Later Gamers

This game's community is the worst and I think I'm generally done with this title. I haven't played in a week or two so I wanted to get back into the swing of things by playing killer (which I admit I'm not good at) and was greeted by 3 to 4 games of belittling and generally making me have an awful time. Combine that with the Ruin changes that will make it SO much easier for survivors to genrush mediocre or bad killers such as myself and I don't see myself wanting to continue playing this game. I know no one cares lol I just wanted to vent about it because I just feel like I've generally wasted 1000 hours of my life in this game. So the discussion I'm opening here is am I missing something? Is there some way that I can cling to this game? I'm just finding the game unfun now. Playing survivor is okay, and I enjoy myself more than playing killer, but the enjoyment I used to get is gone. Now it's just like I'm working a job. I have to grind to get blood points to level up the characters that will be featured in the next Tome and grind that to level up my Rift Pass so I can get the cool rewards offered and on and on and on. I guess I just need a break?

To recap- the community is toxic, I have another post saying the matchmaking is awful, the dev's seem to want to nerf a perk because it is used a lot instead of addressing why the perk is used (gens get done too quick), and the game just feels like a never ending slog.

Sorry for the long post and rant. I feel better after venting, but yeah. My enjoyment of the game is at an all time low.


  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    “Combine that with the Ruin changes that will make it SO much easier for survivors to genrush mediocre or bad killers such as myself”

    It sounds like Ruin has been propping you up a bit. If worst came to it you should theoretically derank from losing and be matched with players that are about right for your skill level. That’s what normally happens in games and there’s no shame if that happened to you. Everyone needs to start somewhere.The problem is that the matchmaking is a mess right now and even going down to rank 15 you’d be likely to get red rank players still.

    I’m really hoping the matchmaking gets fixed asap. I’m rank 4 survivor at the moment but I notice myself being thrown against green rank survivors all the time.

    If you want to cling to the game in the meantime then use high tier killers that can get the job done e.g Freddy. Go for Pop goes the weasel asap as well.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I understand how you feel. I've always been a survivor main but I've also played some killer. I haven't played killer for weeks now, because it is stressful. If it feels like work, I want to get paid for it lol

    Survivor queue times bother me, so I'm mostly playing something else atm. I follow the rule of "if I don't enjoy it, I play something else".

    However, I'm keeping an open eye at the game. If the situation changes, I'll play more again. If it doesn't change, I'll mostly stick to other games.

  • ElementDoom
    ElementDoom Member Posts: 166

    Get out while you still can!

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I think @NoShinyPony said it pretty well. If you're not enjoying the game, why don't you give yourself a longer break? Keep an eye out on twitter/the forums just to keep up to date and then eventually if the things that bother you get addressed you can come back to DBD :)

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I enjoy the game still. I usually stick to the side with the shortest que time. I'm even starting to question the Dev's. A lot of the people who play both sides and killer Mains where so confused that they was pushed it seems. While a mixture of results on survivor mains.

    I enjoy the game, but I have started to realize I'll make my own game of dbd within it. I have my ambitions to play my ways.

    Also heavily getting into risk of rain 2.