What are your thoughts on matchmaking and/or queue times?

I don't know know about y'all, but I can't STAND this matchmaking. I have been struggling to get out of GREEN ranks as killer for a while because the survivors I'm going against are purple and RED ranks!! Why do I have to go against the upper tier of survivors? I have no room for mistakes if I want to get ANY kills, and as a player that doesn't play killer too often, it's DIFFICULT. I'm still learning how to anti-loop and mindgame properly. I have to really rely on outsmarting the survivors because I struggle mechanically. It's harder to be accurate on console than on pc. Gens get done so fast it's insane! I can't ever get enough map pressure especially if I'm playing a killer I have little experience with. If I ever get a game with no red ranks, so like between ranks 7 or 8-12, I do well. When I play survivor it's the opposite. As a purple/red rank survivor, I always tend to get teammates on the other side of the spectrum. It's frustrating!! I can never enjoy a game if my teammates are playing like idiots. On top of that the ######### queue times...... How am I supposed to enjoy the game if it takes forever to get into a match? It takes ever longer if I'm playing with friends. Does anyone else have a problem with the matchmaking and/or the queue times?
Best Answer
It's appalling.