Third Seal

Does it block ALL aura reading Perks and situations? I'm trying this in my builds while I max out my Hag, and wondering what all it does block. I know Blindness basically lists everything that could provide an aura, but does it actually block them all?
Situational Perks like Aftercare or Alert. Does it block these?
Pig Boxes?
That newer Steve Perk, Camaraderie I think is the one?
Kindred effects?
Anyways, mostly just looking to see what it doesn't block. Totems are RNG based for them lasting longer than 30 seconds, but if I can get enough use out of it, and it blocks enough reads, it might be a fun Perk to play around with on other Killers too.
Might be a different one for Steve then. The one where you see the Killer's aura and he sees yours after you unhook? Babysitter?
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Its Babysitter
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Third seal and knock out do nothing to swf using comms
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Not worried about this. SWF isn't as common as everyone thinks. It's just you remember those matches more often because they are usually painful. From my own experience Survivor side, you tend to run into 2-man groups more than 4-man coordinated jackal packs.
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I play on the PS4 and regularly get 2x2, 4 and 3 SWFs?! I really would like to play those perks too as they would be powerful against solo survivors
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They're way more common on ps4 than pc
I liked third seal on legion before they changed his basic attack thing. Apart from that it's a hex perk, if ends up surviving a while I usually wish I'd brought devour hope instead.
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That's part of what I'm looking at right now. Figuring out how many stacks I'd have on DH before it goes down. So far... not looking good. I'd have gotten much more use out of DH at this point, even if it's just 1 or possibly 2 OHKOs. Ah well. Will see in another few days how it works out.
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Third seal and knockout are a nightmare for solo Q players, but ignored by SWF on comms. If you want to grief solo Q players go ahead and use them though.
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I hate Knockout as a Survivor, so I'll probably never use it. I used it once against a team with 2 deranked bullies that I had encountered before. Some of those ones that derank to purposefully bully low rank Killers. They did not appreciate Knockout + Franklin's + Lightborn w/ a Purple Mori. I let the other two newer players farm and go afterwards. Right now I'm just looking for Perks to swap in/out and get some use out of instead of the meta ones.
There's a lot of combos that work well on this or that Killer, so while I'm max'ing, I can try different loadouts and see if I find something I enjoy playing with. Third Seal was the next one on my list to try out. Gonna mess around with Surge, and a few others to see if they work with how I play or not.
Half the fun is in the experimentation.
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A gentle reminder- its Hex totem. It will add only frustration. And it doesnt really hide everything. You can use it to slug.. but Knock Out is better, because it cant be destroyed and you dont need to injure all survivors to activate it. Also, as "Sasori_puppet" said it wont block special objects, and hooks can be tracked. Its a Hex that bring too little to the table. A weak version of Knock Out.
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It blocks all auras except Jigsaw Boxes and Pools of Devotion.
IMO it's a very underrated perk. If you get 4 stacks you can win the game very quickly by slugging.
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You should come to Xbox. Not exaggerating, at least 70% of games at red ranks are 3-4 man SWF. I have a LOT of friends and the DBD community on Xbox is very tight nit. Everyone knows everyone for the higher ranks. There is exactly ONE survivor that plays solo regularly and he is considered by many of us to be the best survivor on the platform. Everyone else is in SWF majority of the time, and I know a lot of people that never even play solo surv.
If/when cross play becomes available I fully expect PC players to start complaining a lot more about SWF just because of Xbox.
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Not considering SWF, since with comms (or any communication app) that breaks most things in the game, it should block:
Kindred, Empathy, Bond, Aftercare, Alert, Windows of Opportunity, and anything similar. Not that many people use stuff like Alert or WoO, but anything with an aura read.
It won't block Spine Chill or Small Game, obviously.
Hmmm... I wonder how useful it would be to pair it with Rancor, the Obsession doesn't get the aura read, so Rancor comes out of the blue at end game and they have no time to prepare for it? IF the Totem lasts. That's where it always gets me.
Perk sounds really great, then you see it's a damn totem. Ah well. Will see how it works out. I'm not one to give up on something until I've tested it in at least a couple dozen matches. See how it fares against multiple different compositions of teams.
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I would not use it without a map offering. It works extremely well on a map like Lery's, where it will be almost impossible to find the slugs once everyone has been hit with third seal. The slugs themselves won't know where anyone is, and basically everyone just crawls around for 4 minutes until they die. I combine it with thanatophobia since there will be multiple injured survivors crawling around.
It is a very mean build, but totally ignored by the SWF groups that are typically way more toxic and deserving of mean builds than the solo Q players.