Decisive Strike Change When?

When is this perk going to be fixed? It is intended as a defensive perk for survivors when a killer tunnels them. As such, it is essentially an ''anti-tunnel'' perk yet it benefits the survivor even outside this context.

I propose these changes for the perk, in order to ensure it stays in the role of ''anti-tunnel'' and not ''anti-momentum'' or 60 seconds of invincibility:

1) Decisive Strike immediately deactivates upon another survivor being hooked. The killer directly chasing, downing and hooking another survivor (even if it's within a minute) is not considered ''tunnelling'' and thus, DS should deactivate.

2) As a defensive perk, it should allow a survivor a chance to escape and regain their bearings (i.e escape, heal). As such, any aggressive actions such as: unhooking other survivors, repairing generators, or stunning the killer immediately deactivate the perk.

3) Should a survivor hide inside a locker and be picked up, Decisive Strike's effectiveness will be weakened by 50% (to 2.5 seconds of stun). As this strategy ensures a stun, it is reasonable for the strength of the strategy to be weakened.

Thoughts? I'm pretty adamant on the first two being absolute. Perhaps the third one is negotiable... but then again hiding inside a locker with no counter play isn't entirely fair.



  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    Right, because it is fair for a survivor to have 60 seconds of invincibility, yes? It seems giving survivors a broken perk to abuse seems to be your goal.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    No look at my thread about survivor nerfs. I found a way to make DS more interactive and less annoying.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Just make it deactivate on hooking a different survivor and that should be fine.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    it should deactivate if someone else is hooked, its that simple

    i play surv and killer at reds so im not some "bias kiler main >:("

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 537

    DS is fine as it is

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Watch out! He is going to refer to ruin generalizing you as a killer main even though ruin was never mentioned before!

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited January 2020

    Fair thoughts. I cant ignore DS abusers who protect unhookers (BT+DS) or do generators in open, because they have DS, lol.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Sure, that's why I play against red rank killers who know how to properly counter it.

    Here is the direct quote from a dev: " The 60 seconds does allow for enough time to find a killer after being unhooked, but I believe it will come down to a smart strategy in that case."

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    @OtakuFreak I agree it does suck when the killer is punished despite not tunneling, or not having the intention of tunneling but the survivor throws it in the killers face.

    I do hope there’s a good compromise one day. I don’t think the “hook someone else deactivates it” is the answer for the reasons I mentioned but I do hope some compromise is found.

    I can’t see this perk being changed for a long time though, if ever. It took them over 2 years to find a replacement they were happy with, I very much doubt anyone will be wanting to change it any time soon.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited January 2020


    Slug. You have an unlimited amount...AND if you don't tunnel, you won't be dealing with 60 seconds, you will be dealing with a shorter timer, so if you slug it won't be for 60 seconds.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I saw this idea from some topic in this forum:

    • 60sec DS trigger countdown after hooked (can even extend longer to 100sec)
    • Start anything will reset countdown to 0 (even start self healing also reset)
    • Fully healed by other survivor reset countdown to 0 (this will make DS player prefer to have another survivor heal them over self heal)
    • Another survivor hooked will reset countdown to 0 (incase you're dying with DS, Killer has to go hook another survivor so he can reset your DS )
    • DS doesnt active when u're the last Survivor in trial

    I feel there is no counter DS, because you know, either tunneling or unintended, the point of you chase that Survivor after they're just unhooked.

    The only way is to limit Survivor action while extend the countdown longer. It will punish tunneler, and its Survivor's decision to reset their DS (do nothing to keep DS active)

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    I agree with points 1 and 2 for nerfing DS. I disagree with point 3 as if points 1 and 2 were in effect, that would mean the killer is tunnelling and the survivor should not be punished for making a defensive play like going in to the locker.

    But if these changes did happen I think DS should also get a buff and not be a one time use. It would make the perk very strong but also fair.

  • TraitorousLeopard
    TraitorousLeopard Member Posts: 156

    I definitely agree DS needs some changes, but...

    As other people have pointed out, removing DS when another survivor is hooked just gives the killer the ability to just down and slug the person who was just unhooked, then return after hooking the other person who did the save. I think a good caveat would be that if another survivor is hooked while you're not in the dying state, it goes away, but the timer is still active if they're hooked while the DS survivor is slugged.

    Also, the idea that stunning the killer is an "aggressive action" is kind of ridiculous. Are you expecting the people you're chasing to not drop pallets? Or if they're running Head On to not use it? The unhooked person trying to get away and them stunning you are in no way mutually exclusive.

    The only part where I think you don't go far enough is lockers. Jumping into a locker while DS is up is literally just rubbing your protection in the Killer's face; it's taking something that should be a reward for the killer, a grab, and turning it into a huge penalty if DS is up. Lockers are the worst because they force a grab, but honestly I think any grab, from vaults, gens, unhooking, etc. should not trigger DS. This would work in the spirit of punishing "aggressive actions" while DS is up.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Let's not change it. Its amusing to see killers proceed to tunnel and camp everyone because one has DS, and fails completely.

  • iBetClaudette
    iBetClaudette Member Posts: 299

    I have a better idea. How about getting rid of BBQ and Chili?

  • RIPotatoes
    RIPotatoes Member Posts: 22

    I have to disagree with 1 because the killer can just down the survivor with DS and come back later or camp until DS is gone

  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    Yes it is fair. This game is far too momentum based for the neutering of perks like decisive strike and NOED. Though I agree with 3 and 2.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Totally deserve it. Sometimes I litteraly get DS'ed when I don't even renember when I hooked that guy

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    They already fixed the perk. It's almost useless now. I can't stand people who say it's still OP. it was OP before, now it's just a perk. I have not been hit by it 1 time since it got fixed, nor have i had a chance to use it 1 time as survivor. The only way that a killer can be hit is if they choose to be hit, or they forgot who they hooked. And the survivor has to force the killer to grab them for it to do anything.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    > deactivation when somebody else got hooked

    I had a case of 4 people being slugged and all of them running DS. Don't know, what they thought about, but waiting out DS on all 4 survivors was a weird decision. Might as well let them all bleed out. I don't know why people think that it's fine to unhook people at killers face and have a sure knowledge that you're safe after that. But that's not a big deal actually, and it's completely livable, that's a second thing what's important.

    > DS deactivates after getting healed and doing objectives

    If survivor is such a potato he gets downed within DS active time with two health states, it's a fair second hook, or he uses DS offensively. Seriously. Instadawns? Why the hell did you heal against an insta downer then if you run DS? Completely ignoring presence of the killer while doing an objective is the same. DS does it's thing.

    > lower stun when grabbed (from the locker)

    I would say it should be removed. Being grabbed always was an ultimate punishment for being oblivious to your surroundings. Now it feels like the only way to grab somebody from anything is when survivor is baiting you to be DSed. You think a killer gonna stab you instead of grabbing from a gen? Just jump into a locker that was conveniently placed right next to it. To get a middle ground I think killer should drop survivors on the ground after a grab instead of placing them on a shoulder.

    In conclusion to all I wrote, my opinion that while DS is a needed perk, it's current state promotes stupidity among survivors, and not being smart. Locker jumping literally screams "I rely on the perk to be saved". There is literally none, zero ways to use this perk "smart". Only arguably decent and fair use I could agree with is getting a hit to save the guy that unhooked you. Every single other way to "make perk work" is stupid behavior except when DS is in place.

    P. S.: I see, why it's current state can be thought out as "acceptable" from Devs point of you, because what's more important is "fun", and most "fun" you can get from playing survivor is when you goof around. This perk allows you to take it easy and not be punished for that. But every time when survivor is allowed to take it easy it's twice as hard on the killer.

  • Well_Placed_HexTotem
    Well_Placed_HexTotem Member Posts: 824
    edited January 2020

    I had a match a few days ago where I took off Ruin as Trapper, got a huge map, got gen rushed, and still played nice. Hooked a David as the gens got done, didn’t camp him even though I’d only got five hooks all game. Chased someone else, David gets rescued. He has Adrenaline. I hooked the other person I was chasing, before I can turn around to go towards the exit gate, David is there. I hit him, he unhooks, I hit him again. I go to pick him up, he dstrikes me and runs off to a now open exit gate as I was playing a four stack.

    How does that make any sense? He wasn’t camped, he wasn’t tunneled. He rushed back and made a bad unhook because he knew he had a get out of jail free card. Idk how people can play survivor this way. The game is ez enough as survivor. Ever since then if I get hit with DS that person gets camped and tunneled out of the match. It’s extremely rare I get hit with DS because of tunneling. It’s always survivors using it to be toxic.

    As for when it will get changed, uh, never? BHVR is all about stroking the egos and feelings of SWF and baby survivors now.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    It's not 60 seconds of invincibility. If i have chased down and hooked some other survivor in even 40 seconds after they got unhooked, then find them and chase them, they will only have 5 to 10 seconds left, and if they jump into a locker right at the end of that time, count to 5 and get them out. It's not as good of a perk as everyone says. It's super situational, and i haven't been hit by it once since it got changed. There is not a single OP perk in the game, and DS is certainly not the strongest survivor perk.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530

    Are you saying we should nerf a heavily used survivor perk? What sort of madness is this. Just for that I’m going to tea bag you at the exit gate and let you down me so I can stun you with DS. GG EZ

  • honestlybaffled
    honestlybaffled Member Posts: 175
    edited January 2020

    I agree that it is an anti-momentum perk.

    Because a scenario which 2 peoples are hooked right after the first one, is not uncommon.

    Apparently some think that if it deactivates after someone else is hooked is dumb.

    So make it deactivate if you RUN (fast action) into a locker.

    If 2 peoples are downed (not hooked), it could also deactivate, because clearly you're not being tunneled if two go down.

    The suggestion above with the aggressive actions grab is also good.

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363
    edited January 2020

    Last month I proposed this in a topic:

    "After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, if you are not the last survivor left and no one else gets into the dying state for 40/50/60 seconds, Decisive Strike becomes active if you get into the dying state."

    After reading this topic I would propose this (also, would correct the pontuation of my previous sugestion, that I have now realized it wasn't correct and the order it gets written so it's less prone to error):

    "After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, for 40/50/60 seconds, if you are not the last survivor left and no one else gets hooked, Decisive Strike becomes active if you get into the dying state. Decisive strike deactivates if you get healed from the dying state or if you become the last survivor. Decisive strike will not activate if you start performing another action or get fully healed."

    The phrase in english might not be clear so I will explain what I mean:

    Decisive strike would be able to trigger 2 times per match (1 time per unhook).

    There would be no time limit for decisive strike, if you get into the dying state, you would be able to to use it if the killer picks you up.

    There would be no free escapes at the end as long as you are the last survivor. This could also be changed (Instead of last survivor) to "If the exit gates or the hatch is oppened).

    This would force the killer to actually hook the rescuer before hiting the unhooked survivor. BT would probably become pointless so having a time limit to DS after activating might not be that bad.

    If a survivor performs an action like healing someone, do gens, open chests, cleanse a totem, unhook someone, etc... it will not activate thus making it only an anti-tunneling perk. The unhook someone is for those cases where there might be 2 survivors hooked and the unhook should be left for the original rescuer. Because if the rescuer does an unsafe hook rescue he will probably be downed while doing it or immediatly after so he would better have BT otherwise the first unhooked person might suffer for it. Instead of that, maybe something like, DS only activates if the unhook is done outside of the killer terror radius or if the killer is at a distance greater than a certain value making so that BT would work to prevent camping and DS to prevent tunneling only.

    An insidious killer camping would have to be aware of BT and DS. A camper would have to deal with BT, since it's hard to know (programming wise) if a killer is camping or if the unhook was just unsafe and DS would be punished by unsafe hook rescues. A tunneler would be punished by DS.

    The point is, DS should only prevent tunneling and Borrowed time prevent camping.

    EDIT: An insidious camper would actually only have to deal with DS.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    1, hell no, that would never work since the killer could just down you, down someone else nearby, hook them quickly, and ur DS goes, even though you were tunnelled.

    2, I'd agree, except for stunning the killer, since that doesn't exactly make it an anti-tunnelling perk... If you're still getting tunnelled and you get one stun before going down. So unhooking, repairing would work, but not stunning.

    3, I think it should deactivate if you enter a locker to be honest, in fact 3 and two should merge so it deactivates if you sit on gens, repair a gen, or unhook a survivor.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Honestly you've made it more complicated than it needs to be. If I were to change Ds I'd make the timer 30 seconds maybe a little longer. If you are chased or downed in those 30 seconds the timer pauses and Ds will not deactivate. If neither of those things happen in those 30 seconds it deactivates. That should lead to only tunneling killers getting hit with it. Or at least mostly only tunneling killers.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    I’m sorry, but “fixed”? The perk isn’t even broken.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    After ebony change

  • tehshadowman33
    tehshadowman33 Member Posts: 939

    OK, let's all agree on this nerf:

    Keep the perk the same, BUT...

    While DS is active and you are actively repairing a generator, the timer will decrease at ×2 speed.

    I.E., If you have 40 seconds left on DS, if you start repairing, DS will expire in 20 seconds.