I dont understand why some people say they need to increase gen times like why??

Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Back in 2016 when the game was very mutch unbalanced towards the surviver side they actuelly decided to increase the generator time. Thats why i think there is other solutions to the problem some people are having. Today the game is so mutch more balanced compared to 2016 and with means that they should not change the generator time again.



  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    The issue at play, in my opinion, is that tool boxes should have far fewer uses, fewer types, and overall, should not stack with perks like Prove Thyself, Leader, etc. With even two working on a gen with boxes and just one PT, it DRASTICALLY cuts gen time down to the point where newer killers won't stay with the game, especially with the proposed matchmaking changes. Gen times need lengthening, regression perks need adjustment, and a new perk needs to be made to better defend hex totems. Something akin to trappers spring add-ons. But to the original point, gen times are too generous currently.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125
    edited January 2020

    I would say the gentime at the first minute of the game has to be reduced. After you finally found, downed and hooked the first survivors, usually if all 3 survivor where repairen straight up, 3 gen pops. That should not be normal.

    Overall gentimes are totally fine

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Gen time must be balanced with sacrifice time. Increasing the former too much would make camping op, because a player could be essentially removed from the trial with less drawback.

    At that point, as long as the killer is not a potato, the match is much more easily winnable even if only 2 gens remain, because snowballing becomes much easier.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,678

    Because people are crying, overreacting, looking for special cases and declare them as the normal state of the game...

    But yeah, its hard to understand that Gens are slow when you start hitting people.

    In fact, the Gens are no problem at all, Gen Times are fine as they are, 80 seconds is enough. Problem are the Maps, because it should not be possible to keep the Killer occupied for so long that so many Gens can be done. And THIS is the Core Problem, not the Speed of the Gens.

  • ToxicClaud
    ToxicClaud Member Posts: 13

    I'm fine with the new ruin though. It's annoying to deal with but I play with two friends and one random so I usually find the ruin pretty fast. I'm not saying that toxic I'm trying to say that if you have a friend, try to run the killer around while the the friend finds the ruin

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    It all comes down to map pressure.

  • SquidFacedMan
    SquidFacedMan Member Posts: 148

    Solo gen time shouldn't increase, multiple survivors on a gen needs an increase.

  • scat
    scat Member Posts: 33

    So 6.4 seconds doesn't do anything for you, but 8 seconds is game changing?? Hahahaha I never knew that 1.6 seconds was so important on a generator

  • Buff Thana sounds better. Gens are fine.

    I agree that the debuff Thana gives is trash and doesn't stop survivors chugging through gens

  • It's because trash killers want it easy. They don't want to pressure. They want their bad decisions in chases to be unpunished. Their camping to be more viable. It's all understandable, but not necessary. Games last 10-12 mins on average. Plenty of time to get 4kills. They just need to try better strategies and move away from the popular meta perks

  • Now this is something I can agree with, as I have suggested before. I think it's better to have the debuff applied the ore gens there are active.


    8 gens on map = 8% extra debuff per survivor on gen

    7 gens on map = 7% extra debuff per survivor on gen...

    This way, the game isn't massively swung in the killers favour, just reduces the need for speed as a point of the game where speed of gens pop is less important. The debuff reduces as gens fall, because survivors are lore likely to do gens together/need to do them together, killer perks (Thana, dying light, new ruin etc) are at a stronger point, aswell as killers having less map to worry about.

    Can't really see how survivors would cry about this tbh, most survivors aren't trying to smash all gens in under 5mins

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I play both sides and I feel, when playing killer, if I don't use ruin, the gens are done very fast. Of course it depends on what killer I am using and the survivors I am facing, but if every survivor goes for a gen and I find a survivor after 30 seconds and down him in 60 seconds (start of the game, pallets are all available), by the time I hook the person at least 2 gens will pop, maybe even 3. Now, people will say "don't take 60 seconds to down someone, be faster". Well, not everyone has the same skill as a killer and some survivors are just very good at looping.

    I don't know if gens should be fixed slower or if the repairing time should be extended, but I think something has to be done so killers do not have to rely on a perk, which will be changed soon, to just have a chance to actually get some kills before all gens are fixed.

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    Ah yes apply pressure to 4 people as Clown, care to share your secret? You can only chase 1 survivor at a time, 4 survivors separated on generators, how do you pressure it?

    "Just drop the chase" doesn't work because you still spend time chasing, which means others survivors working on gens, then you need to find a new victim, which means others are still working on gens meanwhile the survivor you dropped chase on is now on a gen, and then you need to chase the new victim.

    Why do you think it's common for 3 gens to pop in a single chase against optimal survivors? It's simple, too many killers cannot apply pressure. Arguably Hag is the only killer who can be in multiple places at once, if they have the correct trap placement, and pressure all survivors.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    With the upcoming ruin change we are going back to 2016

  • Lol talking like you get optimal survivors in every game. Half of games are swf, so that's blown your crybaby nonesense out the water. So, with the remaining 50% who are swf, we will split into 3 groups, 2man, 3man and 4man. We will give them equal share (unless someone has data) 17% (rounded) of the 17% of 4man swf, you seriously trying to say that they're all survivor fiends that play to gen rush only? Because that's a fat no! It's my experience that even 4man swf are 🥔 too, I would easily say that 90% of my games end in an easy 4k, leaving 1.7% of players that fit anywhere between 3k and 4 man escape, or attempted gen rush. That's a tiny amount of games.

    So yeah Git Gud. Stop tunnelling and camping. Anticipate their move. Mind game. Run non meta perks. Or, you know, play survivor, see how easy it is 😂

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Increased means faster, I want them to be slower, you should repair faster in the endgame but in the start of the trial its too fast actually.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I got confused cause you said gen TIME should be reduced,not gen speed.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I realize I may be in the minority, but I almost never bring anything into the game. I'm confident enough to not need anything, but I also don't want to bring in something good and then get smacked with Franklin's and waste time trying to find it. That being said, if they increase gen times, I will start bringing in toolboxes, BNPs, and probably running a perk or two to help boost repair speed. I think that will be a pretty normal response from a lot of survivors. So, okay, increase gen speed, but will it matter when we can do all that to counter it? Toolboxes and addons and perks?

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    Worst case doesn't that just mean all that extra work makes the game what it is currently?

    The times get increased and to get back what they have now survivors have to specifically seek it.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Maps need to change before any form of Gen talks can insue...

    Plus base regression should be increased to either half or even with progression

  • KuromiStarwind
    KuromiStarwind Member Posts: 325

    It would be nice if they actually stopped feeling like it's absolutely necessary to release a killer/map, with perks and all of that every 3 months and instead focused on game health and, most certainly, current maps and map size. Instead they just spend 3 months to rework 1 killer and 1 map that they barely even change other than visually.

  • ReallyBigShoe
    ReallyBigShoe Member Posts: 764

    Yep. The fact that on your average map as a killer without mobility (or even worse, Huntress who is slow as balls), you can't even make it to the other side before one (or even two) generators pop, is an issue.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381
    edited January 2020

    I mean, they never brought anything up regarding SWF, nor did they ever complain about the game. Brendan brought up a basic point which is the fact that the majority of killers cannot be in multiple places at once. Not only this but you also accuse them of playing in a specific way when you do not even know how they play in the first place.

    To me this doesn't really seem like a great way to have a discussion of the game nor do you even mention how a killer such as Clown can keep 4 survivors in check.

    Sure, optimal survivors aren't the most incredibly common thing to see but I can't really imagine anybody feeling good about a scenario you can do literally nothing about no matter how rare that is which is where I believe their concern comes from considering the example they gave.

    Post edited by vampire_toothy on
  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    toolboxes can go up to 35% odd repair speed without including perks, i can loop a killer for ages even if i decided to play super safe. issue is alot of people who play survivor just wont admit it, i dont get why, even with ruin and a good team the game was easy and the killer couldnt do much, the only time or reason i can imagine people cant see how survivor is stronger is because they couldnt ever do ruin or arent very good at chases but when the game dies because the game is balanced for two survivors to escape at rank 8? which lets be honest struggle at alot of things...

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    1.7% of players play optimally and gen rush? I'd like to see this data because you can watch streamers on Twitch get hammered by SWFs and people watch their highlights and say they stomp people but if you actually watch them live you see sometimes the steamer getting stomped.

    If you have a good enough PC I'd like to see some footage of you playing in multiple games at rank 1 because it's easy to escape in 90% of survivors games but to 4k in 90% of your matches? Yeah probably against people with under 100 hours but nowhere near people with 500+ unless you pull out a bunch of stupid addons.

    Again tell me how you pressure 4 survivors as the Clown on Wretched Shop when they all run to the structure. You getting a 4k in 90% of your games is not telling me how to do it and from experience most people who claim to 4k easily at rank 1 with no issues never post any evidence.

    Oh and there is no need to call me a cry baby when I've put effort in my post and not did a one liner "Git gud". If you're going to call everyone who disagrees that killer is too easy a cry baby then leave this forum because I want civil discussions with people, I don't want to reply to people who will throw a tantrum like a toddler if someone doesn't agree with their post.

  • Ok, forgive the harshness of responses. It's because you're literally complaining about things that are few and fair between.

    Changing things to suit the minority, affects the majority too. Making maps smaller because some gamers struggle in larger maps, means that you make it even easier for everyone else or even harder for survivors to escape. It's not about making massive changes because some things happen that you don't like. You know, take the loss and learn.

    Your specific question about clown, I have no idea how you play. I find the clown useful at mid range. I know when a survivor sees me, they have 3 options...

    1) Head for wall/pallet loop

    2) straight line and 360/juke

    3) do something else that gets them hit

    At higher gameplay, it's go for loop. I know the loops, I know their entries and exits. I get 4 bottles to chuck so I can already cover most exits, then it's just mind gaming the survivor into a hit, recharge my bottles as they run away, towards another loop, repeat, same result. What's difficult about any of that??

    If the survivor straight lines me and goes for jukes/360s, cool I don't lunge anyway! I hit them they run away, I fire bottles at the path I don't want them to take and hit them with one, easy 2nd hit. What's difficult about that??

    The 3rd needs no explanation...

    Increasing base gen speed to counter a rare scenario isn't healthy. There are too many games where survivors get trounced, the data even indicates that trials favour killers more as it is! Seriously, no base gen speed changes.

    Just because someone is a twitcher, YouTubers or other content streamer, isn't a great reflection either. Most are rubbish gamers, I have played against them as killer or survivor and with them as survivor, the ttv means nothing, beyond a show of their self confidence.

    1.7% of gamers....I want to see the data on all of that. The numbers produced there are me applying simple division and personal experience. I would MUCH prefer to see the actual data on all I said there, as that will be interesting and enlightening.

    You ask for me to post video of gameplay, conversely I could ask you to do the same. As much as you claim streamers get stomped, they also do lots of stomping too! Survivor and killers.

    When I play survivor, solo I am kinda #########. If I double team, I know I will be saved and there's some tactics, triple team we can be annoying, 4 man squad is always the best advantage, but that depends on the killer too. When run the meta, we squash them. When they run a more tailored to their playstyle/killer perks, it's tougher for us, sometimes we get ass raped and only do 3 gens, other times we leave GG ez, friend request to the killer.

    As a killer, I will admit that it's far too easy playing against solos, no matter the rank, made even easier now the deranking system is appalling, when really ranking itself needs a complete overhaul. Conversely, I will admit that my toughest games come from 4 man squads, yes I still win most of them, but I have to non stop pressure and it's less "fun" more precise and tasking. I have to run perks/add ons that allow me to keep pressure. I don't have a "main" but I do well with any killer, including your clown and the ever changing legion. I refuse to play with spirit/Billy/ghost face/Myers/nurse (but after what they did to her, no shock) because it's no fun, it's ridiculously easy with those killers, easy isn't fun.

    As for throwing a tantrum. All of these posts about gen rush or other survivor strategies, are exactly that. You're all throwing a tantrum because you played less than optimally against optimal players. I have NEVER been gen rushed, ever. It's certainly been on, 2 gens pop fast..., 3rd not long after, while I have only seen one survivor. But it didn't end in a ######### walkover. I see 4 toolboxes, I am bringing Franklin's, overwhelming, a gen watch and a gen damage perk. When i see secret offerings from survivors, I know what they're trying to do and adjust accordingly. As gen rush relies on survivors being as far from killer as possible, they do outside gens. It means they leave themselves open to 3 or 4 gen patrol strat, Which is then fun, because one tries to be a distractor, but only serves as a pallet waster. While my perks allow me to track what gens are being worked on. Granted,there's no 4k for me this game. But I ain't black pipping, I am leaving with 25k plus, everyone had a tough game, GG, nice attempted gen rush, friend requests sent.

    I hope any of that helps. It's not my intention to cause arguments. It's because I strongly disagree (as ibdobwithbmost killer gripes) with the idea that gen rush is happening so often, it needs a game wide rebalance to fix. It's why I like the suggestion that survivors suffer a harsher penalty for working on gens together, the more gens there are. If they don't want to make it part of the game, make it a perk instead. It loses power as the game progresses, do isn't OP and it doesn't really affect the majority of normal gameplay.

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Thanks for the better response here.

    I won't really focus on the Clown part of this as that was to help Brendan get a better response however I will respond to the rest of the post.

    Let's start off with your first point ;

    I agree that gen times shouldn't be increased specifically due to the fact that it's the most boring part of the game anyways and because there are better solutions (such as re-balancing maps or bringing the weakest killers more on par with the better ones).

    You also bring up that the killrates are in favor of the killers, however I think it's very important to point out one change that was made around the time of these stats which I believe has caused some problems for both the matchmaking and the killrates. 3.2.1 introduced a change to the SWF matchmaking where it's based on the highest ranked player which means if you're rank 1 and have one, two or even three rank 17 friends then you're all considered red rank players and put into a red ranked match. I believe this has caused killrates to be higher than they should be while also causing the issue of high ranked survivors & low ranked killers being unable to have quick queue times. If you pair this with the rank reset change of 3.4.0, you're basically going to end up with a scenario where killers will have more kills (or more frustrating matches in the case of new killers) because everyone is getting pushed up into the ranks without any reasonable way to get out of those said ranks. The devs have also stated that their stats shouldn't be used to draw conclusions either, though they are at least interesting to see.

    Now with the whole "1.7% of players" part, I honestly don't think there's any reasonable way to actually track how many players play at the very best level because there are simply way too many factors in this game for both sides, whether it be luck (map, kobe's, window/pallet counts, perks, offerings). There's a lot of things that would skew the results which would make it an absolute nightmare to figure that all out.

    Now, should the game be balanced around the very best players in the game for however high or low of a percentage of people that is? No, infact I don't think that's exactly possible with the way this game is setup either, however I think it's still important to understand the frustrations people on both sides can have when they're in an unwinnable circumstance. This doesn't mean that improvements shouldn't be made however.

    Lastly, I don't see the issue being that multiple survivors are stacking onto the same generator, infact I believe providing incentive for survivors to group up is a great way to allow killers to put on more pressure in a trial. The issue that I see is that the optimal way to play (around generators anyways) is to have all 4 survivors split up, which is somewhat manageable on a small map like coal tower but impossible on massive maps (such as Mother's Dwelling, Rotten Fields, Disturbed Ward, etc...) or incredibly safe maps (such as Ormond, Cowshed, Rotten Fields x2, etc...), or maps that are both. While you might disagree with the idea, I think the best way to address a large majority of the frustrations on both sides would be the following three ;

    1 : Improve the maps. Doing so makes it more manageable for the weaker killers and if structures are properly addressed then bloodlust can be removed, making it better for both sides. Smaller maps additionally provide more interaction between both roles which I believe would make games more fun.

    2 : More incentive should be given to let people group up. One idea I had at one point was to increase the time of doing a generator alone, but pairing up with another survivor would make gen times faster and the exact equivalent of the most efficient speed we have now (without toolboxes). Though, I haven't worked out the numbers on it. This solution would make games go at the same speed but gives more strength to perks like discordance & prove thyself, while also making Legion better for instance.

    3 : Improve the weakest killers (if you ask me, that'd be Clown, Leatherface, Legion, Trapper & Wraith). Bringing them more on par with the basekits of other killers brings more variety and more variety makes matches more enjoyable overall because it isn't the same few killers all the time. Though the improvements should be made in a way where they're enjoyable to go against like (in my opinion) a good Huntress or Hillbilly who for the most part are super fun to go against.

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403
    edited January 2020

    i meaaaan im a huntress main :)

    I wish they could just delete every singel inside map tho, also i was hoping BHVR had learned from previous misstakes nobody like inside maps but then stranger things chapter chapend so sad.

    I cinda like big maps cause i can throw my hatchets over the entire map hoping to get a PogChamp hit, but some killers is going to have problem with big maps ecspecielly if the maps have alot of trees and stuff everywhere :(

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    1) Killers are constantly nerfed every patch for better comfort of survivors. Killers are not power role anymore but survivors are. Its more than fair to look on survivors now and fix problems that annoy killers.

    2) Gen times are ridiculous. Most of times there is 1 gen completed before killer even find first survivor and after first chase 2nd gen is done if you are facing well organized (aka not potatoes) group. Killer cannot be on 4 places at once (especialy on large maps) and survivors with toolbox and good addons can finish gen incredibly fast during any chase. To counterbalance this there is (was) old Ruin which buy you some time to apply some pressure. But now Ruin is destroyed so developers have to look on gen times to balance game for killers as well, not only making game comfortable and not frustrating for old and new survivors.

    3) Other gen slow perks has so ridiculously low numbers and conditions that its not worth perk slot. Ruin was used by 80% of red ranks from some reason a this reason is crazy gen speed. Reworking of gen speeds will balance game for killers and bring usage of forgotten perks that are now useless vs gen rushing groups.

    Sure there are more problems like totems locations and spawns that must be reworked and survivor mains are blind to this problems coz they want keep their comfort but there are killers too and they need fun too.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I dont think it is neccessary only the gen time but rather a combinition of map size, mobility of some killers, overall map pressure, gen speed with toolboxes and many killers that dont know when to leave a chase.

    Here is a prime example i recorded yesterday vs a Huntress on Tempel of purgation. She should have slugged the Meg, but other then that, she did not do anything terrible wrong here. She got genrushed because of the reasons i mentioned above.

    Instead of fixing the genspeed i would rather fix map sizes. Especially tempel and red forest are a bit to large and overall very hard to patrole as a killer. And nerf toolboxes just a bit.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337
    edited January 2020

    Increasing generator repair time would just be a bandaid for the bad maps in the game and unbalancing the few balanced ones. A lot of maps either need reworked or decreased in size and the problem will fix itself.

    Also it wouldn't hurt for BHVR to temporarily take a few specific maps out of rotation here and there for touch ups.

    Regarding maps I'll just list 5 that are most problematic in my view


    • Disturbed Ward (Crotus Prenn Asylum) - Main building needs reworked as it has too many safe areas for survivors to stall
    • Red Forest (Realm) - Both Mother's Dwelling and The Temple of Purgation maps are far too big just in general
    • Rancid Abattoir (Coldwind Farm) - Window in building should always be blocked because loop is too safe in building when it spawns - The one that's closest to the generator spawn spot.
    • Wretched Shop (Autohaven Wreckers) - Center building could use a rework because it's too safe because of the double window setup

    These are maps that have super problematic areas that waste so much time for the killer for nonsense reasons. There is honestly so many maps in this game that could be reworked with tiny changes that would fix a lot for killer side. Notably window setups.

  • Infckingcredible
    Infckingcredible Member Posts: 145

    Back in 2016 survivors were new to the game and most couldn't run the killer at all so times weren't that bad. Nowadays, if you do well as survivor you can run the killer for a pretty long time.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Nowadays survivors are toxic like hell, they can endless loop killer and later teabegg in gate to show who is the boss.

  • I am not convinced in the slightest that maps need altering. The small maps are a joke, it's almost a guaranteed win when I load in. No real gamer wants guaranteed wins, they want challenge. Of course, they don't want to be walked over either, but I still hold the position that only bad killers get walked over. Just because we can pip into red ranks, doesn't make us any good at the game, which I know most of the community sees. For me, good at the game is the killers ability to end a chase with a hook v the survivors ability to keep the killer busy without going down/escaping. Make ranks based around that, we get a better reflection of who the top players are.

    As for the data, I can only go with the data presented. I wish we could see more and that maybe there was a forum page that listed all kinds of data on all kinds of things, at least it would debunk some of the myths about gameplay that are thrown around the forum (gen rush happening all the time, survivors all use DS, Head on, BT, Adrenaline bringing torches and toolboxes with every possible scenario planned and ready to be actioned) Because that's just not real.... Sure, stats aren't a great reflection of things, but they're better than the mind numbing complaining that happens about the slightest inconvenience. Great stats are about quality of data, if DbD wants to continue improving, it needs to collect more data so it can accurately make changes and adjustments for the betterment of the game.

    The game can NOT be balanced around the extremes. It needs to be low key at the start, then get progressively challenging based around your actual skill level, not your ability to do what your meant to. The game needs to be balanced around player skill, there is nothing in game that reflects that, so no reliable data can be used to improve the game, which is why we get ######### adjustments. The only balancing act I agree with, is BHVR wanting the balance play around 2 kills, 2 escapes. It just doesn't know how, because it doesn't collect the right data.

    I honestly don't think the game should be wanting multiple survivors on a gen, especially at the start. Yes, I am fully aware that each survivor working a separate gen is the most efficient, before perks and toolboxes anyway, but gens falling early can negatively affect some killers, no matter how trash I think they are, but as gen rush is as undesirable as camping or tunnelling (less frequent too), they should address it, just not with base gen speed.

    I am going to disagree with the whole weaker killers thing. The problem is, there's too many overpowered killers that completely rebalancing. When solo queueing, I already know it's game over when Freddy, spirit, Billy and gf are in the trial. Yes, matchmaking and rank system play it's part (the amount of red rank survivors that get exposed by gf because they don't look behind them is quite alarming) but these killers need serious reworks to bring them in line with 2k kill/escape average per game. Then we can look at "Weaker Killers" to improve them. Making such killers as strong as Freddy and spirit, isn't going to help the community, it's going to drive survivors away.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    All these people crying because they claim killer has been getting nerfed....have you missed the last 2 years of patch notes? Survivors have been nerfed at every corner up until ruin got touched and now its all of a sudden that only killers get nerfed? Lmao what a salty bunch of babies I seriously wish I could bring back the game for one day when it was seriously unfair to even play killer back in 2016 so you could see unbalanced , as for Gen times they don't need to be touched but survivors should need to complete a small objective to begin starting gens , both sides have every tool they need to compete on a level field but just how survivors can just immediately spawn by the Gen and then if you walk the wrong way at the beginning it pops, that's the only real issue but there is also a counter and that's planning for the endgame , if a gen or two pops and you don't have momentum then you need to pick the four closest gens and start protecting them like it's already down to 1 gen and you will win almost Everytime , you as a killer have the ability to control where the endgame will happen if you play correctly

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    It's Simple, Base Gen times are okay but Survivors are allowed to stack perks and toolboxes making games go much much quicker, There's other issues like Map design and slow start up killers but Gens being able to be sped up at an already semi-quick pace at base is the main issue in my opinion.

    Especially when the Devs have stated they are against Slow downs for Killers. Just think back to the Thana Buff we got in a PTB but didn't go live, Or the fact that when asked why plauges sickness had no debuffs the same answer was given.

    Having one side have multiple ways to speed up the game while the other has very little to slow it down just doesn't work.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Because in red ranks SWF destroy killers, as a survivor even I agree to increase gen times.. even by 15 seconds each would be good

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    I suspect you don’t play killer at high Ranks. Or Killer at all.

  • I play both sides in red ranks. Killer when I want to play alone and feel like stomping, survivor when I have friends or a daily to do.

    For me, the issue is clearly that ranking up is too easy, giving players the idea they're good at the game, then they come across players that are actually good at the game and the gulf of difference is apparent. Behaviour can't do anything about that, without completely reworking the ranking system. That way, great survivors can play against great killers, while you pip jockey's and go play in your own little league.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    Nah. You’re using the times you go ahead purples and low rank reds as evidence you’re good at killer without ruin. Unless you spam play the killers that can cover great distances, I don’t believe anyone who says they don’t need Ruin to always “stomp.”

    This is going to come down to “pics or it didn’t happen” situation. It’s easy to see what happens when high rank and skill killers go against high rank and skill survivors. The survivors always win. It’s just not possible for them to lose.

    Perhaps that’s what you’re saying. That there are too many potato’s. But I don’t believe for a second you win against the top % survivors without ruin. Not one second.

  • Honestly after playing with and without toolboxes in so many games, I've come to realize I think gen progress without toolboxes is a lot closer to balanced- they just need to address the maps that are so huge/so much navigation to get to that patrolling them is not really possible.

    The toolboxes themselves need to not affect repair speed at all, they should just help you with skill checks, help prevent generator explosions a bit, just anything besides repair speeds.

  • I haven't used ruin since PGTW appeared in the shrine. Ruin is a lazy and mostly terrible perk/hex. At red ranks, survivors play through it, it gets found almost immediately or doesn't last longer than 60 secs before it does go in most games, so why would i run it? At least with pop, I get to control how the game goes, add overcharge and I am doing better than ruin ever could.

    I don't use spirit, nurse, Freddy, Billy etc, it's just too easy with them, there's little survivors can do against them to help them win, other than hope the killer is another rank 10 pip sweater.

    Yes, the idea that almost all your games end in gen rush, is too a pics or it didn't happen scenario....

    Without a doubt, there's too many potatos in red ranks, both killer and survivor. There's a rank ceiling, that everyone can hit over time, which is why ranking needs to be completely overhauled.

    I hate playing against potato swf squads, just because they're communicating, doesn't increase their ability to play. I absolutely love the strong SWF teams , that come in with a plan and strategy, unfortunately theyre few and far between, but these games I certainly feel pushed, which is great fun compared to the boring rank 10s that just sweat the game into red ranks.

    When i play survivor, it's reconfirmed, if I solo queue, the killer almost always wins, if I double team I have a better chance, 3 man we can annoy the killer, 4 man is about even, sometimes we make the killer look like a rank 10 pip sweater sometimes we get raped by the 3rd gen.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2020

    Ruin up for 60 seconds is still 60 seconds of at least one person not doing a gen, someone taking time to break a totem, people being somewhat less coordinated and is still a very strong perk- and if it isn't broken until a few minutes in you get back that investment two fold and so on.

    That is why people run it, it's usually at least a little helpful.

    Problem with the new ruin is it's only useful when it lasts pasts 60 seconds.....but it never does so it genuinely IS not worth taking against higher ranks.

  • The match lasts longer than 60seconds, even the all of a sudden massive armies of gen rushers can't finish the game that quickly. Although, I know killers can....

    Yeah, 60 secs isn't enough to warrant a perk slot for a mediocre game advantage. That's nit to say I am for the new ruin either, it's a blatant nerf, the idea that it will be great from mid game is an absolute denial of how hexes work, as in they get cleared. Players still gonna find it and clear it before it really takes hold

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    Well, I think we can both agree that the ranking system is in great need of improvements if it's to do its job properly however I do not believe we will ever get a perfect rank system for this game purely due to the fact that it's way too unique in comparison to other games to really get an idea of where to begin or how to even properly judge someones skill in the game.

    As I believe I've mentioned in my previous post, I've also agreed that the game shouldn't be balanced around the extremes however it's still very important to acknowledge the frustrations some of these groups can bring especially with some of the brutal perk and map setups that can occur.

    However beyond that I can see that our stances on killers & maps are vastly different and to that I'd like to say that neither one of us will manage to change the mind of the other. However I will say that I do not believe any killer is OP at the current state of the game, there are some annoying ones but the annoyance some of them cause should not be mixed up with their actual strength level. Some of my best matches are against the strongest killers like Hillbilly, Huntress & Oni because I believe that in the case of Hillbilly & Huntress at least, the best player wins the chase and they have fair counterplay that any player can learn.

    Maps on the other hand are in heavy need of altering, even if you cannot agree on the idea of shrinking the maps there are others that simply have setups that are way too strong. For instance Rotten Fields & Ormond have tiles that all chain into each other, Disturbed Ward features the strongest middle structure in the game (often referred to as an infinite or near infinite loop), etc. This is not to say that maps don't occasionally screw survivors either because I also understand that RNG can seriously ruin a match on gas heaven and the incredibly weak pallets on Hawkins can be annoying. Maps across the board can and should be improved in reasonable ways to ensure interactive gameplay for both sides.

    Lastly while you've provided a decent point on solution #2, I've still not heard what it is about a small map that you don't like nor have you explained why the killers you've listed are overpowered. I can at least understand people being annoyed about Freddy or Spirit, I can see the argument that could be made for Billy against a solo group but I fail to see how any reason can be made for Ghostface being too strong. I think lastly it's important to take a step back as you made a point that too many players are able to pip up to rank 1 too easily on both sides, don't you think that would have an influence on the strength of these killers and their killrates?

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    When you actually think about it..."much" does sound like it should have a T in it.