Killers can't hold the game hostage - Mind changed

TheWind Member Posts: 59
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I've seen people say a lot that killers hold the game hostage and I can't think of a way that they can to be honest. Everything they do is on a timer. Let me be clear, I don't care if killers or survivors hurt your feelings, I'm talking about he ability to leave a game.

Point: only survivors can hold a game hostage. (This isn't true by my own definition since it would actually fall under hurt feelings due to no more infinite loops and pallet count)

Edit: I didn't consider body blocking survivors into a corner or a room. That's a pretty despicable thing to do.

Slugging - you'll die eventually, sure you have to sit and die but there is an end

Camping - you lose points, it's a bummer and frustrating but the killer loses points too. It's basically mutually assured destruction. Still, a hook is a timer and when you die, while sad, the game goes on.

Non-participation - the killer broke and just stands there. No gen pressure means you can just do the gens and leave. He's not preventing you from doing literally anything. Not sure what broke in them but it happens.

Tunneling - you're an easy target or the killer has decided you're the guy. When you die, the game will continue.

In contrast, what happens if a group of survivors refuses to do gens and is a swf or just better than the killer. Is there a way for the game to end that doesn't involve disconnecting? I can't think of one but there could be.

If I'm missing something let me know.

Post edited by TheWind on


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited January 2020

    Leave 1 or two suvivors stuck in a corner with you body blocking them after you've killed the other 2 - 3. This has been done in The Game, Hawkins and old Yamaoka main house. It's a bannable offense btw.

    They have to had been dumb enough to stay in a specific place where this can be done.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    If its the last survivor you can trap them in a corner and not hit them...

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    They actually can if they find the last Survivor in a corner and the EGC hasn't started yet.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Have all survivors in the basement and then block the exit and go afk. Or just corner trap someone and do the same thing. There are also dead end rooms in maps like The Game and Hawkins that allow for it too. Honestly, there are several ways a killer can hold the game hostage.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    If a group of survivors refuse to do gens are are "better than the killer", pallets will still eventually get used up, leaving bloodlust, thus making the killer able to still kill them. All they did was hurt themselves.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    They could if they were to bodyblock last survivor in a corner

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    By the definition of "Holding Game Hostage" for report purposes, you can kill 3 survivors, and then block the last survivor in a corner. If the hatch is still open the game won't end. The last survivor would be forced to DC. I've actually seen this done before to me and friends because the Killer didn't want to hit the survivor, giving him a speed boost, and then eventually loop the killer till the survivor got the hatch - or the killer didn't chase and then just the survivor found the hatch first.

    My definition of taking the game hostage, is when I kill 2 survivors before they finish their 3rd gen, and then I keep slugging/hooking/chasing, basically just beating on the last 2 survivors until I max all of my bp catagories, and then I finally kill the last 2 survivors by slugging one, and then hooking the other for the 4k. It's what is required of you in red ranks, and I absolutely hate it.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    The basement thing was removed, you can pass a killer now eventually. And "several ways" is actually just body blocking, but on different spots.

    Btw how do survivors hold the game hostage? Refusing to do gens shouldn't be the case, you still can find them somehow as they have to move to not get shown by crows. This just extends the game for an annoying amount of time but doesn't take the game hostage. The only thing I know is make use of a glitch to get somehwere where the killer cannot land a hit anymore and refuse to leave that position

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    Aside from already mentioned: Hatch spawned, EGC did not start, only one Survivor left, I would also consider the following situations as "Holding the game hostage":


    Blocking a Survivor into a Corner until EGC kills them. Yes, the game can end. However, it is at least griefing to do that and I think the only solution should not be that you have to wait for your teammates to do all the Gens so that you can finally die. This can also take a long time, because they might not be on the Gen the whole time, but wandering around, looting Chests, cleansing Totems to get at least some Points and maybe just looking what is going on. If it is not holding the game hostage, it is at least griefing.


    3 genning a Team without any effort to advance the gamestate. So only removing them from the Gens without any intention to leave that area or to go for a chase to win. Yes, the Killer is protecting the Gens, but if he does not do any effort to get a Hook and just chases the Survivors away, there is no way for the game to end.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    Blocking a survivor in a corner or closed off room like the basement is a way the killer can hold the game hostage as stated. Although BHVR should give killers AFK crows that removes collision to prevent this all together. Yeah you can report the killer for this but scenarios like this should be prevented in the first place so the survivors don't have their games ruined in the first place.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Survivor goes to a corner.

    Killer stands in front of Survivor such that they can't escape corner.

    Killer does not do anything.


  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Block the stairs on thompsons since theres no 0ther way out your stuck there

  • TheWind
    TheWind Member Posts: 59

    While I agree with body blocking, scaring survivors off a gen with no intent of downing them means the survivors can simply split up and do other gens. There could be something to the last survivor but the hatch closes and the doors are powered unless the killer stands on the hatch...

    Standing on the hatch means the doors are unguarded though.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    The 2nd case doesn't work as the Killer would need to down Survivors in one way or another to keep them off of gens. And once a Survivor is on the ground they will bleed out sooner or later. Can't chase someone off a gen and keep them off if you don't down. Can't stop someone from working a gen without downing or grabbing them.

    I can't think of any case where a Killer can hold a game hostage outside of corner trapping the someone. And that should be easy enough to fix by adding an AFK timer for Killers. If the Killer doesn't move for a full 2 minutes, the EGC starts as if the Entity saying "######### this, Im out".