DBD doesn't take long to learn so why are the Devs balancing the game around rank 20

The recent updates such as the Doctor rework and the ruin update seem to be about making the game more enjoyable for new players. However, Dead by Daylight does not take long to learn compared to other PVP games, due to the low mechanical skill requirement.

If a new player puts the effort in to learn the game and to improve themselves, they can become a good player in a short period of time. Especially with the amount of good tutorial videos by Ussylis, Ohtofu, Painreliever, The King etc that are available to new players. They can watch DBD content creators to see how they play the game, implement the content creators game styles into their game.

I started playing Dead by Daylight in July 2018, I got to rank 1 both as survivor and killer in September 2018, became a good survivor around October 2018 (I'm still a mediocre killer). To take into account that I only started to put in the effort to get better in the middle to late August of 2018.

Whilst I have friends who have been playing the game for as long or even longer then me, and are still not good. They are just not good at video games in general.


  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286
    edited January 2020

    Well you just answered your own question... Right now devs wants to gain as muh people as possible and they are slowly changing game to state that survivors will don't need to learn anything.. They want from survivors to open bear get a pizza get looped for a while.. ups you got down no worry we have plenty of perks to assure that killing you will be pain in the ass for killer!.. And then some teabags at the gate and in end game chat show killer that hes just dumb ai without feelings and you are the boss..Current base of players havent increased its stagnating.. So yeah they don't want from new players to learn anything.. oh but don't forget to buy one of the bilion survivor cosmetics for really good price


  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's about money. New players must continue to play the game, then they make money.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Because.. pretty good job so far

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    My understanding is that there going to do something to try to bring in a lot of people very quickly.

    In reality it's all survivor favored. Doc was never too much of a problem only really ever seen during Double Bloodpoints. Ruin doesn't need to be changed its actually the best learning tool Survivors have nail the box no regression perfect training to hit great skill checks. It's all casual player favored.

  • TheBilldozer
    TheBilldozer Member Posts: 154

    Easy to pick up

    Hard to master

    Look at the achievement percentage rates per rank bracket.

    That should tell you the answer to your question.

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323


  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    edited January 2020

    What you're saying is that it's easy to pip, not easy to play, that's why pipping means nothing. And not everyone plays 4+ hours a day (just an example, not saying you do), or spend their free time watching videos instead of actually playing the game.

    The in-game tutorial is useless and the lack of a practice mode hurts new-entries more than anyone else.

    Everyone can hold m1, but new survivors only know how to hold W and as a result get destroyed in 15 seconds when found. Even when they try to loop, any time they make a small mistake, they get on the hook. Rinse and repeat, add camping/tunneling/hook bombing and it's clear how hard it is to accumulate quality practice time during chases. Most time is spent hooked, slugged or on a gen. That's how you see many red ranks who don't know how to last more than one loop.

    Back in the days, when the game was more survivor-sided, it was easier to get back from an error in a chase and get experienced, as long as one focused on actually looping optimally. Super frustrating for killers, of course, and it's unhealty to go back to that situation. However, those killer who stuck around, certainly accumulated a tremendous amount of experience as well.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    It's somewhat hard to master killer, but as survivor (which the new update is balancing around new survivors) doesn't take long to master if the new player applies themselves. Maybe the game was easier in 2018, but after I started to try to improve as a player it only took me just a over a month to become a good survivor.

  • TheBilldozer
    TheBilldozer Member Posts: 154

    I think both were equally challenging to master, since both are very different gameplay.

    There's a very small percentage in red ranks for survivor and killer, for a good reason.

    Claiming one is "easy" compared to the others is false, as shown by the penetration of the population in red ranks on both sides.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    I assume, the devs trying their best to hold beginners in the game because I guess, that there is a high fluctuation in the low ranks.

    It is easy to forget, but the low ranks can be pretty hard, to anyone, especially for survivors imo.

    While survivors later get so strong perks that they can outplay specific killers, they getting as real bloody beginners easily stomped by every killer.

    I think it is not a miracle that the devs trying to fix this issue. Unfortunately they do it over and over again on a way that makes it harder for killers in the late game, aka. the gamepart where the most players are "stuck" if they decide to stay in the game.

    I assume that the outcome of this is, that still to many low ranks left the game and the people up there in the higher levels getting more and more upset about the patches and updates that nerf their favorite characters.

    At least I feel this way very often.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I think it's because the devs have realized that low rank queue times can get really high and they still can't fix the matchmaking, so they're just trying to make the game easy for those Survivors so they'll want to stay and repopulate the low ranks.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited January 2020

    If BHVR wants to keep new players in the game they should really improve the new player experience.

    • A fully fleshed out tutorial
    • Less of a grind starting out
    • Features that reduce griefing - Ex) AFK crows for killers so their collision disappears to prevent hostage situations, cooldown on mori to prevent mori spam since it's for some reason reportable and an actual chat filter for those who don't want to see slurs in chat.
    • Replace the shrine with a perk market that prices perks based on how old they are. This would benefit everyone but would be more appealing to new players rather than waiting a week for a perk.

    These are excluding matchmaking issues which admittedly you can't control unless you have a proper amount of players at each rank. Only way they fix that is if they get a surge of players and actually keep them.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375


  • TheBilldozer
    TheBilldozer Member Posts: 154

    So have you not reviewed the steam charts recently? Year over year, month over month, their player base is increasing.

    Their viewership on Twitch is also regularly in the top ten.

    So when you say things like "IF BHVR WANTS TO KEEP PLAYERS" - you're being hyperbolic and are speaking against the data.

    What you're MEANING to say is: If BHVR wants to keep YOU in the game, they should meet YOUR specific listed demands. At least be honest about it.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    Granted we are getting new players but we also can't prove if a lot of them are just old players returning after a big update. Numbers don't give us enough info.

    I personally don't benefit from anything I mentioned because I've played since 2016 and have all content unlocked. There's literally nothing BP does for me unless it's at the launch of each chapter.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    It's actually more complex than you'd think, there are thousand of players, even high ranks who don't know how the emblem sistem works, what Luck is about, what is a bannable offense or a reportable offense, how much time a gen takes to be done depending on the amount of people on it,

    Newbies have to learn what I just said plus an inmense amount of perks, perk combos, what statuses are (exhaustion, etc.), maps, what totems are, specific survivors and killers abilities, should I continue? Being able to "run" doesn't mean you know how to loop, being able to repair doesn't mean you know how to do perfect skillchecks, being able to drop a pallet doesn't mean they learnt how to actually stun a killer or when to or not drop a pallet, damn, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF RED RANK WHO DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO BLIND THE KILLER WITH A LANTERN.

    Don't get me wrong, I believe veterans are as important as new players, my issue is with you saying this is not a complex game, if you think doing gens, openning gates is all there is... Damn I hope you're not a purple or red rank...

  • TheBilldozer
    TheBilldozer Member Posts: 154

    Agreed. Like I said before, easy to pick up; difficult to master.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    A max average of 22k at a time is not many people. And it just now reached that.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited January 2020

    Did I say that Dead by Daylight isn't a complex game?

    I just said it doesn't take much mechanical skill (coordination) to be good at the game, compared to other PVP games such as Overwatch.

    As mentioned in my main post, there are a lot of good tutorials on Youtube that go into depth, about structures, pallets, flashlights etc which are available to new players.

    In my opinion it's more important thing for a survivor is the knowledge of how to loop the killer optimally, as well as the core basics of the. Gen times, luck, the pipping system, mind games is something that is easily picked up over time.

    I say this as a survivor main but in my opinion killer is probably harder to master then survivor. A killer has to learn how to juggle between providing map pressure and chasing survivors. Understanding how to deal with common loops, when to commit or not to commit to chases, I could go on.

    Yes I am a red rank, I've been a rank 1 survivor since September 2018 and I've been a red rank killer on and off since then as well. I'm a good survivor, and considering I've been playing the game for nearly two years I'd class myself as a veteran.

    EDIT: As I already mentioned before, I started playing around the time the Clown was released. There was less content in the game. Not as many killers, maps, perks, and the pipping system was simpler.

    Whilst newer players have it harder then when I started the game. I still believe a new player could become a good survivor (can play optimally, and know to loop properly) in a short period of time if they put the time and effort into it.