Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.


DBDIT Member Posts: 172
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Why do so many people complain when survivors dc but not when 4 or 5 killers dc in a row? Doesn't seem to be consistent complaints about the latter when it turns into waiting 20,30 + minutes for a match (Xbox player).

Edit: I meant lobby dodging by killers, not DC'ing while in the game already.

Post edited by DBDIT on

Best Answer


  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,776

    It's because when a survivor dc's, it ruins the game for the other 3 and makes it easy for the killer to just steamroll everyone especially if it's early game.

    When a killer dc's it's normally after the game has gone on a bit and some survivor(s) have managed to anger the killer so much they dc. This can be at the end if everyone is running out of the gates or if you've looped a killer 50 times around the shack and they had enough.

    In the 1st case, the game is instantly ruined for 3 people while the killer will have and easy time but it also ends up annoying some killers as well since they wanted to have a normal game.

    In the 2nd case most survivors even if not a SWF will have an idea of why the killer left and can get a chuckle out of it. They see them being looped by someone for ages or maybe they were facecampping and the person got away. The killer dc's and survivors laugh because they know the killer is mad or they've been outplayed in someway.

    I don't like to see dc's on either side but I admit I'll chuckle if I've been leading the killer around a while and then they just up and dc on me. I'll feel bad after sometimes as well but it depends on how the killer played.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    This is before the game starts and the killer sees a swf or a certain item they don't like which, in turn, makes us wait forever to get into a game. Legitimately having one game an hour in some cases. Doesn't seem fair is what I'm saying.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,333

    Oh you meant lobby dodging my bad.

    I've always assumed console has a smaller amount of people playing because the game from what I understand is harder to tolerate on console due to bugs and such. Only thing I'd imagine would help is cross-play to help alleviate matchmaking issues a bit. Although as frustrating as this game is yeah it would help if players didn't constantly dodge. It's hard enough to find a game as it is.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    Who said I'm blaming killers? Just wanna know why it's considered fair, on killer side, when it happens so often. So it's perfectly ok for survivors to have extremely long que times just because a killer doesn't like a certain item or sees swf?

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Is it fair that survivor's complains get killers nerfed let alone to the point that so few people play them that they do in fact get near instant ques to begin with?

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    If you're going to answer with a question as if this is personal then why answer at all?

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    I could argue that it favors killers but then we'd be going back and forth all day. I'm not blaming killers when the game is made by developers. Let's try to keep it civil 🙂

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    It wasn't meant to be personal but to show cause and effect:

    There are so few killers at higher ranks due to survivor complains getting killers nerfed that killers can act like tyrants and survivors have to put up with it or not get a game because they caused it themselves.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,565
    edited January 2020

    Well, but if a Survivor DCs, 4 other people can still have a game (and it still cannot be that bad, if the Killer decides to go easy... not farm, not letting the Survivors win, but not going ultimate Tryhard afterwards, because a 3v1 is basically a Win for the Killer). If the Killer DCs, nobody has a game anymore.

    Had a Wraith yesterday who ragequit after he got stunned by a Pallet. I heard the Stun, and then he DCed. This man does not like to get pallet-stunned, apparently.

    But yeah, only Survivors DC and I am pretty sure people can make something up why it was totally justified that he DCed.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    I'm just saying it gets old and makes me want to leave the game all together. I play with new and repeated killers at red ranks so I get what you're saying. I've played the PC version and had a good experience on there with them, but I really wish they'd bring them to Xbox already since the majority of my friends are on here and lucky for ps4 they received them about two ago

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172
  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,333

    If it's up to the killer to decide to play easier than what they can normally do I'd rather just bail personally. I don't find fun in a game where the killer is just handicapping their own ability. Granted you can still have some fun games this way but most of the time it's one of those why bother kind of things.

    Don't get me wrong DC'ing is bad no matter what but if I'm in a situation as survivor where there's an immediate survivor DC for example I'd rather just re-queue. Let's say we're about 4-5 minutes into a game I'll likely just play it out since the remaining survivors and myself have already invested enough effort into the game.

    Sucks for that Wraith though. Sounds like they were pretty tilted and should probably just take a breather from the game tbh.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Why do you need to say u play on Xbox, the game is the same in all platforms

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    Because I wanted to and haven't experienced this on PC yet? Either way that's not the topic at hand.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I think we was talking about cross platform play as his second response from that I can tell was more or less talking about the killer pool and how he'd want the PC pool to be added to Xbox's through cross play.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    It is an opinion and I don't feel like arguing with argumentive people about this because that wasn't the original point of my post. FYI, a 4 to 1 ratio is the only way to get into a game....

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Cause when a survivor DC they mess with the other members of their team and a bit of the killer's BP, but when a killer DC you know you did a pretty good job 😎🤣

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Yes, a 4 to 1 ratio is the only way to get a game. Which means that the game has to be in one side's favor to create a 4 to 1 ratio. Meaning statistically, it is survivor sided. One side being better than another or being favored by the devs is a fact, not an opinion. An opinion is a personal preference, about some thing that can't be proven, or that panders to you specifically. Saying that you are better at killer, and think killer is better is an opinion, whereas devs making changes in a survivors favor, is a fact. It happened, that's how it is. Doesn't affect anyone's opinions, they can still be better at killer than they are at survivor.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I see way, way more survivors dc'ing than killers. That's why you typically hear about it more.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    So the devs have stated that they favor the survivors? Please prove it because I'm not going to agree with you. You bring up the 4 to 1 ratio while neglecting the fact that not all players play at the same skill level and not every game is a swf group.

  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    TBF you misrepresented your initial point. But anyway, allow me to explain from a Killer player's (about 70/30 killer/surv playtime split) point of view. I cannot be bothered to deal with it. Playing killer is already a pretty high stress thing, I'm always aware I'm on a timer unless the survs show to me that they're absolute potatoes and afraid of gens. Because of this, I'm not really willing to put up with an even more stressful lobby where I have to deal with survs having voice comms to break the game, or toolboxes to cut down the already ridiculously quick gen times, so I will dodge until I see a team that looks relatively normal. Because even that is a stressful game, but I at least have a chance to do something and enjoy myself.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Even as survivor you shoupdnt decide to DC or play it out. You play it out.

    Dont be a child, if you queued up, play the damned game. Someone else DCs, and the games a little lopsided. Sure. But what makes it even worse? When another leaves. Then another.

    Tl;dr: dont hit "find game" if you unwilling or incapable of finishing the entire match, regardless of outcome. Its selfish and childish.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,333
    edited January 2020

    Absolutely not. This game was designed to be played as a 4v1. If someone DC's in the first 30 seconds and the game doesn't return to lobby like it's supposed to I'm bailing. Sorry but no thanks I don't play farming games.

    It's honestly more selfish thinking anyone finds a 3v1 fun from the get go and that you actually believe the killer should play nice in that situation. Everyone has already had their game ruined in that scenario there's no point sticking it out. Guessing though you scimmed past the part where I said if the game has already progressed enough I play it out anyway but go figure.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Do you not understand what a 4 to 1 ratio means? You keep bringing it up, yet don't seem to understand how that works. The game is designed for survivors. They need 4 survivors for every 1 killer. If the game was sided towards killers, it would take ages for killers to find a match. Say there are 100 people playing. Ideally, you want 80 survivors, and 20 killers. Every killer gets paired with 4 survivors. Which means they want people to enjoy survivor more, so they have more survivors. Say even 3 killers quit playing, that means that 12 survivors are now on hold until another killer opens a lobby.

    As far as favoring survivors, the last update notes show exactly how they favor survivors. They didn't balance ruin or the doctor for the sake of being too strong or weak. They literally said they changed it for being annoying to survivors.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    YOU brought it up to begin with guy. The game is designed to be asymmetrically 1 vs 4 so that does NOT mean the game was designed to be in survivors favor when more than half of them die a lot of games, at the lower rank. Once again, the game is not based on swf and killer is still playing with four different levels of skills regardless of rank because time and time again the ranking system has proven to be flawed. You pick one instance where the update shows to be in the survivors favor, as if there haven't been updates in killers favor. You can't base your "the game is in survivors favor" theory off one update because it shows your bias. The entire endgame event is in the killers favor but you won't mention that. Or the nerf to survivor exhaustion perks being in killers favor, like using lithe or sprint burst and having to stop, in order to recover, while STILL being tunneled by killer. Or how about DS being completely useless when the killer decides to slug you. Or killers still having one hit down abilities, but the devs nerf one heal medkits. I could also bring up doors spawning close together and killers being so close to them that they could stand in one spot and see you coming making the effort 0 on their part, but that's in survivors favor right? You're going to make an excuse for everything I've stated so this was pointless but it needed to be said.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    You keep bringing up the 4 to 1 ratio as if it somehow proves me wrong, which it doesn't. You can point out all the things in the Killer's favor, but you can also point out all the things in the survivors favor as well. You asked for ONE example of the devs being survivor sided, and it was given. The game has always been survivor sided, and this past year they have made changes to balance it more for killers. They ADDED endgame, they removed instant heals, they nerfed several perks. Why do they keep nerfing survivors? Because they are stronger than killers. Yet recently, they nerfed nurse, who's addons were broken, but was fine at base. Overnerfed. Then spirit, who survivors were annoyed by since everyone played her with nurse gone, was suddenly OP despite not changing since release. Prayer beads were rough, but they didn't just fix addons, once again, overnerfed. "Forever Freddy" nerfed. Legion, one of the weaker killers anyway, nerfed several times. Doc reworked because he's "annoying" ruin is "too hard for new survivors" hard nerf. Ruin was used in over 80% of all red ranked games. Gone. They nerfed alot on the survivor side, but also alot on the killer side.

    At lower ranks, when it's not so obvious how to play, killer has the advantage. Even if the killer doesn't know how to loop, the survivors probably don't either, and many survivors will hide in the corner or run into nowhere to heal or get away from the killer, which lets the killer get free hits or wastes survivor's time. A bad killer isn't hurt as much as bad survivors are. The killer just has to take his time and kill them, because at low ranks, survivors do not play as well, and alot of time is wasted. The longer the game lasts, the better for the killer. This makes the game in the Killer's favor at lower skill levels. Which is how the devs try to balance mostly. Endgame was a response to survivors who could take the game hostage, and an answer to hatch standoffs, not a balance issue, but a problematic game design. Even now, a survivor can just 99% a gate to not trigger endgame. So lower skill level, it's somewhat balanced. But at the top level, 4 good survivors have a huge advantage over the killer. Alot of changes are made for balance, but alot are made simply because it would be "annoying" for survivors.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    I didn't ask you one example for anything so obviously you misread what I wrote. I said PROVE the devs favor survivor and you proceeded to "make your point" by going with the most recent update that's being released while I gave you several reasons the game tends to favor killers nowadays and those weren't the only ones. No one is arguing that killers don't have it rough (at certain ranks) but it's fairly easier playing killer. Camp, slug, tunnel etc, I could go on.

  • PB182
    PB182 Member Posts: 80

    I hate when the killer DC's cause we got gens done to fast or cleansed all his totems. But it's rare that a killer disconnects for me, its brought up more with survivors because there's 4 of them per game so you're more likely to see one. Of the 4 DC over 1 killer

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2020

    Not to argue or anything, but I have come to find it a polar opposite for myself. On Xbox as Killer it takes about 4-5 minutes to find a game and as a survivor about 7-10 minutes. For PC well, on the Microsoft version of the game for a killer it takes around 10 minutes and for survivor about 12-15. On the Steam version of DBD finding a game as Killer takes about 10-20 minutes and I dare not even try survivor on that end.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Slow internet? It takes me 20 seconds to get a killer game.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Camping, slugging and tunneling does make killer alot easier, but i don't enjoy playing like that, and I'm not going to play in a way that isn't fun.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    My internet is high speed internet from Spectrum with over 100mbs download speed and 70mbs upload speed and no packet loss... I just can't seem to find a game half the time on the Steam version of this game. Most games I find in decent time is on Xbox or the Microsoft version on PC.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Weird, killer has always been crazy fast for me. Survivor takes a bit though