Year of the Dog Outfits

Alpha8512_Xbox Member Posts: 34
edited January 2020 in Off-topic

I am quite mad that the Year of the Dog outfits are not in the game. Why are all of the other event exclusive outfits still in the store? Pls add David's skin back.


  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Unlike the other Chinese New Year outfits, the Year of the Dog outfits were around when there was no in game store to buy it. You had to work and grind to get them, and this was during a particularly egregious time in DBD, where survivors were much, much stronger than they are today. Playing killer during this time period could probably be considered masochistic. For example:

    • The pallet vacuum existed.
    • Exhaustion recovered while running.
    • There were only two "good" killers, being Billy and Nurse. You might be able to fit Huntress in there too.
    • For a few days during the event, some dev went nuts and said "If a killer is stunned during the pickup animation at any point, they will drop the survivor." Meaning if you were under a pallet or out in the open, there was no way to avoid dropping a survivor, which was thankfully reverted a few days later.
    • Old DS existed.
    • Flashlights were much stronger, with instablinds existing.
    • Survivors would do almost anything to avoid you getting a Lunar Hook. Sabo squads were everywhere.

    That's just a few examples. Killer was terrible to play back then, just about anytime before Curtain Call was released, which fixed a bunch of killer's issues, and made it a lot more fun. If you want more insight, take a watch at this video to see how bad killer was to play back then.

    This video was posted on March 4th, 2018, so about a month after the Howling Grounds event ended, and highlights issues with the event and the game ik general back then. I don't think the Howling Ground cosmetics will come back, and will stay exclusive to those who earned them, similarly to Legacy.