What point in dbd have you felt the most enjoyable?

What part in the dbd game development have you liked the most? I only have been playing since July so I would have to say stranger things pre nurse nerf
Right now is probably the best so far. Survivor queues are a tad high but killer is the best it's been with gatekeeper change.
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As killer - late 2018 when they made pallets about 16m apart.
As survivor - Now that Ruin is gone lol
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when multiple blink nurse got deleted
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Idk, i've enjoyed it enough to keep playing ever since beta.
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Late 2018, just before cancer Legion got released.
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Most enjoyable: Before I knew anything. Was thrilling and exciting and really, really fun.
Drop of excitement happened when I finally swapped over and tried playing killer. All went downhill from there. You begin to see flaws in both sides which before then you easily simply did not SEE, because you were too into it through the rush of gameplay.
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From when old DS was balanced to just before MoM was introduced.
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When Ghostface was released. I had my blood points saved up and got him too prestiged 3 in no time. The most fun I've ever had playing a new killer and he's still one of my favorites today though I certainly don't have as much fun as I use too today.
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After Freddy rework but before Steanger things where they began going totally crazy on nerfs
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when clown came out
thats whenever i played on ps4 and all my friends got it because it randomly came for free on ps plus
they still like the game, but quit just because of different games that came out
i'm the only one that survived :')
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I preferred both roles right after the Halloween update. The game was definitely more unbalanced for both sides back then, but I had a hell of a lot more fun. Definitely feel like a hipster saying this but the more popular this game gets the more the community goes to shite. It's the reason I quit actively playing around the Plague release.
If it wasn't for the great content creators and the hilarious forum posts I probably wouldn't follow the game at all tbh.
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Ironically what I was gonna say too.
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I still find it very enjoyable lol. On both sides too! Yes, killer is more work, but I play killer on my own terms and have a blast.
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Mid 2019 when I managed to get nurse down on ps4 and climb all the way to red ranks for my first time.
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There were a few weeks in 2019, I think it was in June but I'm not positive, where the chase music got lowered a lot and I was able to hear sounds and track survivors via audio...
Best time I ever had in the game. Only lasted a few weeks, though, and then chase music went back to being too loud, and sounds get broken constantly in new updates.
I really miss that audio balance. It's never been as good since.
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When Legion came out, the pre nerf Legion was really fun.
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WHen a friend bought me Freddy, loved playing old Freddy, now they screwed him up.