as puts survivors in a dilemma. Go searching for a now lit totem or commit to powering out two more generators before the match ends. If the totem is cleansed it works in the survivors favor as the killer now has to patrol 4 generators as opposed to just 3.

Preemptive Strike: Sensing the survivors intention you let your rage consume you to tip the odds in your favor.

Preemptive Strike activates 120/90/60 seconds after the match starts. This perk enables you to break a singular undropped pallet anywhere on the map. This perk becomes unusable once activated once.

Notes and Balance: This perk is pretty simple and one I am surprised has not been implemented yet. Have you ever played a killer and came close to downing a survivor only for them to run to an infinite loop with lots of pallets near by? This perk seeks to at least plan ahead. This is intended to remove god loops for killers that really need it. However as it can only be used once per match it still allows survivors to outplay killers that are not being mindful of pallets locations.

These are ideas that I brainstormed for quite awhile trying to find a good middle ground that are both balancing for killers and not tedious for survivors to go against. Please leave constructive criticism! I would love to hear some thoughts on these ideas and whether or not they are too strong or too weak. Thank you for reading people of the fog!


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Your 1st and 3rd perk are too weak. If you would buff them a bit, they could have potential.

    2nd suggestion: The devs obviously don't want to add anything to the game that increases the time that survivors have to spend on gens.

  • Infinity_Bored
    Infinity_Bored Member Posts: 445

    Deranged Pursuit is the name of a Legion Achievement