Totem lockers


Hello, my suggestion is to put the totems in the lockers, not being at first glance it would cost more we find, you would give more value to perks that just look like small game, iron maiden or detective's hunch, would slow down the pace a bit The generators are currently made and would add value to hex totems.

Sorry, English is not my native language.


    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Absolutely not. Iron maiden is in the game u know xd

  • Mang_Anwar
    Mang_Anwar Member Posts: 56

    I made a perk where any hex totems is disguised as dull totems, so survivor had to go look around and break every single dull totems they encounter till they got the disguised ones.


  • ivanjoe30
    ivanjoe30 Member Posts: 3

    My suggestion is that the Totem could also be inside the lockers, that way they would be hidden and they would not be so easy to find. The ruin would last more than 30 seconds, devouring hope with 3 tokems would be terrifying and delay the survivors with the gens

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    But then the Ruin would stop being High Risk/High Reward to become Low Risk/High Reward so they would all have to be severelly nerfed so... no. I would rather the killer had the choice of were to put ruin.

  • ivanjoe30
    ivanjoe30 Member Posts: 3

    The ruin nerf will be released in the next update, Totem rarely lasts more than 1 minute. Good survivors know totem spawns. Totems have counters, small game, detective's hunch but it is better to go with DS, dead hard, BT, adrenaline, no? I play in Ps4 I'm Rank green or purple with killer, 80% of the games are trampled by SWF of red ranks.

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    I didn't meant ruin but Hex in general. It's suposed to be high risk, high reward. If it gets hidden in lockers, it stops being high risk, because it will be a lot harder to see (unless the locker has some tell in it, but then again, it wouldn't really improve it has an hiding place). Even nerfing the sound that it makes would make it lower risk since we usually only search certain areas we pass by if we hear the hex sound, otherwise we keep going.

    About high ranks you are actually wrong... we don't really care about ruin. The only Hex that actually makes us search for it is Devour Hope if it triggers! Sure, when we pass by an area that usually has a totem we, at least, keep our hear in alert mode and we can actually loop an area looking for it but most players won't run around the map searching for ruin since it doesn't really botters us unless the killer is really good and can keep an high gen pressure.

    I've been through many games were we opened the exit gates with ruin still up...

    But then again, if totems were in lockers, the sound would still be there so it wouldn't really be hard to find but how would it be cleanesed? Would we get into the locker and wait for 15s? Wouldn't it be worst for killers that wouldn't be able to see us at a distance? In proximity it would probably be the same thing since they would hear us cleanse it but from a far enough distance they wouldn't hear us nor see us!

    They nerfed ruin because it was being used to much (I believe it was one of the reasons they did it), but then what would happen to iron maiden?