survivors sitting under the hooked survivor

just this week l've seen 3 people doing this, every time I try to hit them i just end up hitting the hooked person.and they make the save with borrowed time. Its frustrating because they sit there and wait for you to leave.
Working as intended
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show me the devs saying this is intended
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You'll see this referred to as "hook tech."
The devs responded to one thread and said they're looking into fixing it, but it'll take time because it's more complicated than expected. Link:
To combat "hook tech" for now, just don't try to hit the survivor hiding under the hook. Stand there and stare at them, and that's two people not doing gens.
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Its killer bug so expect it be fixed in a few months.. But survivor bugs are fixing within few days..
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Sarcasm missed
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Swing closer to the actual hook and you'll hit them. :)
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Yep, just camp until they move. Works every time.
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Apparently DS is broken in the latest patch and of course the devs are scrambling to fix it right away, but we've been waiting for weeks for them to fix invincible survivors..
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Unless you're Oni. You can hit that person with his power.
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Really? Nice. Annoying that it's not the same for Bubba; I've seen video of him being unable to hit the hiding survivor with his chainsaw; it just kept hitting the one on the hook. Frickin' meat shield.
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what you said its exactly what all the survivors said when l asked them why they're doing it...
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I had someone try this on me when I was playing leatherface. It didn't work out very well for them, to say the least. Made sure to 1 hook him as well, as punishment.
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Oh sure, show me a clip of that working on a survivor that isn't brain-dead and doesn't ######### it up (unless I missed sarcasm, the only reason why I'm saying is because people on here legit believe you can counter it by doing that when that just doesn't work and they can just move to the other side.)
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That'd be good if they weren't able to unhook and run before you even activated his power.
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Usually they don't even try. Because the fact that Oni is immune to their exploit hasn't circulated through the community yet. So they don't move, and have no idea that they are about to have their ######### pushed in.
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We are still waiting on the devs to fix the sounds, but clearly that isn't happening any time soon.
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DS is broken? Damn, gotta fix that quick. The only things they scramble to fix are survivor fixes and killer nerfs. This is observable fact, lol
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Haha! Oni is finally a good killer!
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I just camp the hook. Two people not doing generators. Two people out of the match. The other two are bound to come at some point as well.
When playing Plague you can puke through the hooked survivor and break the survivor abusing the exploit so now they are a one shot when they decide they want to move.
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this, I just wait, they wanna play like that? fine, lets play.
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You can hit them, you have to swing for the hook and the auto aim takes over.
Also, this is free pressure, someone dying on hook and you lose no pip points because another survivor is close. So you can always camp.
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I'm not being sarcastic. I've done it plenty of times. Its stupid as hell, yes, but I find it easy to counter and so does a famous streamer I watch.
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Just facecamp them both. Sucks for the hooked survivor but it's the exploiter's fault.
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God, i love this "hook tech" thingy. You actually can hit them from the side (left or right), but you have to be patient with your hit. Takes also a bit practise. When i see the survivor under the hook changes the side, i'll just camp them both. 2 survivors not on gens... and a 3rd one comming to help most likely. ^^
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And then DING DING DING gens are done gg
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It's easy to counter. Maybe I'm just lucky but Every time it happens I always get the hit.
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If you see anyone doing this, report them. It's an exploit.