Time to bring out spirit.

Now that ruin has been guttered because the developers clearly have no awareness about the actual issues of the game. It seems the only way for me to actually have fun and not get called a ''baby killer'' by survivors when I get gen rushed in 3 minutes as I cannot do anything to stop it as bubba, is to now play spirit with a mori =)
I mean, the survivors are having fun right? ruin is gone now.
Don't forget noed. :)
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Its not like spirit is what she used to be.
ITs better to play a godlike nurse with mori, if you want revenge.
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true, any other perks which make S U R E the survivors are having fun when I play spirit?
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Or continue to practice and improve with the killer you like. Winning without ruin is definitely possible. I believe @LordGlint is fairly proficient with Bubba. He could probably give you some advice.
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Noed, Strider, BBQ, Tinkerer.
OR, for ULTRA fun...
Knock out, sloppy, thana, strider. Slug city.
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Endgame builds are a blast. Try Remember Me/Blood Warden/NOED. The sheer chaos and panic you can create is awesome. Plus, a lot of survivors that actually play both roles have fun with that build. I've had multiple players say those games were super exciting when they thought it was ggez and then suddenly they couldn't get the gate open and teammates started dropping like flies.
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TRUE, dude.
When I play survivor and get hit by blood warden, I just take a knee, clap in amazement, and laugh. Cause it really is such a brilliant play.
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Against optimal survivors? Not possible.
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Even Glint won't sit there and pretend Bubba has any gen pressure on unbalanced maps.
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I play Clown and am able to create a lot of pressure without any issue.
I am, however, proclaim to be one of the best Clowns ever. 😋
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I do NOED/BW/Remember Me/Fire Up with Clown all the time. Some people are like "I'm not even mad" and others baby rage because it's inconceivable that a killer could look bad playing without perks for a majority of the game but then do well when they actually have perks.
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You don't need mori or NOED on Spirit to body survivors.
Try this... Sloppy, Thana, Dying Light, Stridor, and combination of green add-ons you wish. Once you get 4 stacks of Dying Light the game is effectively over because survivors will always be injured and thus get a massive debuff to repair speed.
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They didn't say they needed them. He said he wanted them. To have fun. Fun is important! :)
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ΝOED boi i see...plus tunnel and camp i guess.
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I didn't say he wins every game. I actually don't know his win rate. Rng will bite you at some point no matter how good you are. All I'm saying is you definitely will struggle if you don't continue to grow your skill.
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The issue with that logic is, right now because of things like map imbalance and second chances, there's a literal limit to how good a killer can be if they choose someone who can't apply gen pressure adequately. It's not always about getting better.
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PWYF actually throws a pretty big wrench in things when it comes to looping, with Bubba being one of the best killers to make use of it. If you wanna play Spirit though...go for it. Shes one of the killers I havent learned yet and intend on picking up eventually. Currently practicing Billy for probably another month before moving on to the next project.
Heres an example of a game I had with my old build before I started rocking PWYF which had no ruin.
Started slotting on ruin with my PWYF build because...why not? I didnt need anymore help to win chases, so I just tacked on whatever slowdown I felt like and maybe a tracking perk like BBQ.
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Nope. But judging from your response, nothing I could say here would convince you otherwise. I would suggest actually trying the perk in high level play before you judge people for running it. It's not this otherworldly god tier perk many make it out to be on its own. But it synergizes well with other endgame perks.
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Sorry but I find it way more fun to win without mori. And NOED isn't fun at high ranks because survivors do totems. It's not at all effective against them, and you won't have fun when the last gen pops and you have no NOED (or worse it pops 10 seconds after the last gen pops and you never even got a hit).
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BBQ&C. Franklins. PGTW. NOED. Mori.
They deserve it.
Give 'em hell.
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NOED= Weak killer. So you know from the beginning all gens are done basically. Easy 1 hit down and extra speed. You can't handle the endgame, ok i respect that.
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Not necessary, could very well (like all endgame perks) just offer some assistance to killers who lack power in the endgame. I use to use it all the time on OG Freddy due to the fact that often times survivors would wake up via adrenaline and Id have to somehow sleep the entire team and get 2 hits in before the doors were open. I often times was able to just fine at killing people BEFORE endgame, but had NOED as insurance so I wasnt just screwed when I walked up to a gate half open by an awake survivor.
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Yeah, why just gitgud in this game if you can play around it with many cheap ways?
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Did they ever fix that bug where you can hear her phasing while within terror radius? it happened around the demogorgan update I believe.
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Nope. That coupled with the sound honestly makes me think they were just trying to stealth nerf her out of the game.
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I didn't say there isn't going to be a cap. But you won't find it unless you are willing to take a beating along the way. That's not to say killers like Bubba don't need some QoL buffs. They do. I just don't agree with the notion that it's impossible to be competitive with a lower tier killer.
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good luck, have fun phasing and because audio is bugged, you wont hear the footsteps or even sometimes the grunts of pain from survivors, because a basement visual bug for survivors gets fixed in a week, while audio bug #1082 has been around for a few months now