What's the point in having ranks?

Half the time it either doesn't work correctly or you'll get potato survivors in red ranks because how easy it is to pip up as survivor. I played Trapper for a daily with dirt trap addons and I had a rank 3 survivor moan about how OP it is because you can’t see them... :/
Red rank rn is hit or miss. Sometimes I'll get players who truly deserve to be in red rank (people who get gens done under 10 mins, good at hitting ruin skill checks and are great at looping) and then I'll get players who can barley hit ruin, can't loop at all, waste pallets, and go for hook rescues right in front of me.
Either fix the ranking system, make it harder for survivors to pip up or just remove ranks entirely as rn it's absolutely stupid. Can you imagine if Overwatch had the same issue where bronze players could be matched with top 500 players or could easily get to top 500 without putting in the true amount of effort in? It would be a complete disaster.
Rank doesn't matter in the game right now, there's no incentive to Rank up either other than to have unfun and troublesome games. There's so much that needs to be resolved with matchmaking right now that I'm in the middle of a break away from the game until it will eventually get sorted (along with other issues).
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Matchmaking not working, swf matchmaking, rank reset not setting potatoes far enough, it's all a big mess. Hopefully they revert the swf matchmaking and the rank reset cause it's just watering down red ranks more and more.
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I’ve had to take a huge break too tbh because the amount of issues that are present is just unbearable at this point.
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The rank reset change was one of the dumbest decisions ever
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At the moment, none I guess.
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It’s not like SWF take their rank 20 buddies into rank 1 killer games anyway, that would be crazy ;)
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Yep same for me.. Im having a break from game.. Sometimes i have that feeling like Hmmm maybe one game as killer ? Then i december all problems and all that crap in this game and im.good ... Its sad
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Nothing sucks more than jumping on what was once your favourite game only to remember the amount of issues that’s going on with it so you get put off from playing it :/
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Yep exactly.. I don't mind that surv has little advantages but amount of free jail cards making game even easier, taking into account only new players , so many broken things.. Worst part is that you know that they mostly café for new survivors.. There s always be some killers.. One thing is being outplayed because you are bad dobt have skill etc but one thing is loose because devs wants. It and amount if frustration sometimes.. A lot of people are saying that after frustrated matches when they feel like idiots due to broken perks , maps etc they just can't continue to play.. And if i were a dev damn i would be really worried that most of killer population od frustrated..
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Matchmaking tool.
I've said it 100 times. It does nothing other than attempt to match people more accurately. No reward. No season. No nothing.
Just. A. Matchmaking tool.
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A tool that doesn’t do its job properly and screws over everyone. How is that acceptable in a ‘competitive’ game???
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There are too many second chance perks tbh. That’s why it’s so easy to play survivor you can mess up so many times but it’s no big deal where as for killers if they mess up, that’s it. Game is pretty much over.
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It's not a competetive game. It has no ranked or competetive mode.
Second, it DOES do its job. It BETTER matches people to what they SHOULD be playing against.
If it didnt exist it would be ranks 1-20 in every game.
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The whole point of ranks is to separate bad players, good players, and pro players.
Im sorry but when a game can’t get ranks right then you know for a fact that there’s something wrong. Do you think it’s acceptable how a low rank player can be paired with a pro player?
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With wonky matchmaking, a poor ranking system, a poor balance philosophy, and a fast and ineffective rank reset...
There is no point to having ranks at all.
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No, which is why the tool exists. To ATTEMPT to match players accordingly. Which it usually does decently well until recently (when killers keep leaving or going to survivor).
That aside, it's not hard at all to hit red ranks, so even if it was working as YOU want it to, it means nothing.
You would honestly rather have all ranks in all games? Because that's the alternative.
This is not a competetive, ranked style game. Its asymmetrical 1v4, which cant be perfectly balanced AND recieved new content. It is not warranting of a ranked system. The only reason people take it like that, is because they see the term "rank" and immediately think ranked vs casual games.
This isnt that. Its casual. And yes, you can play competitively, and try to win, but that doesnt make this a competetive game that requires a pinpoint accurate matchmaking rank. Especially when the sides arent weighed out perfectly to a 1:4 killer survivor ratio. Something has to give, or youd wait 25 mins to get a "perfect" ranked match. Only to find that red rank teammate is boosted, and it doesnt matter anyway.
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Which is what I stated. There isnt one. Except to prevent literal 20 vs 1 matches every game.
It doesnt do anything other than keep it from being a much worse matchmaking system.
Same thing I said except that not having one would only make it worse.
Funny how you just dont like it coming from me.
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I convinced a friend to get this game.
I family shared my account and holy cow... I'm having fun!
Clueless crouching teammates are better than Claudettes who try to meme the killer and DC when they get flogged.
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I mean, Overwatch has too large of a player base, for them to have issues matching people with the wrong rank or people ranking up beyond what they should be (without teaming up with other people who are really good and boosting them to the big leagues, which happens all the time in Overwatch). Also, it's ranking system isn't based simply on how well you do in a match, but also who you're doing well against.
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To fix the broken matchmaking somehow.
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I mean, Overwatch had its moments where actual bronze players got to GM.
Lookin' at you, Moth Meta.