Matchmaking Question from New Player

Picked up the game two weeks ago and have absolutely loved playing survivor with friends during the rare downtime adult life provides. Finally decided to give killer a try recently and in my 6 games, the first 3 were with survivors close to my rank, but the latter 3 matched me, a lvl 20-19 with a lvl 9, mostly lvl 11-12's and--at the highest--a lvl 15. Makes for quite the difficult learning experience playing with survivors with such a rank/experience discrepancy. A dev in another thread answered a two-part question I had and noticeably ignored the second portion regarding matchmaking (a trend I've noticed through my first couple hours skimming on this forum today).

Thus, I figured I'd ask the community to fill me in on the matter! I'm enjoying the game immensely, but has killer matchmaking always been so lopsided or is this a recent occurrence? Any reason devs are intentionally ignoring threads on the topic (i.e. already have plans for a change so they no longer will address repetitious topics; don't know how to fix it so they just ignore it)? I don't frequent gaming forums much (or at all until now, really) so I apologize if this has been discussed to death, but I'd be keen on a little history lesson. Gracias!


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Ranking up as survivor is too easy.

  • AlbinoViera
    AlbinoViera Member Posts: 169
    edited January 2020

    There's been an ongoing problem with matchmaking, some are blaming it on dedicated servers, others blaming it on killers leaving, most likely case being incompetent developers. But either way, that's how it is when you play as killer now. You will be* matched around 2 rank classes below your current one. By that I mean, being a rank 20 will match you with green ranks and below.

    It's happening on both sides though, being a green rank killer after not playing for a couple months, I was matched by a team of two red-ranks, a rank 19 and a purple rank. Worse thing being they weren't a 4-man SWF.