Suggestion - Additional Passive Abilities


All killers have a specific active ability they can use. All characters have unlockable perks that can then be distributed to others. What if all characters, both survivors and killers, had a passive in addition to their active ability that was specifically tied to them? I guess you could argue that some killers already have passives in the form of the Spirit phasing in and out, or some being able to crouch. That said, here are some suggestions I've come up with.

Meg: Gain an additional 3% movement speed and vault speed at the start of a match. Every time a survivor is hooked, lose 0.5% of this bonus speed (to a minimum of 0%).

Claudette: Receive 20% more bloodpoints for altruistic actions. Heal other survivors 10% faster while not within the killer's terror radius.

Jake: Turn Calm Spirit into his passive, with a flat 90% chance to not alert animals.

Pig: Every injured or dying survivor increases your movement speed while crouching by 3%.

Clown: The duration of stuns are reduced by 20%.

Cannibal: While within 24 meters of a dying survivor, your chainsaw charges 10% faster and your primary attack cooldown is reduced by 10%.


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    No. The game has so many mechanical elements to remember already, and maps to understand, loops to know, having passives would not be worth it. They are creative, but not balanced.

    Also, Cannibal's encourages proxy camping dying survivors. They will not like that one.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Meg would turn into the best survivor possibly. Even tho it's only 3% it already messes a little with loop times.

    While Bubba would become the greatest slugger.

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2020

    While the game has quite a few mechanics in terms of perks, the game eases you in by pairing you against similar-ranked people. I'd wager half of the perks in the game would never be seen within a player's first 50 matches anyway. Items? They all do about the same thing, just varying levels of effectiveness. Offerings? You can see what they do in the loading screen. Killer mechanics? Half of the killers have mechanics that aren't any more difficult to understand than your standard perk.

    Leatherface is one of the strongest altruism defenders in the game, despite being one of the most underwhelming. Why should killers NOT play into their strengths?

  • Arxaion
    Arxaion Member Posts: 104

    I think you're overestimating Bubba's benefits here, by calling him the greatest slugger. The passive does play into it, sure, but it isn't nearly as strong as to simply call him the best slugger just based on that.

    Meg's 3% movement speed has diminishing returns.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    It would be nice if different characters had different stats..




    some would suck at one but be good at others..

    But yeah people would just pick whoever has the best repair skills and genrush.. Nevermind that idea

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    These aren't passive powers... static field was a passive power

    This just adding perks to base kit


    I'll pass