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WIN10 Version XBOX


Alright, tried searching around for a while and all I found were the same question: Steam Friends...

So, I will take the plunge and pester ya'all, if you would be so accommodating.

How do I ADD friends to the WIN10 version (Xbox/PC) of the game purchased through the store. I've looked in overlays (Win+G), I've tried inviting from the Console App, I've tried the Xbox Beta App, I've looked all the areas I've seen in game and I simply cannot find the place one would add friends.

Looking at my friendslist in game results in 0 friends found... no option to add any either. Hitting invite in the game (+ icon) brings up that same empty list. Even attempting, as noted above, sending "join game" invites does nothing.

Is this another feature that remains disabled? And I SOL? If I must, since it's on gamepass, I'll just play on the Console version. Personally, i still prefer the Steam version but have not been playing on Steam nearly as much in the last several months as most of my gaming pals remain restricted to console for whatever silly reasons they might have.

This leaves me wanting to play the game alongside them in a SWF measure, and nothing... I'm as lonely now PIG FACE on Valentines day.

Any help would be appreciated. Even a smack upside the head and a link to where this question has been answered elsewhere that I've missed would be fine by me.

Thanks in advance!


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020


    These links below are the closest I could find on the subject, the issue with this though is that the xbox friends list/xbox app isn't a gate-way to cross-platform play with xbox players as a Windows 10 user...

    So even if you added them through this, which seems to be the only way from what I've found, you'd still only be able to play with those friends if they also owned the Windows 10 version...

    So... if they don't, than you're out of luck!

    Here's the links from the video and post online:

    Hope this helps... I guess, since this does seem like the only option you have when it comes to the Windows 10 store.

  • Blooddoll
    Blooddoll Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for the quick and courteous reply!

    Sadly, I agree with your summary and it does appear that no cross Xbox/Win10 friendslists are useful as invites to the game do not actually end up received (on the recipients side).

    It'll possibly be added in or something later I am sure, after all why have a friends list or invite option otherwise.

    Which isn't that massive an issue since it's offered on Gamepass and I simply need download it on console to play along with pals. #sigh

    This does force me to wonder if any cosmetics/maps/dlc I purchase on WIN10 will slide over to the console... something tells me they won't. Maybe I'll just stick to the steam client, meh.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Personally, i'd wait on buying DLC, cosmetics, etc, on the Windows 10 version of DBD until they announce a cross-platform update with console.

    If they do one, since they're interested in doing it... but we don't know when or if they will do it. So, its up to you on deciding if it's worth buying cosmetics and or DLC on the Windows 10 version.

  • Blooddoll
    Blooddoll Member Posts: 4

    I concur, I had alternate expectations of completeness of features when I downloaded it from Gamepass.

    Though fairly speaking it didnt cost me anything extra other than time to install it.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Than you'll be fine.

    It isn't really that big of a deal if you have alternate options.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Not saying that crossplay won't be added in the future (since the devs have confirmed they're exploring the possibility) but I wouldn't take the fact that there is room for it in the UI as confirmation of that. It's more likely that the devs just didn't remove the friends-related UI features when they ported the game from Steam to the Windows Store - it doesn't necessarily mean that they're intending to make use of those features on the latter platform.

    Anything you purchase in-game on PC also won't transfer to your console, and vice-versa, for the time being, as cross-platform progression is not yet a feature in DBD.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Hopefully one day though, it seems to be a hot-topic at the moment among this sub-forum and the others as well.

    Players really want it to happen, so I don't see why it wouldn't unless the game literally can't do it... but i'm sure if BHVR is interested than they'll find a way!

    Still though, with all that being said it isn't a solid confirmation as you and I have said. So, we'll see what happens!

  • Blooddoll
    Blooddoll Member Posts: 4

    I'm typically not a big champion to the concern of keyboard/mouse versus controller arguments. I find that typically I avoid most games where such a disparity would yield a difference that is all that great. In fact, even in games such as Sea of Thieves, I tend to argue "WTH does it matter, eh?" as often though there is a difference, it's not typically that big of an issue in less FPS driven games.

    Even if SoT does have PvP within it.

    But in this specific game of all the games that lie outside of FPS "aim and movement" complaints... this is one wherein I actually could see a major issue. In this case it's all because of the FOV and Camera trickery that makes the game what it is - I've noticed that even a mild difference in control equality makes a pretty significant difference in this title.

    So that matter may be related, after all the Xbox community is notorious (experimentally speaking) for complaints against evil monstrous PC gamers and their soul sucking Illuminati's. So, although in many games I don't care much for that arguement - I could see it holding the devs back half a step in this case.

    Though as far as I know - steam is indeed crossplay enforced with console (or will be working properly soon) so perhaps that has been overlooked as a motivation for the sluggish inclusion of this component. That is, Console/PC Windows platform crossplay.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I personally doubt it has anything to do with that and more so that the priorities they have for the game are currently elsewhere.

    In my opinion, bug fixes, exploit fixes, optimization changes, balance, and general game-play updates are more important for DBD than cross-platform compatibility at the moment.

    Which explains why the concept of Cross-Play not being a top priority inclusion at the moment, more important things need to be tended to at the moment.

    Cross-Play is just a small concept at the moment, and while they're indeed interested... I doubt it'll be something that we'll see in the coming weeks, months maybe, weeks no.