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A Billy idea



  • Member Posts: 4,125

    That would make billy too simiular to oni and would take out ALOT of skill cap. The reason why billy is not that often played compared to spirit or else, his chainsaw stun adds a cool learning curve to him and many ppl are to lazy to find out those hitboxes. I personally preffer billy as he is atm but nerf some addons from him. Thompson Mix and Carbenture Tuning Guide are waaay to strong on a good billy.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I started the idea of changing Billy and one hour later everyone started talking about Billy. Whoops!

    Tho for both of you guys,if he chainsaws somewhere and the survivor (happened to me so many times.....) is out of position and has no jungle gym or a pallet near him,how is it balanced to just whip up his chainsaw and stick it in my huge butthole? I don't find it fair tbh. I agree it will make him less viable on console too,but think of it this way; you have 2 choices with a cooldown;

    1 m1

    2, wait some amount of seconds and then m2

    There will be more counterplay that way.

    Addonwise,if he gets the red add-on that I mentioned,he becomes a second oni with a cooldown instead of a blood meter. Pretty fair

    If you still don't agree with the base kit change,how about the add-on? Do you like it? Let me know below.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Either way they will change his add-ons. Both his and bubba's so.... I suggested a balanced one.

  • Member Posts: 46

    That is what you call getting caught in the open and paying for your mistake in positioning. A simple consequence to your action. That's what makes a good Billy. He can punish survivor's positioning mistakes very well.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I meant that some gens are in a middle of nothing without having good pallets nearby.

    Tho,true. They should just rework maps in order to balance Billy more XD

    How about the add-on? Why doesn't anyone talk about the add-on? ;-;

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    BHVR loves adding cooldowns to killer powers. I agree Billy is balanced but if we take a look at the past then we can easily predict this WILL come to pass. BHVR here we go again....

  • Member Posts: 943

    I don't use addons anymore so it wouldn't effect me. I'd rather people talk about buffing killer like trapper, leatherface, and clown than talk about nerfing a killer that performs well.

  • Member Posts: 150

    I disagree. I don't really understand why some people think adding a cooldown to a basekit is always the right solution. Instead, I think if people are really struggling to face against the hillbilly, they should look at other solutions such as billy's cooldown addons or his instasaw addons. These addons make it so that the person playing the hillbilly would be able to keep using their chainsaw at a constant rate. If the balance team changed any elements of hillbilly's basekit, then that would just make him less fun to play as. As of right now, hillbilly's base charge speed is 3 seconds (i think) and his base cooldown is 2 seconds. With this, we know that the hillbilly already has a cooldown and cannot always use his ability at a constant rate unless the player were to use certain addons.

    If we look at other killers such as legion, ghostface and oni, they already have cooldowns which force the player to have to wait before they can use their ability, removing possible interactions that the player may have when playing a certain killer which in turn, decreases the amount of fun that the player would have if they were to play killer. However, cooldowns can help with balancing certain killers such as spirit and freddy's teleport ability. If those two killers were able to use their abilitys all the time, then they would be too strong.

    While cooldowns can help balance out certain things, they may not always be the best option. What I want the balance team to try to do this time is to try out alternate solutions such as fixing the addons before going straight to the cooldown solution. The balance team could try and see what both sides struggle with the most. Are the objectives for the survivors too difficult or too easy? Do the survivors need more objectives to keep the game fresh for them? Why are killers struggling to apply generator pressure? Do killers lack the mobility to get from one generator to the other across the map due to the map's size? What is the reason for both sides to run certain perks such as Decisive Strike and Hex: Ruin? These are the questions that I believe the balance team should look into more often. As for cooldowns, they should ask themselves "Does this killer need a cooldown?" before jumping to conclusions.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I mean true. But how about my red add-on solution?

    I said to add a solution for people who don't want the cooldown in base kit? Do you like kt? :3

  • Member Posts: 1,609

    Honestly, putting an cooldown after another cooldown is not needed, he is fine. The addon is kinda meh since you already have bump billy

  • Member Posts: 150

    That add-on idea is pretty interesting. Hillbilly would kinda be like oni for people who used the add-on and can maybe pull off some nice plays.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    No I do not like it, an addon should not remove skillcap from a killer. Don't feel offended but I think you should play billy in redranks, stop with the map offerings and understand what is the diffrence between a good billy and a bad one.

    Your suggestion about "when billy misses the survivor after going there over the map" like do you even know how rare this is? How many gens are there in jungle gyms where you are simply unable to sprint into.

    Billy is rewarding because a good billy will be able to curve certain loops, maybe all, i dont know. Your addon would make him a way better oni, why would anyone want to play oni with this addon? You know some people put alot of time into learning the killer and getting good with him. This is like well just equip this so everybody can be as good as you as billy.

    Also it would be horrible for survivors who are unable to 360 to even attempt to play against that plus engravings.

  • Member Posts: 157

    As a very civil response I'd just like to suggest you play some Billy matches, yourself.

    You play as Billy. Try playing him a few matches in a row.

    Let us know how you feel about nerfing him then :)

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    What is your suggestion about a red since they will add 2 to both him and bubba?

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Im a horrible hillbilly tbh. I only play him for dailys or I wanna relax and have an interesting game. I suggested the cooldown change because it won't affect his chase before he chainsaw sprinted.

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