Is anyone else on ps4 also experiencing mismatched ranks?

Every killer game I've played this week has been like this, always matched with red ranks, even when I play as survivor (rank 2) I'm finding green rank killers that don't stand a chance.
same with survivor games , the whole day I've been going against rank 14s and up. even though I'm a rank 3 survivor. I feel bad because they always do poorly against me.
Also almost all of them ran noed thankfully I had detectives hunch 😎😎
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It has been like this for weeks now. It's standard. Not enough people play killer, especially not at the higher ranks.
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Yummy waffles 😋
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This is not a just ps4 issue. It's all platforms. Matchmaking is broken to the point that the devs were gonna remove post game ranks so no one would know but then decided not to. Lol
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To be exact, the matchmaking is not "broken". It is intentionally how it is to help shorten the queue times.
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I feel like 4 red ranks vs a rank 14 killer is pretty broken, and that they were thinking of removing the post game ranks is a bad sign.
They have messed with ranking so much that there is no middle ranks, everyone gets to he red ranks cause it's to easy. Lol
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I know what you mean, I just wanted to point out that this is intentional and not a bug.
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Thats just how MM is now, too many survivors in red ranks and not enough red rank killers.
{what i think happened cause of how que times and MM was over 2019 holiday}
*PC player*
BHVR may have made it so if you get to a certen rank MM is thrown out. im rank 12 and all my matches today (6) were against red ranks with 1 outlier being a rank 18. 23 red rank survivors and 1 rank 18. Admitatly the red ranks were either 4 or 3. This may be why they are thinking of hiding the ranks. Over holiday killer ques were 10+ mins at green ranks, so personaly i dont mind all too much. Not sure what your mentality is, but look at it as being able to make more mistakes and learn even more. After a rough few games play a dif game, but if DBD is your poision play a few games of survivor.
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Yep, jus how it happens to be a lot of the time. While I normally sit at Purple/Green Rank for Killer, mostly being casual and not playing THAT often enough. I took a break and dropped down back to Gray Ranks and I'm just hitting Green Ranks and it's been almost exclusively Purple & Green Ranks the entire climb. With some sprinkled in similar Ranks to my own, but still...I can't help but think how this experience would be for someone who's not played the game as long as I have, without the experience/knowledge and the tools to somewhat combat matchmaking.
I'll deal with it as best as I can, but seeing more Purple Ranks throughout 3 Rank levels/groups than any other just seems ridiculous. I have been lucky to not get the mass amount of Red Ranks VS lower Ranks that I've seen evidence from others...but I feel that won't last (unless I run into depip peeps)
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It's also on pc. I'm rank 15 and got 4 rank 6 players
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Yup, red rank survivor somehow getting rank 10s and up killers that get destroyed.
Even played against a Ghostface the other day that was rank 11 with a nutty build like Bbq, Ruin, Pop & Sloppy with an ebony mori and he got demolished.
His Ruin got destroyed early and everyone he tried to chase just ran him around for a long time and we all ended up escaping.
Poor guy came in as a tryhard and left embarrassed.
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I see it all the time. The matchmaking is BS on PS4 right now.
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Everyone on every platform is experiencing this
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This is why i just play for the memes now!
Don't touch my basement chest bubba gave me a few giggles yesterday
Post edited by BlindMole on2 -
Just went against a rank 20 Wraith and... I think he uninstalled the game
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Yes all the time.
Was around level 9 killer...going against a team of survivors levels 2-4.
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That's not the case. I've played killer and got an instant queue with a bunch of rank 1-2s. I've also gotten instant matches at rank 4 on survivor with yellow rank killers. This is not just some "fix".
If it WAS a "fix" for queue times, then queues would not be near instant. Unless they completely removed matchmaking altogether, instead of trying to match people with appropriate ranks, or intentionally put red rank survivors in ranks with lower ranked killers and there just aren't any green or purple ranked survivors, or are very few(which I doubt, especially since someone just mentioned they were in brown ranks and being exclusively matched against purple and green). They however have not announced removing matchmaking, or pitting killers intentionally with people of higher ranks than them.
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This has been happening for me a lot, especially as killer. Rarely have I gotten survivors that are my rank. Most times me (killer rank between 9-10), have gotten four survivors with ranks 2-3, which is no fun. As a survivor, I also see killers way below my rank being matched with me. This makes killers have a miserable time.
I, as a killer, don't want to be matched with players that will be with ranks so much higher than me and as survivor, I feel bad when I, at rank 2, loop, stun and survive against a rank 13 killer.
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Yeah yeah
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That's what I'm saying. The system doesn't look anymore to match you within your colour first, then after one or two minutes for the next colour, etc. - matchmaking restrictions clearly got softened to help with queue times. I'm confident it is an intended fix the devs made before everyone went into Christmas vacations. It's not a good fix, but it is most likely intentional.
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Just had two games as Oni (in Haddonfield and Badham...) and got pretty much slaughtered as I was trying that crappy blood fury downs trophy.
Both to the end screen...Entity Displeased...I am going against level 2-3 and I'm a 10. This bloody game.
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I'm on rank 10 and have been going against exclusively red rank survivors all weekend. It's a bloody bad joke.
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Almost 100% of the matches since the servers.
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Im the survivor going up against the low killer.. red/purple rank, getting paired with green/brown. I don't even remember the last time I played against a same colour killer as me.. and the thing is, it's only been lower rank killers. No high red ranks. It's so unfair, to both sides. Too easy for high rank survs to pip and near impossible for the low rank killers they may go up against.
Wait times are becoming insane as a survivor, too. And honestly, fair enough. I don't play killer. At all. And from what I've seen and experienced as a survivor, I don't feel particularly inclined to do so again. I won't gain any experience from being thrashed by people with over half the whole set of rank difference.
So? All these changes to cater to new players? No. Only if you're a new survivor. No new killer will get much enjoyment out of this. Fix balance/fun. Make people actually want to play killer. Literally, fixes all these problems - more killers = shorter matchmaking and a wider range of killers to be matched against, that is within the tier.
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Don't worry, BHVR has subtly and quietly announced that ranks will no longer be shown in the end screen. Thus, in the future, you'll never know! Welcome to the future
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Well who cares about ranks! What the community really wants is scantily clad skins for Myers, David and Quentin! Who cares about matchmaking! 'LOL!' as they say.
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Im a rank 5 survivor that ended up with all rank 16 teammates and a rank 4 killer so I feel the pain
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My wife is a rank 19 killer atm(she rarely plays killer). She decided to play Trap Daddy today. She went against all rank 3s. Lets just say it was not pretty.
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Nope, not at allllll. Everything is fine, let's take our happy pills, nothing to see here.
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This has been every game I've played today. on PS4 also.
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From a match this evening.