Are entertaining perks good for DBD?

Moox Member Posts: 40
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I personally take DBD very light heartily and don't really care about winning, but more about having fun overall. Because of this, I use perks that allow me to enjoy DBD to its fullest that other killers and survivors would say are, "Much worse than other perks." As of now, I use Ace In The Hole, Head On, Lithe, Fixated, Urban Evasion, Quick & Quiet, Dance With Me, Monitor & Abuse, and Play With Your Food commonly on my solo builds. I believe that these perks can provide a joyful experience to both sides. Tbh I just want to see how the DBD community thinks of these "fun" perks and how Behavior could change them to improve the game. 

Also meta perks can be fun. I was not trying to imply that they couldn't be enjoyable, it's just most of them are not as entertaining to use for me. I also put Q&Q/Dance With Me in the list because I commonly pair that with Head On to confuse the killer and escape.

And how dare I forget the godly pebble.

Post edited by Moox on


  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    head on is becoming more useful and is almost considered a bullying perk, Q&Q has always been really good, UE has never been bad, fixated is gaining in popularity since players starting to understand how to use it better, dance with me is good as well and can be devastating with Q&Q.... about the only perk here that is remotely in the "much worse perks" category is ace in the hole (I've never used it) and 2 of these perks (monitor & abuse and play with your food) are killer perks and are actually quite good atm.

  • Moox
    Moox Member Posts: 40

    In the past 3-4 games I have not seen a survivor use a perk other than Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, BT, DS, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Iron Will, Self Care, and Prove Thy Self. Its kinda ridiculous.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    I feel like Fixated's true usefulness is in the extra walking speed boost, with the whole scratchmark thing just being a neat bonus.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    that is the meta at the moment and that is what we're going to see most times in the game then not. but that doesn't mean the perks that you listed are just mainly for fun, players can still make strong builds with them. the perks that you listed are not as upfront as the meta, they ask for more out of you as a player to get more use out of them.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2020

    Some of them like QnQ and DWM just need their cooldowns reduced a tad and they'd be golden.

    Fixated is a perk I actually really like for the juke factor even though it isn't the best. Maybe remove the uninjured requirement, idk.

    Lightweight needs to reduce footstep sounds.

    Technician needs to simply make the generator completely quiet while you're working on it so the killer has to visually check it rather than a drive by. Could let you do some "stealth" gens per say.

    Calm Spirit needs to also remove sounds and movement from debris, like grass rustling and moving as you walk through it for example.

    Open Handed should also work on detection radius's like Spine Chill and Premonition.

    Poised should be zero sounds at all and scratch marks. It's quite situational so it needs to be stronger when it activates.

    Up The Ante needs to be improved by Luck simply doing more, it's near useless right now. Maybe Luck has a chance to give very easy great skill checks, block a failed skill check explosion etc. Maybe each percent of Luck increased these chances by 10%.

    Breakdown also removes your scratch marks and blood for the 6 second duration that you see the killers aura.

    Tenacity also work like a Kindred for slugging. While slugged all survivors see each others auras and if the killer is within a certain radius of you their aura is shown.

    There are many more, but lots of these are fun perks I'd like to use that are just too weak and could use some of these buffs. There's also a whole like this for killer perks as well.

  • Shaai1
    Shaai1 Member Posts: 87

    I'd love for them to introduce some "fun" perks.

    They could be useless for game impact, but fun to use.

    For killers, some audio jumpscares, or some teleprojection to scare..

    For survivors dance moves, or some signal guns using against each other etc.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Quick and quiet is S tier if you know what you are doing with it. No other perk in the game lets you escape chases, or juke at unsafe pallets; except iron will.

    The problem with it is, if your team is weak, or the killer is facecamping, you will need something BT and deliverance to have any chance to save them.

    Fixated is probably one of the best stealth perks in the game. You are in a chase, uninjured, and then break LOS and hit a spot where there's 3-4 directions you could have gone? Boom, you have vanished.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    Pfft, i'll see you in Red Ranks: I'm running Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Head On, and Pebble. If you don't heal me, i'm going to throw a rock at your head. Don't worry - i'm not being toxic, you'll have Endurance, because of my BT, and if he downs you again i'll sit in the locker in the basement to stun him if he tries to put you there again.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I do think QnQ is highly underrated by most players but I would not put it even close to S tier.

    I do think Fixated is good as you've said, but I still think it could stand to be slightly better.

    I think BT being too good makes it cloud out a lot of other perks and make them look bad simply from it being over tuned.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    There are only 2 perks in the game that will let me juke at short pallets. Iron will, and quick and quiet. I always combine them, to deny as much information from the killer as possible. Quick and quiet is useless without iron will, but godly with it. The locker jukes it opens up are a bonus.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    You will only get hit by borrowed time if you are camping. And killers like freddy? He ignores it unless you are hitting the clocks before you go for a save.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    Monitor and Abuse and Play With Your Food are both meta on certain killers.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2020

    BT is abusable in many situations including when the killer is forced to camp even if he doesn't want to. Not to mention its issues late game when the doors are open. Having a couple killers that situationally make BT ineffective is pretty irrelevant for talking about the perks strength.

    If a killer plays completely fair IE completely zero camping/tunneling he will lose the game unless the survivors are quite bad. Playing entirely "fair" against very competent rank 1's is how you lose the game. Perks like BT force you to play how survivors want you to play.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2020

    The only reason a killer is "forced to camp" is the endgame. At that point, you have honestly lost as the killer, and deserve to get hit with BT while you try and facecamp your 1 kill of the game.

    I don't think camping or tunneling is an unfair strategy, because there are so many ways to counter it. But don't deny that it is a very easy one against weaker players.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2020

    We aren't talking about against weaker players that play dumb.

    So when you hook someone and see all the other survivors are in front of you circling the hook with one on a gen that isn't a time a killer is forced to camp? You expect that killer to just act dumb and chase 1 guy while the others unhook for free and heal him up?

    "The only reason a killer is "forced to camp" is the endgame. At that point, you have honestly lost as the killer, and deserve to get hit with BT while you try and facecamp your 1 kill of the game."

    I get your logic that he deserves it anyway because he's already lost at that point. However, if we're gonna use that logic then you could also say hatch shouldn't be spawning at zero gens because at that point they lost, they don't deserve a chance at a free escape.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Straw man argument. The hatch should spawn at 0 gens because you can slug for the 4k if you are that sweaty. The matchmaking is garbage for solo Q, and you will get literal rank 15's to face off against a rank 1-2 killer, usually running snowball perks.

    How do I get a gen done when there is a rank 15 getting 2 tapped, and camping every good pallet, while also feeding the killer pop?

    The hook tech is useless. I have people try it on me all the time, and the best answer is to stand there. 2 survivors off gens is enough pressure to win the game. Assuming you are downing people fast enough you don't lose 4 gens for 1 down, which a lot of killers do, but that is why they are bad. Bad killers don't know when to leave a chase. Good killers will leave a bad chase almost instantly.

  • korean_zombie
    korean_zombie Member Posts: 442

    survivors can run any perk setup they want. Killers are cringey if they run certain perks and should play nice with survivors who brought a meme build

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I hardly ever use non-meta Perks. I think the only Perk I use that is slowly creeping its way into the meta is Spine Chill. Aside from that, I mostly use Babysitter, Stake Out, Inner Strength, Iron Will, and Any Means Necessary. I would use Fixated more, but I don't like that the walking speed bonus goes away while injured considering we live in a society where 95% of Killers run Sloppy Butcher.

    As for Killer, I hardly ever play without Shadowborn because it just feels so nice. Sometimes I'll go with MnA because 32-meter TR's are the worst thing yet created. Aside from that, I would rather run Tremors over BBQ and Corrupt over Ruin (even pre-nerf). I try to make a build that balances being competitive and trying to win with Perks that are actually fun and chill, so aside from those Perks, I usually use Surveillance, Brutal Strength, and Infectious Fright.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Spine chill has always been the best perk in the game. It offers some of the best information, are you getting chased, should you be positioning at a pallet, or working on a gen? It boggles my mind that people call survivors noob for running it. Not to mention the vaulting speed it brings, saving you from dedicated server hits.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited January 2020

    It isn't a straw man argument at all.

    How is slugging for a 4k after you've won sweaty but saying BT should allow that extra person to escape at endgame after you lost as killer isn't sweaty? You already got your 3 escapes, just let him have that 1. This is very hypocritical. You are applying a double standard. If survivors won they should all escape but if killer won he should let one go and not be sweaty, that's what you're saying.

    We can't really use matchmaking as an argument here as it is just temporarily flawed since last patch and will be fixed, that isn't the normal game.

    "How do I get a gen done when there is a rank 15 getting 2 tapped, and camping every good pallet, while also feeding the killer pop?"

    You are referencing matchmaking being flawed at the moment, that isn't how normal games will be matched.

    "The hook tech is useless. I have people try it on me all the time, and the best answer is to stand there."

    I'm not talking about hook teching. Also, if you are saying to stand there (which I agree is the right answer in that situation) then you are indeed conceding that there are times other than end game that force the killer to camp.

    ". 2 survivors off gens is enough pressure to win the game."

    If you are camping. If we do what you want in this scenario and let them off for free without camping even when you know they are there then you aren't gaining much from that time because you aren't finding another survivor when you leave. All you are doing is letting them stabilize your pressure that you "did" have.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Definitely not the best Perk, especially considering the mid-chase information you get can simply be deduced by just using your noggin. I'm only running it right now because of the Tru3face meta; once people realize that Tru3face is a garbage way to play the Killer or the devs do something like make Undetectable counter Spine Chill, I'll stop running the Perk.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I thing Adam's perk's, tapp's perks, surge, Devour Hope, and PWYF are all pretty good examples of fun to use perks.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2020

    And when you hit a stealth killer? Or are on a map where the heartbeat doesn't really allow you to determine where the killer is (the game), and you will be petrified and unable to work on gens inside the terror radius? I stand by that spine chill is the best survivor perk in the game. You can avoid so many chases, or already be in a super strong position to be chased when the killer does find you.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    1) Once Tru3face stops being meta, the most likely stealth Killer people are going to play is Wraith, and even if he sneaks up on you, the need to uncloak gives you ample time to get to a window or pallet, meaning that the pre-emptive warning Spine Chill gives you is less than top-tier in its usefulness.

    2) If the Killer has a TR, you don't need Spine Chill to tell you if the Killer is coming or not. You can easily tell by the loudness of the Terror Radius and whether or not it's getting louder or quieter. Sure, it might make you a little bit more cautious and encourage you to hide over doing gens when you don't need to, but if that's the case the Killer already isn't coming for you anyway and soon you'll be able to tell by the TR that it's safe to come out.

    3) You shouldn't be relying on a Perk to guide your positioning anyway; you should be using your wits.

    I'm only using Spine Chill right now because Tru3face is one of the two stealth Killers in this entire game who are actually good at ambushing when played properly (the other being Pig). Once people stop using that meta, the only thing Spine Chill will be good for is the Spinechillience combo—which is great, don't get me wrong, but its counter-intuitive to my personal preference to be healed rather than injured.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    How will GF stop being meta? He's pretty balanced so has no nerfs incoming and I doubt there will be a killer or survivor perk that punishes the killer for not having a TR.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    He'll stop being meta once all the Tru3Ta1ent fanboys see the streamer in question discover a new "top-tier" build, or when people realize that Spine Chill hard-counters it—one of the two primary factors in actually causing the Perk's power creep.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I doubt all GF players play him because of Tru3. I main GF myself and absolutely do not watch Tru3. His behavior is very unhealthy for the community imo and Otz is much more helpful.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I used to main GF until Tru3 popularized him and made everyone realize that Spine Chill makes his power useless unless you moonwalk to literally every single damned gen. And believe it or not, I actually like looking where I'm going, so I switched to Demo, then Oni, and haven't looked back since. And when I see a bare minimum of one or two Spinechillience combos every game, good riddance.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Stalkless ghostface is pointless. Wraith does the same job but better. Stalking as ghostface is optimal, assuming you are well familiar with the maps and good stalk angles.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624
    edited January 2020

    I put it along with lithe, as a perk that is very situational. Dance with me will only work if you break line of sight, similar to lithe. Quick and quiet will work at every vault, or every pallet.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Agreed. Stalkless Ghostface is a noob strat and after a while of trying it I learned that stalking as Ghostface is pretty easy and very rewarding. Is tru3 using stalkless Ghostface?

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    I don't really follow him, because he is not on NA severs. I only follow people who I play against, and who beat me consistently.

    Pro vengeance is an underrated god. Stalkless M1 ghostface will beat noobs, sure, but what killer build doesn't?

    I have watched almost every major streamer who exists, and there is nobody I have seen who plays better.