Not looking good on PS4...

So I had some suspicions that the killer numbers on PS4 were quite low. What made me think this at first was when I would be getting matches with ranks that were all over the place. Now matchmaking has been an issue in the game for some time, but what I noticed was there are matches where I face red ranks & then matches where I faced brown & yellow ranks (I'm a purple rank killer). Kinda lets me know there aren't enough killers in all ranks that are readily available, which is why matchmaking seems so off.

Another thing that is tipping me off that this is the case is the fact that when I play killer on PS4 I get matches quite quickly. Generally, I wait no longer than 5 minutes & I'm in a lobby as killer. On the survivor side of things, the wait is horrendous. It averages between a 10-45 min wait as a yellow rank (almost green, but I don't play survivor much on console). I was a green rank prior to rank reset & even then the queues were long like this.

Now I know it's not a 100% guarentee that killer numbers being low is the cause of this for PS4 players, but I'm starting to think this may be the case. Even TydeTyme who has been trying to play on PS4 has been saying similar things as to what I have been saying for some time. He seems to think the killer numbers are low as well, which is why I was "I knew it!".

Now I don't know what kind of stats the devs are looking to give the players next, but I would like to see the average number of killers/survivors daily that play the game on all systems. This would be an interesting stat to look over because if my suspicions are correct then they might want to stop scaring away their killer audience. Lord knows the killers are currently frustrated by the Hex: Ruin change that is coming with no changes on the survivor side of things, but I don't want it to the beginning of the end for this game with such a drastic change. Of course they could eventually fix the gen issue later on down the road, but it won't matter as much then as it would now if you already chased away a good portion of your playerbase.


  • SithLordLuxray
    SithLordLuxray Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2020

    Decided to meme as survivor a bit last night, took 10-15 minutes to find and load into a match. Rank 7 survivor. Went against rank 17-18 killers. Other survivors were rank 7-9. I rest my case.

    Edit: Killers got stomped. Few instances where I was camped and tunneled by a leatherface.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Yup, I've been getting fast matches as killer on PS4 at all times of day (which didn't used to be the case, it used to only be in the evening) ever since dedicated servers went live. Not that I'm playing much, because I'm burned out and the next rift isn't live, yet, but when I do play I get killer matches fast. Meanwhile, the survivor queues are always longer than killer. Sometimes it's only a few minutes, sometimes it's way longer, but it's never as fast as my killer queues anymore.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Yeah, I am usually a killer main but I stopped since I was a green rank getting constant purple-red ranks. Even after rank reset when I was a yellow rank I got those low ranks. It’s not fun playing against sweaty survivors.

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    Oh yeah.. I'm a purple/red survivor and last time I played, only got one game in the span of an hour.. and the killer was around rank 13?

    Pretty sure someone else I know waited for longer..

    It's ridiculous. I'd say it needs to be fixed(It definitely does, this is unfair) but the problem is more deeply rooted to the fact that, due to what seems to be a survivor bias resulting in nerfs that making killer a whole lot less fun.. it's a cycle too, because wrecked matchmaking is also contributing to loss of killer fun..

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Same. Waited 20 mins and couldn't get a survivor game. I try killer and get one almost instantly. Aaaaaand what's this? I'm a level 10 going against 2-3 teams? Oh well you can bet that was big time fun.

    Think it's time for a Detox By Daylight. I got the Wounded Healer trophy. Sod this for a bit.

  • Maj33y
    Maj33y Member Posts: 236

    Meanwhile sitting in Solo Survivor queue for 25 minutes eventually . Gets kicked to main menu with an error Connection lost 💤

    Given up on DBD ? @BHVR

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    I never said it was the Ruin nerf that is the cause. Granted, the nerf is most likely going to cause some killers to either quit playing or switch to playing survivor more often. My assumption is the number of killers is going downhill, & that's why I want the devs to release some stats to officially confirm or deny what I've been thinking. The reasons for killer numbers decreasing could be due to the stress in playing that role, burnout, being fed up with the survivor-sided devs, etc.

    But you also say the ranking system is busted, but do you understand that something has to be causing it to be busted? A few reasons that cause this are the influx of high rank survivors, incomplete SWF & solo queues, not enough high rank killers/not enough killers in general, etc. So no the decrease in killer population is not the only reason why this is becoming such an issue on PS4, but I think it's definitely a big factor that has yet to be confirmed. Cause think of it like this, even if there were a lot of killers playing at a given time the queues would still work faster while just throwing players into matches with a mix of ranks. You wouldn't have 30 min survivor queues if this weren't the case that there just aren't enough killers in queue. Since not many killers are in queue, this would cause the matchmaking system to just throw them into lobbies that have been waiting the longest despite ranks.

  • dkyguy1995
    dkyguy1995 Member Posts: 45

    Killer wait times are insanely low on PS4. When I was first starting the game I felt like I had to play killer just to not waste time even though survivor I think is easier as a beginner. But even now I know I'm not high rank and can't speak for those guys' wait times but I get a game usually in under a minute. Survivor queues can be 20 minutes or more though

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174
    edited January 2020

    Your point is wrong. Do you play solo and swf both?

    As a survivor solo or swf I get the same queues times. Veryyy long ones :/

    Which gives more credit to the theory lack of killers are a big cause of this problem.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Yeah which is why I'm not bothering with the rift passes anymore, I'm not spending all my time playing killer, I don't mind playing killer but I enjoy survivor more, I just don't got it in me to wait for lobbies like I have, I play killer and I get 4 survivors instantly lol because those where the ones with the will power to wait out the lobbies times 😂 because I have decided not to bother with rift, I'm just going to play the game less.

  • TheBilldozer
    TheBilldozer Member Posts: 154

    I mean your first problem is playing a console..

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Yeah I'm the same, im green rank killer in with red ranks constantly, maybe 2 out of 10 matches I might get a purple or a green, but you can guarantee at least 2 or 3 will be red ranks

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    To be fair I mostly play on PC, but sometimes I like to go on console to play because killer there is honestly easier lol (sorry to survivors on console, you guys are just not as good as pc survivors)

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Killers struggle to rank up with 4 kills, and survivors get a pip just by looking at a generator. This has caused both a dearth of killers at high ranks and a deluge of red rank survivors. It is made even worse by the new rank reset keeping every survivor at the edge or red ranks.

    I think if there was a general shortage of killers we would start to recognise names. I don't think I have versed the same killer twice.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Ever since the oni patch where they screwed up the sound I haven't played. Been having too much fun with cod, which is also CROSS PLATFORM. They don't care about console players. They've proven that over and over. Playing killer on ps4 is about as much fun as slamming your beanbag in a book.

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    I've been playing ark and dbz kakarot. I check on dbd sometimes, but I still don't play. last time I played was as a survivor and I got camped by an oni so I was irritable and stopped playing for a few days then my brother deleted dbd so that's my main reason

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    I was a killer main for a few years on console, but switched to survivor full time due to the lack of love from the devs on killer side.

    I already called this crap with the que times and lack of killers. What makes this worse is the sheer amounts of potato survivors who dc on first down and screw an entire match.

    More so then not they are at my rank 1-4 so yeah it is indeed way more easy now to stay at red ranks as survivor.

    Between the broken games. ######### que times and overall scummy player base i find it harder and harder to even have any sorta desire to turn this dumpster fire of a cosmetic lobby simulator on.