Doctor rework is outstanding

Fantastic job devs. Docs power actually works at loops now, and Static Blast is amazing for tracking. Even his music is awesome. This was a homerun.
Sorry bud but. His shock still has a delay. It's just like old doc, no better for looping....Well...maybe you get a small amount more distance but they increased how slow you go when charging the shock.
But I do slightly agree with static blast being good for tracking, shame it's on a one minute cool down and can still be countered by lockers
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You're wrong about that. His power is even BETTER at loops than before.
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Reduce charging move speed to 67% normal from 70% normal to keep the speed the same at 3.08 m/s.
Says here they adjusted the charge move speed to make it the same as pre-rework (when Doc would be at 110% speed while in Treatment Mode instead of 115% always). So it's overall a step up for the Doctor as far as Shock Therapy is concerned.
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"they adjusted the charge move speed to make it the same as pre-rework (when Doc would be at 110% speed"
How is keeping something the basically the same to as it was before a step up?
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Because now he doesn't have to move at 110% speed to have access to his Shock Therapy. He can stay at the full 115%.
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His shock doesn't have a delay. It's the exact same as before the rework according to Peanits. And his shock 100% works better at loops. Even truck loops which are fairly long loops. You need to know how to use his shock for it to work, and for me it has done wonders. I'm pretty sure the charge time is actually slightly less too. Overall, this is a massive improvement. I'd even say a good Doctor player can make him into a low A tier killer.
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Definitely an improvement from ptb. But I still don't like how they changed snap out of it, while leaving his addons with afflictions the same