A Survivor Questions a Killer: Why’d You Camp?

So, before you read, here’s a heads up: This is not complaining.

Played a game as Killer and I’m Bubba (as per usual). Anyways, people say this game is not survivor-sided. 90% of my games are on the big ass maps.

Game starts:

4 Survivors; All Toolboxes.

I spot a lonesome Claudy, down her. Hook. She gets unhooked immediately. Breakdown.

Down her again because her teammate runs and I couldn’t catch in time. Go to hook. Can’t. Hook broke. Nearest hook, her teammates are sabotaging. She pops off.

Summarizing this game because I don’t have time to write out like I usually do:

3 teammates chased me, sabotaged each hook, had toolboxes with max sabotaging.

Perks: BT, Breakdown, Flip Flop, DS.

I won, because the final teammate that was knocking out gens finally came to help a teammate and I downed her.

This game is heavily Survivor Sided. I hooked ONE survivor TWICE the entire match before I managed to slug all of them. Had the 4th teammate not messed up and pushed, I would’ve lost tremendously.

Post-game message:

“Why’d you camp?”

