Toxic survivors...

I'm not a perfect rank, I'm a 12 right now, not my best. I dont take the game seriously, love playing to have fun with friends or alone. Getting tired of playing with higher ranks and they either dont help, camp hatch or legit tea bag on hatch or at exit gate. As a survivor main, I'd like to say that not all of us are toxic, but sadly I feel like the toxicity level is so bad half the time that it makes it hard on us non-toxic players. Then we get messages, from survivors, and we are called names, told to kill ourselves. Like, why? It's a game, just, why?
There will always be players like that. Deal with it.
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That's the biggest issue in the game in my opinion. It's so unbalanced it's created a lot of entitled mindsets that makes many survivors very toxic, even when they do get their way.
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I mean cmon, you do kinda want the good guys to have an advantage. The game is balanced around solo Q, and it's only really a problem if all 4 survivors are very good players, or are SWF and also good players.
That's usually not the case, so most matches are in the killer's favor. There is a reason every killer has above a 50% kill rate.
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You are saying it yourself. The game is balanced around survivors not being good at the game, so against 4 optimal survivors no killer has a chance. The game needs to be balanced around good survivors facing good killers and the ranking needs to be reworked to match these people with each other.
Also what do you mean by "good guys need an advantage"? This isn't a movie, this is a game.
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Based on observations alone you see in most red rank killer's that's not the case. Once you hit rank 8 with Killer, every single one complains that the biggest problem in game is that all they face is swf, and optimal survivors who do nothing but harass and bully killers - making the game borderline unplayable and require to play survivor just for a break against the consistent bad games.
Like I want to know how individual their so called "statistic's" are, because it looks like either they were taken far too blanketed, or are straight up lies to try and calm the masses.
In addition these statistic's everyone keep referring to were made several patches ago, and changes have been made - greatly in the survivor sided favor. I mean - I'm a survivor who should have a hard time getting out of green, that's where I place my skill, but i'm already almost to red rank since yesterday.
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There are plenty of characters the killer can play that will absolutely destroy anyone if played well, regardless of survivor skill. Spirit comes to mind.
The game is balanced around bad players facing other bad players, because most players are bad. Do you think the game should be balanced around the top 1% of players, or the other 99%? Which do you think will make more money?
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The killer was a rank 16, I was a rank 12, my friend is a rank 7, the other two random survivors were a 6. The one rank 6 was the one tea bagging and sent the messages, the other rank 6 was fine.
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I play against "toxic" SWFs all the time at rank 1, and typically all they do is get murdered. There are only a handful of players I recognize as being godly loopers, and when they get into a group, I know to put all the killer crutches on in an attempt to beat them.
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The in game antics I personally do not find toxic. They want to do it, go for it. Its the messages that is truly the toxic actions here and this is what needs to stop. I hope you reported the idiot who made the comments. They need to be banned.
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I don't even get the notion of toxic survivors. Against a really good killer, you literally won't even have time to teabag because you are running pallet to pallet to save your life.
The worst you can do is click a flashlight, and that means you are not running a far superior item like a toolbox or a key.
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That's not what rank 8 is like as killer at all. I understand at rank 1 there are a couple optimal runners but other than that it's casual city.
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Can I have your games then please? Every game is the same for me, that even ever 3-4th group are straight up running clan tag's or theme names. Honestly I've started stalking up on Mori's at this point because it's so unbelievably toxic what SWF's are doing to this game.
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Object of Obsession is nothing more than a vehicle for toxicity. Prove me wrong.
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Tbh the messages are legit the worst. Why tell someone to ######### over a game? Why be that way, why day anything at all?
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Just break the obsession.